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Does Linden Labs Not Care About Secondlife?

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On 8/8/2023 at 1:46 PM, Silent Mistwalker said:

What I'd like to know is why so many immediately jump on a new person for being a troll when there really is no evidence, just a rant.

My reason is because, it takes experience to learn how to react in these situations.  The more of these situations I encounter, the more I may learn to discern that "this person does not want feedback", or "this person is just trying to get a response", etc.

First of all, if someone comes into the Forum for "venting"/"complaining", it's hard for ME to tell if they are:

a) "New to Second Life" and just want to vent/complain, or

b) Are "not new to Second Life" but just new to the Forums (low post count), or

c) "None of the above" - they may APPEAR to be "new" to the Forum, but they MAY be an Alt, and their claims/complaints indicate that they "know what they are talking about".  Or, at least they "think" they know what they are talking about.

I often quote the "Mars vs. Venus" trope.  It is hard know if people just want to rant.

When people DO come into the Forum and "just want to rant", it is paradoxical;  there is no way for us to know they do not want feedback unless they SAY "do not respond to my post", which is comical in the Forums.

Some of us may appear to "jump" on them, because their claims and complaints are ludicrous, and it is natural for us to want to defend Second Life - I speak for myself.

You asked, literally:

On 8/8/2023 at 1:46 PM, Silent Mistwalker said:

What I'd like to know is why so many immediately jump on a new person for being a troll when there really is no evidence, just a rant.

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2 hours ago, MissSweetViolet said:

My apologies then, I nearly failed English, so I just assumed it was then same topic. [note that I'm entirely serious and not being sarcastic here, since tone is hard to tell in text form]

English is a PITA. I prefer my native language, it's far less complicated, but no one here speaks it. It's one of hundreds of dying languages.

What it all boils down to is, SL is LL's cash cow. They're not about to let it slip away if they can help it so yes, LL and its employees do care, if they want to keep their jobs.

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My reason is because, it takes experience to learn how to react in these situations.  The more of these situations I encounter, the more I may learn to discern that "this person does not want feedback", or "this person is just trying to get a response", etc.

First of all, if someone comes into the Forum for "venting"/"complaining", it's hard for ME to tell if they are:

a) "New to Second Life" and just want to vent/complain, or

b) Are "not new to Second Life" but just new to the Forums (low post count), or

c) "None of the above" - they may APPEAR to be "new" to the Forum, but they MAY be an Alt, and their claims/complaints indicate that they "know what they are talking about".  Or, at least they "think" they know what they are talking about.

I often quote the "Mars vs. Venus" trope.  It is hard know if people just want to rant.

When people DO come into the Forum and "just want to rant", it is paradoxical;  there is no way for us to know they do not want feedback unless they SAY "do not respond to my post", which is comical in the Forums.

Some of us may appear to "jump" on them, because their claims and complaints are ludicrous, and it is natural for us to want to defend Second Life - I speak for myself.

You asked, literally:

I guess I just can't bring myself to be that paranoid. 🤷‍♀️

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Whether a poster is new to SL, new to the Forums, or not new to either, @Silent Mistwalker is correct that a rant is not the same as trolling. Either type of post can be ignored of course, but I think we often enjoy engaging and arguing with the poster until it becomes tiresome for us and we no longer enjoy it. 

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15 hours ago, Randall Ahren said:

A lot of people do find better things to do, which is why SL's population is shrinking.

What are you doing complaining about people complaining? If SL is so fantastic, go in-world and have fun.

I'm not complaining at all, I'm enjoying this wonderful community.

If anyone doesn't like it, they can go in-world themselves.

If a user can post just to do the old "SL is dying because it doesn't please me" rant, I can post in response to it. This is a forum, not a blog.

Expect others to have opinions other than yours, as well.

The "SL is dying because it doesn't please me" rant is one of the most offensive things I see here, as if people are wishing it would die so they can log out, because THEY have issues that SL can't fix, and they won't deal with them. So, let's go off about how tormented we are by a piece of software we claim to hate, and then wish for its demise by claiming it's dying, in the hopes everyone else will leave.

It's disgusting, and that's my opinion, and I'm sharing it. I hope it helps.

If you would like to kick and scream some more, go ahead. If not, great. But I'm not going to watch someone throw a tantrum without at least making some little bit of fun of it. Sorry.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Now I'm lost.

Are we complaining about people who are complaining about people who are complaining?

Inception has been achieved, let us have a look to see where we are in the multi-layered complaining process.


Oh .. this is not good.


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Now I'm lost.

Are we complaining about people who are complaining about people who are complaining?

Noooooo, we're correcting someone's misbegotten notion concerning territorial imperatives on a discussion forum, and how more than one person is allowed to have an opinion in each thread.

More on-topic, LL cares about SL. In my opinion. I have seen more proof of this than I have of anyone's claims of population shrinkage and dyingness, and I tend to form opinions based on what I actually observe, not what I imagine in response to whatever I don't like.

I feel many users lack the imagination and stubbornness to work around adjusting to what SL is like. From day one, I was prepared to pretend around anything that was glitchy, because I understood that SL isn't like everything else out there. It has to do things differently to be what it is, and so it's not going to be the same as anything else out there that I've done.

It's not some 10-gig MMO that you download and then everything's there, for one. It's a full-featured digital creation sandbox with multiple toolkits, and the social platform aspect sort of naturally goes along with it, because even creative people like to be social sometimes.

Anything else that SL is, well, that all came later, so it's been added on. And since people aren't going to do a complete overhaul of an entire online world every time they add something new, well, bugs creep in. Things happen that nobody knows how to work around yet. It can take time.

Being HUMAN, and understanding just how little most people actually feel they should have to do each day, and how low most people set the bar for their own accomplishments, and how high they set it for anyone who has something they want, well, I take it all into consideration, and adjust my expectations.

I'm as patient as a rock, and as stubborn as a mule. When I was new, I was running SL on a netbook (remember those) with 2 gigs of RAM, on an operating system that was less than 300MB, and crashing every three minutes. Anime avatars all looked like broken doll avatars. Expensive mesh heads looked like something from a nightmare, and the sickly yellow skin made me cringe. I could have said eww, and walked away, but something about SL made me hang on and keep trying and keep learning and now it's my favorite pastime.

You will either still be here years down the road or you won't, but ultimately it's going to depend on whether you care about Second Life, not whether anyone else cares.

As in any relationship, when people start complaining that the other person doesn't care enough, they're just looking for conflict, for an excuse to be negative while blaming someone else for the behavior. And how much should the other person care, when all you have to say to them is "you're not good enough for me"?

Got issues? File a ticket.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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56 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I like to say, "If you've got issues, I've got tissues."

I ran out a couple months ago, and I got tired of people wiping on my frock.

Not trying to rant myself, either. I just get tired of people treating the People forums like a giant Support Ticket of General Displeasure.

LL has a phone number somewhere. If you want to yell at them, find their number and yell at them there. Doing it here just looks kinda, iunno, poopy.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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9 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

 I understood that SL isn't like everything else out there. It has to do things differently to be what it is, and so it's not going to be the same as anything else out there that I've done.

Yeah, this should be a sticky .. :|

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