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Will it get better? Question from a new resident


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I am in sl since 12 days.

And this is my experience so far. I don’t want to complain, but share my impressions.

I’ve already tried sl a few years ago. Back then it took me a few hours to give up. This time I’ve promised myself to stick with it for a month.


Things that I like so far

Many beautiful places

Some great live music

I have found a place to meditate or watch the sunset

I have been to Innsmouth

I have met some friendly DJ’s

I have been dancing a couple of times

I have my own house

I’ve had a cup of tea at a poetry cafe.


It is difficult to get in touch with people

Everyone says “Hi” or “Huhu”, but that’s usually the end of the conversation. The nearby chat is either very quiet or filled with insider conversations that I don’t get. Everyone seems to know each other, so I feel like I am dancing on a party I am not invited to. It just doesn’t feel good. Right now, I don’t really want to open up sl, because I expect the same situations again.


The first conversations were „meh“.

A woman in a dance club asked, how I was doing and I said “I am new and try to figure out how stuff works.” Her reaction: “Facepalm!”

At another destination I tried a little bit of small talk. His reaction: “Hey man, I’m just vibing.” And he disappeared.


Someone on this forum wrote that people in sl are not unfriendly, but indifferent. That is my impression too. I can understand that. People are there to meet with people they like and know for a long time, they are not in sl to teach new residents.


The learning curve is steep.

  • It took me 3 days to figure out how to dress my avatar. Some people on the subreddit gave me the important hint „ADD“ not „WEAR“.

  • I stood lost on the dance floor until I found out how to dance and I felt like an idiot.

  • It took me some time to figure out how to sit.

  • I am still not able to put a bed in my house. It is to big and gets stuck inside the ceiling.

  • I don’t dare to ask about “rezzing”, AO’s or sandboxes. If I am struggling with the beginner stuff, how should I tackle those things?

  • I have so many questions and I don’t want to bother other people. They are friendly and willing to help...but a second question? A third question? Even a fourth?

  • The tutorials on youtube are a mixed bag. Some are over 10 years old, others are obviously made for people who already know a lot about sl. So far I don’t have found the videos I’ve needed.

  • Went to a role play destination and it was intimidating. A huge sign with the rules and plenty of slang that I didn’t understood.


Things I did not expect

Many many places in sl are empty. I did not expect that. I have tried random places and some recommended places and most of them were empty or had one or two resident.

I have discovered a club that plays music that I really like, but every time I am there it is empty. I can’t even dance because the “dance-balls” (I am sure that they have a name) are not turned on. Might be a time zone problem (living in Europe).

Many, many streets are empty, beaches are empty, clubs are empty… that surprised me.


I did not expect to get kicked out of regions. I’ve tried to discover sl, walked around, flew around and suddenly got warnings that I have to leave in 20 seconds. Now I know that some regions are restricted to members, but the first time it happened? That was stress.


I did not expect that “age” is important. Some listed events were not open for me, because “not 30 days old”. One was a dance party a regular beach, the other one a dance party in an adult club.



My question

Do you have any recommendations what I could do to improve my situation in sl? Some important things to learn or important things to know? Will it get better by time or will it remain a struggle? What could be an important next step?

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Your ability to format a forum post tells me a lot. You should be fine.  And yes, it gets better.

Sometimes it feels toxic, other times it's fantastic. Probably the best advice I can give you is to explore a lot, use search a LOT, and go through some time at helper areas.

Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you what SL is "supposed" to be, or what the "real" SL is all about, they're usually just trying to get you to play slave games.

Some newbie helper regions aren't as helpful as others. A good way to handle this is just to show up, let people know you're new, and ask if you may simply hang about a bit and absorb it all. Pay attention to what others are learning and asking about, and it'll help you get your bearings, and know how to ask for help and be understood properly.

Don't disregard anyone's feelings, and don't let people play on yours. It's easy to become an ice cube or a doormat, do neither, play the middle way and don't take it all too seriously. Also don't treat it like it's "just a game", some of us take this all very (probably way too) seriously.

