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Help me Improve my Ad Pics?


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I've got a lot of items up on the Marketplace, but I don't have a lot of sales.  I imagine some of this is because I create clothing textures, so I have a lot of competition, but I'm well aware that a lot of it is likely that I'm not creating effective ads and ad images.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any good resources to help me come up with effective ads, so I thought I'd post here and see if anybody can give me some advice.

Here's one of my items (it's a freebie, but it's done in the same style as the rest of my templates) My Item

I generally use the same ad image for both my in-world vendors and my marketplace items. I thought uniformity would be a good thing, so all my ads feature the same model in the same pose - now I'm wondering if that's a bad thing instead?


Any advice would be great!

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Hi Tenshi, variety is the spice of life, as they say :)  I would get bored (and I do in the Land section ads) seeing the same type ad, model, etc...Something different would jump out at me more (check out Tink Carver's ads in Land...he phrases something different everytime and it catches my eye each time.)

Of course, just my opinion and personal preference...good luck to you :)


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If you know how to do a screen shot and you have photoshop or similar and it looks like you do then you do have the resources.

Your ad is not too bad but do not place text on top of the item and do not darken the model. In both cases the only way people can see what you have to offer is to see what you have to offer from a picture, so let them see it by not covering or hiding the picture of the featured item.

Look at other ads to see what strikes you as effective and follow that lead but make it your own, be creative. To me when I see cloned images of the same model it appears cheap but using the same model in different poses is fine... that's just me though. Having the same images for inworld and on the marketplace is a great way to show consistency.

Use serious font for serious products and silly font for silly or joke items.



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Uniformity among your signs is good, but you should change up the model and the poses. The overall sign you have is good except it needs a bit more variety. Both the foreground and back ground are black. Have a look at some of my items. I have the same overall set up, but I sometimes change the color of the sidebar. 

Again, I want to stress that the sign you have is a *very* good start. You just need to add some other (preferably lighter) color to it.

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Sorry, wasn't very clear there - I meant resources as in guides. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

My main reason for putting text on top is to prevent people from just copying the texture straight from the image....maybe I should try a transparent watermark instead? (I've been away from SL for a while, so I'm not sure if this is still even an issue in general).

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Actually the blue print idea is a good one as long as it's subtle and doesn't distract from the item you're selling. I had thought about color coding as well, but didn't. If you go through my items and try to figure out my color code it may drive you crazy, cause there isn't one :) Just subtle, random variations in signs. It's just the color I felt like using that day. However, that could go either way; just one color, random colors, or a set color code for different categories....each has it's strong points and it's just a matter of personal preference for you.

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How would something like this work?  -

TKBackstage Template.png


Not quite sure what colours I'd use for each category (although I know I'm going to do tops blue), but I'm thinking of keeping them all the same basic idea....cool blues, greens and purples.


EDIT - Erm...and the final version would have been properly spellchecked to say "download' instead of 'dowload' *facepalm*

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A couple things: In the original image you posted the bottom bar was very sleek and simple, and was nice to look at. Also, as I believe you mentioned, you'll want to water mark the template some how (some one could just snag the template from that pic). When selecting a color (such as the blue in the background), open the color picker in photoshop or gimp (whichever you're using) and in the big color square drag the circle (photoshop) or crossbeams(gimp) down and to the left at a 45 degree angle. This will give you a nice, non-standard color that won't overpower the item. You'll have to sort of watch the color change until you find one that is pleasing. Hope this helps :)

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Not everyone like every suprise, but the words "surprise bonus" as enough to break some people's indecision about a purchase option... and then you have to give them something they don't expect.

If you like, I can give you a free copy of my crud crawler and you can include it as a "surprise bonus" in all your clothing packages.

If the crud crawler isn't surprising enough, there's always the "skatolo skatologa".


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Maybe it is just me but when the avies modeling an item look dated I figure the products inside are old too.  And maybe they even are lol, but think should always appear to be new and fresh.  Suggest updating the model with a great skin, hair, eyes...with items released this year or, get a friend who has a super avie to model for you. Another alternative would be take the model totally out of the pic and try to showcase in some other manner. 

In product shots think depth and dimension can help showcase and add polish.  I like to use drop shadows, sometimes glows and or photoshop effects to help the product pop off the box more

The bottom section of your template with logo looks great I think

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The idea is good, good choice for the background for these kind of items, showing both the template and a model wearing the blanc template. It gives good information for the customer.

