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Missing Items from Inventory - Rule of Thumb?

Mickey Vandeverre

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What is the current rule of thumb for customers who experience groups of items going missing from their inventory?

In past, it seemed as though they could contact Linden Lab and have a look into that, but last few customers that I chatted with told me that whichever form of customer service they used with LL told them it was not their responsibility.

I don't mind replacing the items at all - not an issue - but for some, the creator is no longer around, or the items were discontinued and not available anymore.   Some of my items are that way - I simply delete them, and do not offer again.

Do we encourage a customer to send the same list of inventory items that are missing to LL?  or is that a waste of time for the customer?

I have items missing every week from my own inventory, and really don't care to fool with repeated reports to LL.  I have to keep copy of EVERYTHING created out on floor, in case it disappears from inventory.  Prim-wise, not everyone can do this. (of course, it's a great ploy to keep us purchasing more land!)

And our customers certainly cannot keep everything out on land in order not to lose it from inventory.  I know it's mechanical world, and risk you take living mechanically.  Will deal with it - but what do you tell customer?


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I do not have an answer for your post but I am wondering if lost inventory is at all viewer related---possible?

I use Phoenix (nonfirefox) and never miss any inventory at all.  I spoke with my partner and a few friends who said they never lose anything either...but they all are on the old phoenix viewer too.

Certainly my small sampling is not statisticly relevant but am seeing so many postings about lost items, wonder what drives it

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Hi Lyra -

Suppose I should be getting info from customers on operating systems and such, but not like I can do anything with that info.

Personally, tried using different systems, clearing cache, this and that....everything people suggest, and even had to buy a new computer, and that did not cure it.

I'm sure there is a Jira somewhere to report, but I don't think that customers would want to take time out of their experience to fool with that....even I don't.

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it could be a caching issue if you use more than one viewer they should each have their own cache location. i have heard if viewers share the same cache location it can cause you to appear to have missing items. logging in to beta grid (aditi) then going in to busy mode and waiting for your inventory to load is apparently supposed to help with missing inventory problems

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Mickey, Linden has a wiki article on Lost Inventory. It is written for those using the SL Viewer... and assumes your using just one viewer.

For any type of technical question it is a good idea to paste in your systems specs. The stuff pertinent to SL can be found in the viewer by clicking HELP -> ABOUT and copy pasting.

SL seldom really looses inventory... compared to inventory just appearing to be lost, which a common problem.

If you use more than one viewer, you will want to read: Lost Inventory and Missing Inventory Fix – Help I think I explain more about the why and how to avoid the problem. Read through it even if you only use one viewer. You may find something you have not tried.

After you have tried everything then it is time to file a support ticket.

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The LL inventory loss page used to be crap but it is very good now.  I made a page on inventory loss here http://lagalleriasl.blogspot.com/p/recovering-lost-inventory.html but first thing referred them to that page. On my page I put Torely videos related to inventory loss.


Anyone who wants to take any material from that page and make their own, feel free -- the more ppl who understand and know how to deal with inventory loss, the better.  The current way of dealing with it for most seems to be:


1) Look around and see if you can find your item

2) If you don't, ask the merchant to give you another one

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Thanks for the suggestion, but I use my blog mainly for them to look at product, special events, and sale & gift announcements, as you can see here:



not really sure where I would squeeze that in, but will consider it.  it looks a bit daunting, and don't really want to confuse them.  I was mainly asking what the LL rule of thumb was when someone contacts them about lost items. 

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Not replying to your post specificially but to those that posted the LL Inventory Loss page as a resource to which one can refer customers with missing inventory -- and all anyone needs to do to make his own resource page "fit" on his blog is simply to add a page to the blog.  Thus I have that page on inventory loss as well as one on modification skills in addition to my main blog.

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The LL page is excellent -- which is why the first thing I recommend is to read and bookmark it. 

However, it does not have many pictures, and Torley's videos on inventory are a great resource; basically I just put the two on one page.


It doesn't take any web design skills -- I just pasted the video embed link in the page.


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I can't imagine anyone more technically challenged than I am -- to embed a video you just right click the video and choose Embed Video.  Here is the link to the first Torley video on the page:


<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/4168762?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/4168762">Use Inventory filters</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/torley">Torley</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>


You just paste that in your webpage, that's it.

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