Give it time. Good things take time. You'll meet a lot of people before you settle on who your real friends are. Also be prepared to ignore a lot of drama. Or engage in it, some enjoy that, too. Either way, know that if you could learn all of this in a week, you'd be tired of it in a month. I've been inworld for years and I still learn new things and find new wonderful stuff to do and people to hang out with. It's like moving to a new country, expect to spend some time and effort getting encultured, and learning the whatnots and wutzits.

Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, fall for people trying to obligate you in any way to do anything at all. It's YOUR SL, and you can do it your way, it just takes a little time to figure out what your way is. Explore, lurk, expect weird IMs and jerks and strange requests, and just know that if I can do this, you can, too. I'm pretty messed up as an actual person, and I have friends, family, a home, and all the jobs I can handle to occupy my time. I have literally everything I ever wanted from any online platform or game, thousands of outfits, I've had a mom and gotten an allowance, and even been taken on shopping sprees.

When I got bored with malls and dancing to the 80's, I learned how to make things. You can do practically anything, and make practically anything, and make it DO practically anything, and there's usually even more than one or two ways to do each thing, too. It's up to you and how you like to do things.

The only real limits inworld are how far you're willing to go in learning to make something worthwhile for yourself out of all this potential.

Remember also that no matter what you're doing, you can always poof away and go find something else to do, you're never stuck in the mud. Collect landmarks, take some risks and make some friends, and make yourself a life inworld. It's what WE make of it, so make it something awesome~!

Don't despair, if you give up too quickly, you'll miss all the best. It's not a pack of ramen, or a candy bar, it's a neverending buffet. Take your time and enjoy it.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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24 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:

It is difficult to get in touch with people

Everyone says “Hi” or “Huhu”, but that’s usually the end of the conversation. The nearby chat is either very quiet or filled with insider conversations that I don’t get. Everyone seems to know each other, so I feel like I am dancing on a party I am not invited to. It just doesn’t feel good. Right now, I don’t really want to open up sl, because I expect the same situations again.

Don't expect random strangers to carry a conversation.

It's pretty much a trope that newbies rolling up and saying "hi, how r u" are just hoping for adult RP, even if that's not at all true, it's happened enough that people are wary.

The only way over this hump is to have something in mind to talk about, it doesn't have to be personal or even specific to that one avatar if you're chatting in IM.

Participation in local chat can be a good way to break the ice too.

24 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:

Someone on this forum wrote that people in sl are not unfriendly, but indifferent. That is my impression too. I can understand that. People are there to meet with people they like and know for a long time, they are not in sl to teach new residents.

Lots of us love spending time with and helping new people find their SL feet, but it can't be expected.

24 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:


The learning curve is steep.

  • It took me 3 days to figure out how to dress my avatar. Some people on the subreddit gave me the important hint „ADD“ not „WEAR“.

  • I stood lost on the dance floor until I found out how to dance and I felt like an idiot.

  • It took me some time to figure out how to sit.

  • I am still not able to put a bed in my house. It is to big and gets stuck inside the ceiling.

  • I don’t dare to ask about “rezzing”, AO’s or sandboxes. If I am struggling with the beginner stuff, how should I tackle those things?

  • I have so many questions and I don’t want to bother other people. They are friendly and willing to help...but a second question? A third question? Even a fourth?

  • The tutorials on youtube are a mixed bag. Some are over 10 years old, others are obviously made for people who already know a lot about sl. So far I don’t have found the videos I’ve needed.

  • Went to a role play destination and it was intimidating. A huge sign with the rules and plenty of slang that I didn’t understood.

SL is very mucha cultural platform and finding you way though that in the early days can be complex.

Like, you could ask someone to help you decorate your house because for some reason stuff is getting stuck in the walls. This is a very different proposition than saying "my bed is too big can you help" .. there is an implication with the later some might not appreciate from a cold start.

Do however ask questions - that's the only way you're going to get any help, and just like RL, you might have to ask a few people before one will agree.

Rezzing is the act of placing an object from inventory into the world.

