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A. E. Defender Plugin Message


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Okay, I've been trying to go to this museum for several days, but it always crashes me or freezes me.

Today, I decided to try again and got this message:

A.E. Defender Plugin, Division Labs, you are not allowed to enter this parcel.

Now I'm assuming since museums have nude paintings, this A.E., means Adult Entertainment perhaps?

I have been Adult verified for weeks now and have visited oh about two adult sims and had no problem.

Is this a bug or something?  It's just a museum and that's all for crying out loud. 

What am I supposed to do here? 

Why am I getting this message from this museum? 

ETA:  And it's a museum of classic art from centuries past not a museum of modernized SL generated erotic art.  This is a classic art museum only.  This should be general in the first place. 


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Hi Marigold,

I decided to go back and investigate this.  I didn't get the message this time.  I was able to buy one painting, but then it crashed me again. 

I think it's a griefer, and I will contact the land owner tomorrow as I'm about to log off internet for the night.

In the meantime, someone else can investigate it because I'm beginning to think it's a griefer who is trying to crash that sim?

The sim name is KITARO MUSEUM OF ART AND ANTIQUITIES, and it's moderate.

It might be possible the sim doesn't like me because I have too many scripts on, but I kind of doubt that.  My conclusion is it some kind of griefer and the sim owner should be notified as I'd like to buy more, but at least bought one so far from there just now; did not get that message again.  However, could someone be trying to grief and crash the sim?  I think it does need to be investigated because I'm always crashing, but now have one painting from there, finally. 

Thanks for any help in trying to discover what this is. 

And I'll post that weird message I got again, which appeared about 5 times.  I kept hitting ok and was about to tp out, but the messages kept coming up every time I hit okay, and even once I was in my SL rental home, the message was in my home and still needed to hit ok:   This was the message:

A.E. Defender Plugin, Division Labs, You are not allowed to enter this parcel, you have 10 seconds to leave. 

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Just visited the sim, good frame rate, time dilation ok, Ping was a little high but i have had far worse with no problems,


The message you got syaing you had 10 seconds to leave does sound like security orb though, but i did walk around most of the primiter without a warnig, coudl be someone had a badly adjustes one on a neighbouring plot that has now been removed or properly configured

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It's not a griefer. It's just the next door neighbour to the museum who has got their security orb set to a higher distance than they need to.  No doubt the museum owner will have a word with them. It's nothing to worry about; it doesn't eject you because you are not on that parcel.


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WereWoof Schufang wrote:

I agree, It just happened to me, the plot it is on is to the north of the museum and didnt kick me even on that land, seems to be set to warn only but u havent had any problems with crasing


Saw you there, WereWoof, sorry if I ignored you, was busting for the loo in RL when I got ejected to the corner of the land. No crashing though, although Mayalily was saying on another thread that in some busy places she sees ovals and grey bots - so I think her graphics settings or actually graphics card might be struggling with SL a bit. 

And as Agent Darkstone said, the guy with the orb is sure a boring one. We've fully investigated his land now, and have found absolutely nothing worthy of protecting with any security.

(Perhaps he should have used the orb in his skybox?!)


bad girls.jpg

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Hi, I'm awake, it's morning again.

Yes, I get greyed out bots but that's with 50 or more avi's in one place.  Yes there is a club that almost everyday has 50 to 100 avi's at any given time, plus vendor stalls.  I've been able to stay on that sim that has 50 or more avi's at any given time (even for a time of two hours), but most of us are having difficulty loading as that is a lot of avi's plus vendor stalls!  (That place is Big Daddy's; seems to always be jammed packed, although I've never visited Big Daddy's on a weekend; I'm hardly on SL on the weekends). 

Anyhow, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to load this museum sim or get kicked so fast like that to where I'm stuck in a wall and freeze, as I'm able to load other shopping sims without such a difficulty.

I'm going inworld now to drop a notecard to the sim owner as I just checked on Marketplace and Kitaro's is not there.  Anyhow, I feel I need to see the size of a painting before buying, so paintings, art, furniture, I need to see rezzed most of the time. 

