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How do you like your eggs?


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Willow Danube wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

bohemians think they do but you will often find them outside macdonalds rummaging through the rubbish bins for discarded burgers and fillet 'o' fish, a rare prize amongst bohemians and the pinnacle of their gastric delights. 

? Did you just changed your lifestyle again? Are you saying when you were a bohemian you were doing all that? That's weird... I've never done those things.

i thought i was bohemian then but if you are bohemian i cant be.

i'm neither poor or uneducated and i have good taste.

i guess im out.


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Willow Danube wrote:

But.. but.. but... I was emulating you. If  you can't even trust your fickle mind why should I believe that you are a certified bon vivant? Makes me wonder if when you said eggs, they were from a real bird.

I know you think you thought you knew what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you understood

what you thought I meant.

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Willow Danube wrote:

oohhh... I beg to differ.

No way you can beat Chuck Norris. He's the better Christian. He owns Righteous Indignation.

I'm bohemian, I don't act righteous. I just pretend to be one. Are you a bohemian?

i'm a musician and a bon vivant, not a bohemian.

people who call themselves bohemians are just poor, uneducated people who can't accept being poor and uneducated.

and i like my eggs soft boiled with soldiers.

lesson three: Changing your story when new facts emerge...

i'm a bohemian, but that takes effort, its not just turning on a personality at the flick of a switch.



subltely needs work =P


Some people will try to gross you out by telling you that eggs are fetuses. Ignore them; it's not true, eggs are generally unfertilized... it's more accurate to say what you are actually eating is a chickens period. Bon appetite!


announcing this fact can get you kicked out of most restaurants...


I like hard boiled, chopped into salads, moist scrmbled with cheese, and occasionally sunny side up with with toast.

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Void Singer wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Willow Danube wrote:

oohhh... I beg to differ.

No way you can beat Chuck Norris. He's the better Christian. He owns Righteous Indignation.

I'm bohemian, I don't act righteous. I just pretend to be one. Are you a bohemian?

i'm a musician and a bon vivant, not a bohemian.

people who call themselves bohemians are just poor, uneducated people who can't accept being poor and uneducated.

and i like my eggs soft boiled with soldiers.

lesson three: Changing your story when new facts emerge...

i'm a bohemian, but that takes effort, its not just turning on a personality at the flick of a switch.

yeah we did that one already, you snooze you lose.


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I like our local dish,, Star Gazy Pie.

Short crust pastry, enough to make a cover and base for your chosen pie dish

Seven different kinds of fish ( This is traditional but it is usually made with Herrings, Sardines or Pilchards And need not be seven if a smaller pie is desired.)

Large chopped onion ... Salt and Pepper to taste.... Mustard or Horse Radish

3 tbsps of Chopped Parsely .... 3 hard boiled Eggs.... 3 Rashers Streaky Bacon

Egg or milk to glaze pie.



Clean and gut the fish leaving the heads on. Line your chosen dish with short crust pastry.

Stuff the cavity in the fish with a mixture of chopped parsley mixed with mustard or horse radish sauce. Arrange them in the piedish with their heads pointing sky ward. Pack the gaps between the fish with chopped hard boiled eggs, chopped onion and chopped bacon. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Cover the dish with short crust pastry binding top to bottom by brushing the edges of the pastry with milk or water. Make the fish snug in the pie and glaze the top with beaten egg or milk.

Place in a hot oven at 400 F for half an hour. If the fish are large, reduce the heat to 300 F and cook a further fifteen minutes.

Serve with ceremony and Enjoy!


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Mayalily wrote:

I'm 5' 4", almost 5' 5". 

I eat protein, but for most meals I have to force myself to eat at all.

Some people I've met in RL think this is funny or sounds fun to be an anorexic, but it most certainly is not.  Fun to be an anorexic, not hardly, but this comes from people I meet in RL. 

If you want to help be my nutritionist Ceka, I'm open to suggestions and my IM box here is open to you. 

oh god no ..i have a hard enough time keeping my fiance eating right lol..

i don't starve him or anything like that..i just don't like when i make him a lunch and he decides to eat taco bell or something that has no benefit for him..

one time he forgot his lunch under the seat and kept forgetting it..then i used the truck and had to jump out fast because he had left it in there for who knows how long ..it started to smell..

so i looked under the seat and saw it was a few lunches i made for him..so i knew he snuk fast foods in there a few days a week..

so i just sat them on his seat and took my jeep to the store..they really started to stink his truck up while sitting in the hot sun  lol



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lol, I know, planning meals for two can be a little tricky, but we try to improve our diet as best as possible every day.  Although, since I have to drink these awful cardboard tasting prescription drinks from my doctor, I'd best stick with his advice for now.  Plus I hate going for blood tests when it's not needed or when my cholesterol has gone back down.  Anyhow, I do appreciate the helpful advice you have given regarding nutrition, and it's always welcome, even if you come across an article or something, you can drop it in my inbox if you happen to stumble upon something on the internet regarding anorexia and nutrition. 

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i sure will..i am always looking up something on the net for everything around the house and  all kinds of foods that are good for different things..

my best discovery was baking soad and distilled vinegar..did you know that  you can get rid of almost all cleaning supplies and laundry detergents and fabric softners and just about anything you clean with and just use baking soda and distilled vinegar and your home will be a cleaner healthier home..

a lot think their house will smell like vinegar if they use it but it doesn't..

i used it on everything..i save tons of money also not having to buy all those cleaning supplies..

i switched one time to a detergent that we had around the house from using baking soda and vinegar when i did the laundry one time..

my fiance thought i used startch to iron his work clothes..

he said why do my clothes feel like they are gonna peal my skin off? LOL

i said well i ran out of vinegar so i used that detergent we had in there..he said throw that crap out ,i like my clothes soft..

just thought i would throw that in for a nice money saver tip =)



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Three extra large eggs into a blender and whipped to a froth.   Add in half a dozen hearty dashed of Texas Pete, a little salt,  coarsely ground black pepper and chili powder and whip for another 30 seconds.  