Sandboxes are places where you can freely rez stuff for a short period of time. Sort of "I need some space to get this out and poke it, or to work on or build this thing, but I don't have the room at home".

AO's are a set of animations that give your avatar some body language, this is very important in SL and can convey a lot about your avatar or personality. AO's are typically sold as a set with a HUD that makes them work, buy the AO, wear the AO, tada!

24 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:

Things I did not expect

Many many places in sl are empty. I did not expect that. I have tried random places and some recommended places and most of them were empty or had one or two resident.

There are a lot of people in SL. We all have homes or personal spaces. We aren't all online at the same time. When we are online we tend to group up socially. Hence .. SL can feel super empty.

If you have a house and I have a house, but you're hanging out with me .. that's one more empty house just looking abandoned.  It's not uncommon for people to have more than one home.

24 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:

I have discovered a club that plays music that I really like, but every time I am there it is empty. I can’t even dance because the “dance-balls” (I am sure that they have a name) are not turned on. Might be a time zone problem (living in Europe).

Many, many streets are empty, beaches are empty, clubs are empty… that surprised me.

Time zones suck .. finding places and friends that are active at the same times is a challenge for us all. 

24 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:

I did not expect to get kicked out of regions. I’ve tried to discover sl, walked around, flew around and suddenly got warnings that I have to leave in 20 seconds. Now I know that some regions are restricted to members, but the first time it happened? That was stress.

I did not expect that “age” is important. Some listed events were not open for me, because “not 30 days old”. One was a dance party a regular beach, the other one a dance party in an adult club.

SL has a history of a tiny minority of people causing trouble, getting booted, then making a brand new account to come back and cause more trouble.

Accounts under 30 days are kinda seen as suspect and that reputation is not at all deserved. Just stick with it.


24 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:

Do you have any recommendations what I could do to improve my situation in sl? Some important things to learn or important things to know? Will it get better by time or will it remain a struggle? What could be an important next step?

Finding your SL feet can take some time, I heartily recommend you stick with it. Like RL, if it's worth doing at all, it's probably not going to be easy.

I've sent you a friend request in world, happy to help out.


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Agreeing with the above (allllll of it), and also, I live and work in Innsmouth. You can contact me inworld and I'm willing to assist in mentorship also. Someone did the same thing for me when I was new, and as mentioned above, some of us actually enjoy helping people learn about SL. I do it as a way to pay it forward, plus it can be SO fun if youre stubborn enough to keep at it.

Remember of course that for each of us it's OUR SL too, and you should be fine. Be relaxed about it and don't take people's indifference as anything but people being preoccupied and not wanting to spend their time teaching. Some of them have already taught a lot of people and they got tired of it, and some are just meh sorta people. You probably wouldn't have learned anything worthwhile from them anyway.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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3 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

[...] I live and work in Innsmouth. You can contact me inworld and I'm willing to assist in mentorship also. Someone did the same thing for me when I was new, and as mentioned above, some of us actually enjoy helping people learn about SL. I do it as a way to pay it forward, plus it can be SO fun if youre stubborn enough to keep at it.


Thank you for the offer. I haven't been aware that anyone would live in Innsmouth. I will try to find out what exactly I wanna learn next and might call you if I struggle with it...and I bet that I will struggle.

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10 minutes ago, Renfieldandmina said:

Thank you for the offer. I haven't been aware that anyone would live in Innsmouth. I will try to find out what exactly I wanna learn next and might call you if I struggle with it...and I bet that I will struggle.

If you look for me in search, and I'm not online, drop a notecard on me in an IM and say hey, it's me from the forums. Some of us get a lot of IMs when we're offline and they stop being received after a set number (capped, as they say), but notecards pretty much always get through.

If you like Innsmouth, I can also help you meet the community there. I'm a member in good standing, and friends with the owner and the council of elders. I'm there pretty much every day, or next door in Dunwich, working on rebuilding Arkham up in the sky.

Edit: sent you some landmarks to local spots also, some of them take explorers a long time to find, if ever, so you get a head start on seeing more of the sim.