But a price on a box... I wouldn't do it. On the marketplace customers see the price already, and inworld they can click the box to see the price. There might be reasons in the future for you to change your price, and then you have to adjust all your textures.

And the glow around "TKBackstage" is too heavy to my taste.

And another little thing... the shadow behind the model... why not let it fall on the template, so the model comes a bit loose of the template? I think that will work better then how you work with the shadow in the current pic. It can be a bit larger but softer as well.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

The idea is good, good choice for the background for these kind of items, showing both the template and a model wearing the blanc template. It gives good information for the customer.

But a price on a box... I wouldn't do it. On the marketplace customers see the price already, and inworld they can click the box to see the price. There might be reasons in the future for you to change your price, and then you have to adjust all your textures.

And the glow around "TKBackstage" is too heavy to my taste.


I've actually made a new logo in the time since I've uploaded that - it's still got a glow, but the font is thicker so it's not as overpowering -

The price though....I think that's more of a personal thing for me - I've actually left shops because I couldn't see the price on anything.  I doubt I'll change my prices, and if I do...it'll probably be time for rebranding anyways ;P


How's this look, with the new logo in it?


TKBackstage Template.png

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First the positives: I like the bottom bar again :) It's simple and clean, and the border around the image gives it some depth. And you have a very nice "off pallet" color on the border and bottom bar. I would, as mad suggested, tone down the glow on your logo a *lot*. Also the "backstage" looks a bit cramped. Try extending the box to include TK, but make it white behind those letters. I'd also go a little more off color on the background behind the model, just drop down the saturation a bit. The display and watermark look good. Lastly, you have way too many fonts going on in there, especially on the price. You're using a serif font on that one, but the rest are sans-serif. Hope this is helpful and doesn't sound too nit picky. I was (and still am) just as critical of my own signs :)

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Redid the logo - I don't like it, but meh, I'll survive.... and all the fonts (except the one in the logo) are all Eras (The CMT part is just a slightly bolder Eras)

I had no idea how to adjust the saturation on the background, since that was a white-to-transparent gradient I'd added....so I just scrapped it and made the background all one colour.

TKBackstage Template.png


EDIT - Did some more fiddling, and came up with this:

TKBackstage Template.png


(Yes, I added the glow back in a bit :smileytongue: it kept bugging me that it was too ... blunt...looking without it.

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Don't rush too much with your logo. Take the time to think about it. It will be visible on all your products, it will represent your brand. It has it's own design proces.... can you find a way to visualise what TKBackstage stands for? And play a bit around... maybe just 'Backstage' as brandname or 'Backstage by TK' , or some like: Backstage TK (tk at top as superscript). Play, play... and think about your logo as the face of your brand.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

 can you find a way to visualise what TKBackstage stands for?

^^; The problem is...that was pretty much the over-glowy one for me, I was trying to get the look of...stencilled, I guess? Since this is purely a line made to help designers by providing very basic templates.  I suspect this one will grow on me, though - I already liked the font, it was just the removal of the glow that bugged me.  I'll just keep fiddling with it. :)

THe name though, I've had  for a few years now, so it's sorta past the point where I think I can really make any major changes to it (that, and I actually like that, since it sorta works with my clothing line, TKDesign. :D)

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The blue to black gradient looks good. And Madeliefste is right about trying several different ideas with the logo. What I suggested was just that; a suggestion. Something to try to see if it works. The glow you have on there is good, it adds a nice accent without overpowering it. But, yeah, keep working with the logo until you find something you like that "pops" (heck, I'm still messing with mine :P ). Also, if you look at companies like Coke, they have at least three logos that I know of, that they interchange regularly.

And the sign is looking good. Thank you for lettings us help you with the make over :)

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Mylar wrote:

The blue to black gradient looks good. And Madeliefste is right about trying several different ideas with the logo. What I suggested was just that; a suggestion. Something to try to see if it works. The glow you have on there is good, it adds a nice accent without overpowering it. But, yeah, keep working with the logo until you find something you like that "pops" (heck, I'm still messing with mine
). Also, if you look at companies like Coke, they have at least three logos that I know of, that they interchange regularly.

And the sign is looking good. Thank you for lettings us help you with the make over

Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's never happy with her logo. :D  And thanks so much for your help! Definately looking a lot better now!

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