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Awww Little Polkadot Park is gone

June Trefoil

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There was a small LL park in Polkadot.  Now it's cleared and set to sale to an individual by Guy Linden.

The odd thing is that usually the LDPW parcels pretty much stay.  Is this more common than I think?

Here's the blurb about the park in the Wiki:  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Heterocera_Network

Here's the blog where I saw the news:  http://blog.livedoor.jp/dualatoll/archives/1515221.html






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The moles have been very busy adding all kinds of road and water side builds over the last year and half or so. And its a shame to see even 1m of it go away - because the stuff adds some serious value to mainland.

Give it a week, and the lot will just have the usual 'shop' prims on it, or meroo farm, or something... and no more pretty mole build.


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Marianne McCann wrote:

that's highly surprising, and a bit disturbing.

I agree entirely.  I sincerely hope that it's not a sign that certain bits of LDPW content are going to be chopped, if they somehow don't meet particular criteria.  That would be a really sad thing, as regarless of the traffic that any individually see, they all collectively are something that gives mainland some character and history.

Some comment on the issue from either Michael or Guy would be much appreciated.

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