Poured into a large omelet pan coated with a little sausage grease.   After flipping, add in some chopped red onion, jalapeño peppers and shredded cheddar and pepper jack cheese. 

Then served with rye toast liberally cover with fresh blackberry preserves and hot (spicy) sausage patties, grits and a big glass of orange-pineapple juice.

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@ Venus so you are saying it is good to get egg on your face once in a while then? :smileytongue:

@ Ceres I had never heard of tea soaked eggs, yum. :matte-motes-inlove:

@ Kenbro I am glad you didn't forget the tabasco that just add the finishing touch. :matte-motes-evil:

@ Leyna Aw fresh basil I can smell it now. :) :smileyhappy:

@ Valerie OH-MY you are going to have us all moving to France. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

@ Ryota That sounds like the prefect breakfast to recover from too much sake the night before. (nice pics btw) :smileywink:

@ Dogboat lol :smileyvery-happy:

@ Ganelon Yummy, but anything on flatbread is yummy. :matte-motes-grin:

@ Aveline that is were I have to draw the line. idk why but I just don't like anything pickled, maybe it is the vinegar. :matte-motes-crying:

@ Canoro that sounds prefect I am going to make that this weekend. :matte-motes-inlove:

@ JoJo that looks hard to make, can I just come over? :smileytongue:

@ Six lol :smileyvery-happy:

@ Kelli Water? That works? I have always use milk witch is also good for making froth. :smileytongue:

@ Claireschen you like scotch with your eggs? ;) My dad loved scotch but I don't think I ever saw him have it with his eggs. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

@ Jacki I love avocado too! Does that mean you are also from Cali? :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

@ Ceka and I thought I was lucky to get a free dozen eggs when the new grocery store opened. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

@ Mayallly Sounds yummy i make my hash browns homemade what about you? :matte-motes-nerdy:

@ Storm you left off beluga, but those are costly eggs. btw I happy you know medamayaki fashion when you see it. :smileywink:


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Mayalily wrote:

I agree there are some good things about eggs, but I do have to curtail a bit and eat a lot of fiber that tastes like cardboard.  Fiber drinks, fiber this, fiber that. 

ETA:  For Ceka, my doctor says about two eggs a week is okay.  Lots of weird fiber I have to eat, tastes like cardboard most of the time.  It's pretty bad tasting. 

You should try Fiber One Cereal with fresh berries. :)


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Lillie Woodells wrote:

So many ways Keli.. Scrambled with onion and cheddar cheese served with cornbeef hash and grits with butter and onion salt.  Or in quiche with spinach, bacon, and Parmesan cheese.  When I was a little girl, my dad used to make me eggs I called "dipping eggs" or sunny side up, although they were more cooked then sunny side up... More of an over medium, the yokes runny enough that I could dip my toast in it, sometimes served with a chocolate chip pancake shaped like Mickey Mouse.  Hmmm, breakfast for dinner tonight I think.  heheh

I totally love chocolate but the one time I had chocolate chip pancakes it soooo pushed me over the edge (way too much sugar). The sad part is we where on our way to Disneyland when I had them so I spent most of the day with a tummy ache. Spinach Quiche? That sounds yummy maybe you can bring some to our next lunch meeting. :)

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Lillie Woodells wrote:

So many ways Keli.. Scrambled with onion and cheddar cheese served with cornbeef hash and grits with butter and onion salt.  Or in quiche with spinach, bacon, and Parmesan cheese.  When I was a little girl, my dad used to make me eggs I called "dipping eggs" or sunny side up, although they were more cooked then sunny side up... More of an over medium, the yokes runny enough that I could dip my toast in it, sometimes served with a chocolate chip pancake shaped like Mickey Mouse.  Hmmm, breakfast for dinner tonight I think.  heheh

I totally love chocolate but the one time I had chocolate chip pancakes it soooo pushed me over the edge (way too much sugar). The sad part is we where on our way to Disneyland when I had them so I spent most of the day with a tummy ache. Spinach Quiche? That sounds yummy maybe you can bring some to our next lunch meeting.

Aww it's too bad.  I know it can be a bit much, so if I make them at home, I don't over do it with the chocolate.  My son loves them.  Bacon waffles are good too, but that digresses from the egg thread.  ;) 

I would be happy to make quiche for the next lunch meeting.. what kind of pie would you like for dessert?  ;)

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

@ Kelli Water? That works? I have always use milk witch is also good for making froth. :smileytongue:


Yep, water. Whisk the eggs, add a little water, then whisk again. It makes very fluffy light scrambled egg. Cream might be more luxurious, but it can end up a bit heavy. If I want a bit more luxury, I add a few scraps of smoked salmon and drink a Bucks Fizz with it :)


Also, I forgot one of my favourite ways to eat eggs - in kedgeree (the Stargazie Pie reminded me).

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@ Perrie thanks for the film clip totally worth watching. lol :smileyvery-happy:

@ Void that is just gross, period. :matte-motes-oh-rly:

@ Bot is that for real? Where are you from btw that serves that. Thanks for the recipe. :matte-motes-tongue:

@ Ceka and Mayalily I just had my blood test on Friday now you are worrying me. :matte-motes-confused:

@ Jenni that sounds so good! You can make me that anytime. :matte-motes-delicious:

@ Willow and Dogboat you two better best be behaving I have watched Tangled so I know how to use this skillet. :smileytongue:


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