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When is SL no longer fun for you?

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Second Life is what you make it to be,people come and go,tends come and go,sims,clubs you name it nothing really last very long.

I use to enjoy clubbing(long ago) back when people have a mall and a club..apart from each other...I have had many freinds I hang out with and we goof off looking around and such.Friends that like to build like my self and hung out for hours working on builds together.Here 4 years later...I can not think of one that is still around..

It will stop being fun for me when I run out of ideas....I have done all Second Life phases ..thins get boaring fast for me..

I am really addicted to scripting and creating things that involve it,it seems they are always adding new functions and I tend to see new things on the way for building and it gives me somthing to hold on to in hopes of something to make with it (COME ON llCastRay() !!!!!!!!)  when tey stop adding tools for design is when I get board I think.

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Yay!!! I'm glad it you got everything straightened out. If I was your landlord I'd offer you a little free rent or something for putting you through this to begin with, but as long as you're happy and able to enjoy your SL again.

@Mayalily: Agreed... I do so enjoy our interaction even when we don't agree completely.



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Mayalily wrote:

See I don't even understand the point for that G rating in the first place.  Children are learning how to read; they don't even know to type yet, yet alone read blogs, news, do research on the net, etc. 

I'm going to try to activate my adult account 'cuz my thinking is adult may be better because of more experienced builders.

ya they are really clicking on all cylinders with their verification..

they are showing my Fiance as 17 years old  instead of his real age so they won't let him into mature..

he went premium and gave his bank information and social security information  name address and state..all that and they show him younger than me..


He is really pissed..i mean really pissed..me i can't stop giggling at him  LOL

i told him to redo the form using his state ID and that maybe that will fix whatever LL screwed up on their end..because  his information was correct..their system is flawed is all..


i'm having fun with it..

he's just like..ya know why am i doing this again? LOL

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Me too Dres!  I enjoy your posts a lot 'cuz their totally awesome!  Hugs back.

SL is just so much more fun than twitter or faceback could ever be, it's just that it's more complicated to work and I need some time to try to figure out why the last update on V2 failed so badly for me. 

Sorry for my ranting everybody.  I won't do that again.  If their were mods here, I would have IM'd a mod about my problems with my rental agreement and no fix of house with the texture bleeds.  I don't see how that could have been too much trouble for that landlord to do?  But, oh well, there isn't much I can do about it. 

Let me try to address the OP about when SL is no longer fun.   I guess I'd have to say when someone or a group treats you badly, grey bots, losing a whole foot on the dance floor, and too many technical problems can make SL no fun. 


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awwwwwww bummer!  Sorry to hear that.

I just activated my adult account but don't have time to check to see if it updated inworld yet.  I'll be checking it later and ask later how to make sure it is activated inworld later in case it's not.

And to the OP:  Very glad to hear it worked out, and enjoy your home and your beer! 

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Tell him to just enjoy being young again.


oh i am enjoying this really..because i am always called the less experienced one or litle girl..

he's gonna try his state Id and if that doesn't work then he will probably just cancel and forget it..


it took a lot to get him this far to even make an account..he is not one for having patience with a business that he feels doesn't want his business..

his words..

"I gave them what they asked for!! What more do you want from me? If they can't do the math at the start then what is to tell me they can do the math at all? How much effort am i supossed to give to getting this goofy online thing anyways girl?They already know more about me than most people.This is stupid?"

LOL so i talked him into tryign his ID after that :P

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i have this person named ******* resident that has gotten into my sl life somehow and caused all kinds of drama and trouble how do i find out whose alt it is and stop this drama ounce and for all


I've removed the name. It's against the TOS to post people's names in such context. Joanna.

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Guess you should start your own sim, hire your own DJ's, play the music you want, oh and no vendors of course.

Of course you have to shell out 300 US$ every month to pay these invisible Linden boys.


In other words, try running a big club for a few years like I did and then we talk again...:)

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Venus Petrov wrote:

I do not know where you go, but I DJ in a club and do not hear the stripping comments/jokes you do. Perhaps try a different venue.

I suspect she's in places where the avatars are wearing a lot of resize scripted items and looking for something other than themselves to blame...

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Mayalily wrote:


I have some great Dj's I have found, but then tp, the sim is a terrible build because this vendor crap is right outside the club entrance.  So, dud sim. 

A quality assurance team is definately needed and a quality assurance area on this forum is needed to address some of the other issues I'm discussing in this thread.

Not to even mention, three months with these shoe huds things.  I haven't seen one avi yet at a club that had the right color tint to the feet, not in three months. 

You've got a rez date of March 26, 2011 and you can't even manage to properly enter your interests in... yet you've somehow become the expert on all this? I would suggest you hold off on many of these rants until you've done some locale managing, merchanting, and building yourself. I did my own fair share of spouting off too much before I'd dabbled deep enough when I was a noob - and I can say from experience that you'd do yourself a service holding back until you've been around it more.

Might be that you're seeing all that gray because of the shoe system you use is poorly scripted...

There are vendor scripts out there that cause lag - but they're not anywhere close to the amount of lag a single avatar with bad scripts can cause.

A little lesson on those vendors and clubs... how do you expect that club to finance its tier payments? Sit down and run the numbers and try and up with one method in SL that's paying its bills? Vendors are really the only source they've got - and it generates almost nothing for them.

If you're getting ripped off by landlords - maybe you need to learn how to pick better landlords...


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Welcome to the forum Brenda.

I'm sorry this is happening to you, the first thing you need to do is remove this persons name from your post, it's against TOS to post people's names in this manner.

There is no way to know who's alt they are, or even if they are an alt. The best thing you can do is completely stop communicating with them for any reason, block them if you have to (link) and if they're still somehow able to harass you, you need to file an abuse report (link).

Hope this helps... Dres

ETA: Btw, just causing drama is not abuse, but if they won't leave you alone when you ask them to that could be considered harassment and therefore abuse.

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