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1 hour ago, Renfieldandmina said:

The learning curve is steep.

  • It took me 3 days to figure out how to dress my avatar. Some people on the subreddit gave me the important hint „ADD“ not „WEAR“.

I feel you. When I returned to SL after a years-long break, it took me at least a few weeks to figure out what mesh is, why I even needed it, how to work with it, and how to wear clothes on it. Disasterrrrr.


  • I am still not able to put a bed in my house. It is to big and gets stuck inside the ceiling.

I might be able to help you out with this part (I decorate a looooot). If your bed has modify permissions, it likely can be resized, but that can be kind of finicky when you're new (might require some advanced building techniques depending on how it's constructed and linked). If you still can't figure it out, let me know if you want me to take a look at it and help get your furniture all set up. Worst case scenario, if we can't size it down to fit in the room, I've got a bunch of resize-friendly furniture and décor I could lend you if you need anything. 

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43 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Worst case scenario, if we can't size it down to fit in the room, I've got a bunch of resize-friendly furniture and décor I could lend you if you need anything. 

Free linkset resizer scripts on the MP, just sayin.

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15 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Free linkset resizer scripts on the MP, just sayin.

Thanks! I used to build furniture and jewelry (odd combination but hey) a million years ago in like...2005, so I'm just used to doing everything the manual way. I've never even heard of those.

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45 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Thanks! I used to build furniture and jewelry (odd combination but hey) a million years ago in like...2005, so I'm just used to doing everything the manual way. I've never even heard of those.

Totally welcome. Linkset resizer scripts are my homies.

See, Mr Renfield? I told ya. It gets better! ^-^ Constantly!

Edited by PheebyKatz
It's Linkset, not "Linkest", lol.
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6 hours ago, Renfieldandmina said:

I am in sl since 12 days.

And this is my experience so far. I don’t want to complain, but share my impressions.

I’ve already tried sl a few years ago. Back then it took me a few hours to give up. This time I’ve promised myself to stick with it for a month.


Things that I like so far

Many beautiful places

Some great live music

I have found a place to meditate or watch the sunset

I have been to Innsmouth

I have met some friendly DJ’s

I have been dancing a couple of times

I have my own house

I’ve had a cup of tea at a poetry cafe.


It is difficult to get in touch with people

Everyone says “Hi” or “Huhu”, but that’s usually the end of the conversation. The nearby chat is either very quiet or filled with insider conversations that I don’t get. Everyone seems to know each other, so I feel like I am dancing on a party I am not invited to. It just doesn’t feel good. Right now, I don’t really want to open up sl, because I expect the same situations again.


The first conversations were „meh“.

A woman in a dance club asked, how I was doing and I said “I am new and try to figure out how stuff works.” Her reaction: “Facepalm!”

At another destination I tried a little bit of small talk. His reaction: “Hey man, I’m just vibing.” And he disappeared.


Someone on this forum wrote that people in sl are not unfriendly, but indifferent. That is my impression too. I can understand that. People are there to meet with people they like and know for a long time, they are not in sl to teach new residents.


The learning curve is steep.

  • It took me 3 days to figure out how to dress my avatar. Some people on the subreddit gave me the important hint „ADD“ not „WEAR“.

  • I stood lost on the dance floor until I found out how to dance and I felt like an idiot.

  • It took me some time to figure out how to sit.

  • I am still not able to put a bed in my house. It is to big and gets stuck inside the ceiling.

  • I don’t dare to ask about “rezzing”, AO’s or sandboxes. If I am struggling with the beginner stuff, how should I tackle those things?

  • I have so many questions and I don’t want to bother other people. They are friendly and willing to help...but a second question? A third question? Even a fourth?

  • The tutorials on youtube are a mixed bag. Some are over 10 years old, others are obviously made for people who already know a lot about sl. So far I don’t have found the videos I’ve needed.

  • Went to a role play destination and it was intimidating. A huge sign with the rules and plenty of slang that I didn’t understood.


