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I don't even know how to say what I want... Neither do I really know what I want. Maybe writing this here will help me figure out what's on my mind and how to express it especially at the right place.


I have been trying to build a community for a while and now I am trying again. To be short I rent a land and I don't want to be alone so I want people that can be interested in coming along with me and share the fun. I have put down a house with rooms and kinda looking for "roommate" to live here with me for free. I will pay the rent for the land I have a little extra money for SL not a problem all I seek is active players that are online a lot around their home so I have company. 


I also want to have there a "new resident' help area or place to support people that could use a hand about anything. I place of rest and healing...


I do Tarot readings as business and have a table which I will eventually promote as free service. The Art of Divination should never be charged...


I like the Linden Gold Token Fish Hunt to attract random people and sometime have a good chat maybe new friends.


Very open ADULT sim...


Well I hope interactions with other member of the forum will help me figure where to write and how to do it!


Thank you for your time reading if you did ♥



Edited by Quartz Mole
request from OP
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If you're new to SL you may not know that there are already several pagan communities. Search on "Pagan" and "witchcraft" to find them, join several, go to their events, and decide for yourself which ones suit you best for socializing, discussions, learning, inworld rituals, or sharing your skills. 

Personally, I think people value things more when they're charged a little money for them. I understand wanting to have a housemate in SL, but if they're schedule or interests don't match yours, what will you do then? I don't think you can expect an SL housemate to be a ready-made companion. That's great that you want to share your tarot reading too, but if you're good enough that you might be able to do it professionally, charging your clients a few lindens will keep some people from monopolizing your time with constantly wanting more readings. If you don't want to charge people on principal, then maybe limit them to only 2 reading / week or something like that. Also feel free to say "I can't now", when you're tired or not in a good mood for doing a reading.

If you expect to build your own community, that's hard work too. A general rule I heard somewhere is that 10% of the people who join a group will show up regularly for events or join in group chat. Of those 10% only 10% of those will contribute their work or money to keep the community going. There's also the possibility for drama or people poaching from your group for their own. 

Good Luck!

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I am not asking anyone to have the same interests. It is the opposite actually I expecting a variety of new to discover and learn about.


Sorry I don't mean to be harsh but the true old school divination is meant to be free. The modern that tolerate people charging for it but it is not well seen with the forces of the universe. Real Tarot is FREE. It is a tool meant to help and guide not to be profitable on one's expenses. Tips can be accepted but it must be based on free of charge to be real. If you are being told something else, they don't know what they are doing.... It is free. The spirit of Tarot does not like to become a business.

Also I an not here to promote myself in my projects, just shouting the information in the public that I have space for a home, aiming those that does not have one, either because they don't have the money for it which I do or because they don't want to spend the money for it ^^


Well if anyone is reading and want to give  try IM me ingame please because I don't spend much time in forums anymore. 


Thank you ♥


Play in peace and I hope you all find love and satisfaction in your life in general!



Edited by Azgalia
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I am doing something similar. I created a community with free housing for residents who can't afford rent. I posted about my community in the forums, but it got taken down 😕 I was told, if you want to promote a sim, you can either put a short description in your forum profile, create a signature, or post about an event that is going to happen in that sim in the Events section. I made a Flickr post and have been looking for different ways to advertise. I wish you luck! ♥


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On 7/29/2022 at 2:13 AM, xianxii said:

I am doing something similar. I created a community with free housing for residents who can't afford rent. I posted about my community in the forums, but it got taken down 😕 I was told, if you want to promote a sim, you can either put a short description in your forum profile, create a signature, or post about an event that is going to happen in that sim in the Events section. I made a Flickr post and have been looking for different ways to advertise. I wish you luck! ♥


This post was moved from another section of the forum by the staff and they renamed it "Free room"


I think I can post it here ♥

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