The neighbor's problem, whatever it is, needs to be toned down a bit so people can shop please. 

Going inworld to contact owner about the probs I'm experiencing just trying to shop at all on the sim; it's crazy period.  There's no reason for my computer to do that; I've shopped inworld at several museums already.  This one, it took four days to finally buy one painting; that doesn't sound normal. 


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He's defending his hot tub?  Well, maybe we should turn the heat up on that sucker and throw some potatoes in!  Those hot tubs are already too hot, u could already boil potatoes in them. 

Women, always multi-taking.  Good place to boil potatas! 

ETA:  And yes, I got that stupid message again.  That sounds like griefing if someone is asked to leave a shopping sim upon arriving.  People don't create shopping sims, so they can ban people.  That would be very counterproductive. 

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

Well done, Agent Devin and Agent Schufang. Now, your next mission is to investigate reports of strange and hostile encounters with the locals in the Ahern area. Be sure to take extra tear gas and... hey, be careful out there, okay?


As long as I've got you to put tend to my wounds when things go a little awry, I will survive :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

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Mayalily wrote:

He's defending his hot tub?  Well, maybe we should turn the heat up on that sucker and throw some potatoes in!  Those hot tubs are already too hot, u could already boil potatoes in them. 

Women, always multi-taking.  Good place to boil potatas! 

ETA:  And yes, I got that stupid message again.  That sounds like griefing if someone is asked to leave a shopping sim upon arriving.  People don't create shopping sims, so they can ban people.  That would be very counterproductive. 

He's not even defending his hot tub! (I do like the idea of the hot tub having two uses though, and being a potato boiler too).  No, his defender is just at the ground level, where simple ban lines would have been sufficient.  I did leave him a message overnight to adjust the security orb settings - if he comes on line ever he might read his messages ! Otherwise, if the security orb continues to give grief to the visitors of the museum, LL will remove it if the museum owner submits an abuse report about it.

Regarding why you see so much grey when you TP into areas, have a look at this great video from Torley Linden. It is a simple tutorial on how to adjust your settings to give you a better view/performance.



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Marigold Devin wrote:

He's not even defending his hot tub! (I do like the idea of the hot tub having two uses though, and being a potato boiler too).  No, his defender is just at the ground level, where simple ban lines would have been sufficient.

 I'd much rather see a properly configured Security Orb than banlines. Banlines create all kinds of problems visually and vehicle wise. Orbs can be ignored unless you actively invade the space they protect - unless, like this one, they're set up wrong.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

He's not even defending his hot tub! (I do like the idea of the hot tub having two uses though, and being a potato boiler too).  No, his defender is just at the ground level, where simple ban lines would have been sufficient.

 I'd much rather see a properly configured Security Orb than banlines. Banlines create all kinds of problems visually and vehicle wise. Orbs can be ignored unless you actively invade the space they protect - unless, like this one, they're set up wrong.


I'd rather see commonsense. Security Orbs and ban lines just aren't necessary, and certainly should be switched off when someone isn't even online/in residence. It's a virtual world, it's not like anyone can steal anyone else's stuff, or pooh on their carpets or anything while they're out.

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

Is it sad that one of the
few positive things I can say about SL is that it seems every other house has a dungeon in the basement?  :smileytongue:

I cannot answer "Is it sad... " because I have a wicked grin on my face :matte-motes-evil-invert:

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Mayalily wrote:

Thanks for your help Marigold!

And, I'll check the vid out later tonight (thanks for that too)! 

Good stuff, Mayalily.

If you open that video in the youtube website you'll find a whole load of other great tutorial's that Torley has made. I can spend hours looking through them once I start - he's just super, always adding new ones. And I just find it a lot easier to learn things via being shown.

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A.E. is the brand name, and one I've had run ins with in the past. Indeed, there's a corner of my property that occasionally gives people an A.D. Defender message -- even though the Defender in question is some 200m away from my parcel. Faulty scanning, I assume. I've had some scripty friends and a few Lindens poke at it, but its yet to be resolved.

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