Things I did not expect

Many many places in sl are empty. I did not expect that. I have tried random places and some recommended places and most of them were empty or had one or two resident.

I have discovered a club that plays music that I really like, but every time I am there it is empty. I can’t even dance because the “dance-balls” (I am sure that they have a name) are not turned on. Might be a time zone problem (living in Europe).

Many, many streets are empty, beaches are empty, clubs are empty… that surprised me.


I did not expect to get kicked out of regions. I’ve tried to discover sl, walked around, flew around and suddenly got warnings that I have to leave in 20 seconds. Now I know that some regions are restricted to members, but the first time it happened? That was stress.


I did not expect that “age” is important. Some listed events were not open for me, because “not 30 days old”. One was a dance party a regular beach, the other one a dance party in an adult club.



My question

Do you have any recommendations what I could do to improve my situation in sl? Some important things to learn or important things to know? Will it get better by time or will it remain a struggle? What could be an important next step?

I can help you about avatar and anything related to how to.., . just add me inworld same username.

about your social situation , lol I cant help you.  dance club as far as i know is afk place.  there are no get intouch with new people , rarely happen,  I think most people in sl that get close because thay are might be rl friend , or old avatar that know each other so long.

yea many SL sim is empty , I ve been told SL is used for people to improve their 3D skill. so they practice here.

some use it as sample for their project in real maybe arcitect .

you will find there are lots veteran here, I mean elderly people. my first month here is gang out in club that mostly fill with elderly people. over 50.

yes  avatar age is important people here will avoid young avatar since you are suspect as an alt or clones. many people using alts todo adult activities or become jerk, so their main avatar stay safe  unknown 😅.

(your enemy / stalker might be one in your friendlist you never know).

Imo real new avi, will polite, while

a jerk in here mostly old/veteran avatar using alts.

Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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and one thing about avatar and stuff, freebies or gift almost not good as the pay one 🤣. if you want put rela cash and spend, always bought the best, or you will regret it and bought trash many times.

and there are jerk selling trash with high price so you should know a good maker and brand , for anything from avatar stuff to furniture and etc.


Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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5 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

I can help you about avatar and anything related to how to.., . just add me inworld same username.

about your social situation , lol I cant help you.  dance club as far as i know is afk place.  there are no get intouch with new people , rarely happen,  I think most people in sl that get close because thay are might be rl friend , or old avatar that know each other so long.

yea many SL sim is empty , I ve been told SL is used for people to improve their 3D skill. so they practice here.

some use it as sample for their project in real maybe arcitect .

you will find there are lots veteran here, I mean elderly people. my first month here is gang out in club that mostly fill with elderly people. over 50.

yes  avatar age is important people here will avoid young avatar since you are suspect as an alt or clones. many people using alts todo adult activities or become jerk, so their main avatar stay safe  unknown 😅.

(your enemy / stalker might be one in your friendlist you never know).

Imo real new avi, will polite, while

a jerk in here mostly old/veteran avatar using alts.

You forgot to add your usual...all female avatars are men...if a female avatar refuses to voice, it's definitely a man.  😂

@Renfieldandminapay no attention to that.  It's more often the case with aggressive female avatars asking about sex.  Stay out of sex areas and info hubs and you should be fine.


I go to many dance/music clubs and rarely find AFK people.  Some may be multitasking so don't give up.  I've almost always received a response to an IM.  As was mentioned, try Muddy's Music, Exhale, Fogbound if you like blues, Big Daddys.  

I've found rude people of all avatar ages.  I've also found indifferent avatars of all ages.  I do suggest, if messaging someone, have a topic in mind beforehand.  Something in their profile that got your attention is tops on my list and how most people approach me.

There are regions geared toward playing games.  Not gaming regions but table/board games.  I've been to a couple and people seem pretty friendly.

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10 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

and one thing about avatar and stuff, freebies or gift almost not good as the pay one 🤣. if you want put rela cash and spend, always bought the best, or you will regret it and bought trash many times

LOL, my first year in SL I had a homemade avatar I made in the editor, free clothes off the Marketplace, and hair that cost me 1L$.

My favorite quote from that entire year: "Yes, but YOU'RE mesh!" They had no idea I was using a classic avi and dollarbie hair.

I've seen a lot of people make beautiful avatars using nothing but the system tools. it takes a little more effort and time, but for those with a nonexistent budget, don't let it put you off. You can mix and match enough decent freebies to make a good avi. Might take a while scouring for the right ones, but this is a fun pastime anyway, right?

Edited by PheebyKatz
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1 minute ago, PheebyKatz said:

LOL, my first year in SL I had a homemade avatar I made in the editor, free clothes off the Marketplace, and hair that cost me 1L$.

My favorite quote from that entire year: "Yes, but YOU'RE mesh!"

I've seen a lot of people make beautiful avatars using nothing but the system tools. it takes a little more effort and time, but for those with a nonexistent budget, don't let it put you off. You can mix and match enough decent freebies to make a good avi. Might take a while scouring for the right ones, but this is a pastime anyway, right?

I said if you want to put cash  better bought the bento mesh avatar , rather than bought many times outdated mesh body/head. and evryone know which brand are abandon

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6 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

I said if you want to put cash  better bought the bento mesh avatar , rather than bought many times outdated mesh body/head. and evryone know which brand are abandon

I know what you said. Then I said what I said. Neato how this conversation thing works, we can all read~!

Not disagreeing with you either, but what I said is also valid. You don't have to spend anything to have a nice avatar. Yayee~!

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20 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

You forgot to add your usual...all female avatars are men...if a female avatar refuses to voice, it's definitely a man.  😂

@Renfieldandminapay no attention to that.  It's more often the case with aggressive female avatars asking about sex.  Stay out of sex areas and info hubs and you should be fine.


I go to many dance/music clubs and rarely find AFK people.  Some may be multitasking so don't give up.  I've almost always received a response to an IM.  As was mentioned, try Muddy's Music, Exhale, Fogbound if you like blues, Big Daddys.  

I've found rude people of all avatar ages.  I've also found indifferent avatars of all ages.  I do suggest, if messaging someone, have a topic in mind beforehand.  Something in their profile that got your attention is tops on my list and how most people approach me.

There are regions geared toward playing games.  Not gaming regions but table/board games.  I've been to a couple and people seem pretty friendly.


ignore that, there are no aggresive woman wanting sex, thats a lie. the only aggresive woman you can find is defonetly a guy or maybe some woman in their alt try to sell you colar or mesh banana *****. LOL.. they want your cash

becarefiull with skillfull gaming area, they are cheat and will make you lost all your L. and you will find many fake story people get rich from that area, thats their agent



Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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14 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:


ignore that, there are no aggresive woman wanting sex, thats a lie. the only aggresive woman you can find is defonetly a guy or maybe some woman in their alt try to sell you colar or mesh banana *****. LOL.. they want your cash

becarefiull with skillfull gaming area, they are cheat and will make you lost all your L. and you will find many fake story people get rich from that area, thats their agent




I promise it gets better. Just beware of pickpockets and loose wo/men.

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6 hours ago, Renfieldandmina said:

I have found a place to meditate or watch the sunset

Second Life has really good sunsets.

6 hours ago, Renfieldandmina said:

Many many places in sl are empty.

Yes. Second Life is the size of Los Angeles but only about 30,000 to 55,000 people are logged in at any time. So people are very spread out.

6 hours ago, Renfieldandmina said:

It took me 3 days to figure out how to dress my avatar. Some people on the subreddit gave me the important hint „ADD“ not „WEAR“

The clothing system grew over 20 years, and is way too complicated. LL is talking about a next generation of avatars, but that's just in the vague future ideas stage. The easy but expensive way to make it work is to buy one of the big-name bodies and only buy clothing that is sold to fit it. The hard but cheap way involves a lot of detailed fussing with the clothing system. Head over to Firestorm Help Island to discuss clothing problems. The two basic hints: 1) "Add", don't "Wear", and 2) Once you have an outfit that works, you can save it by name with the "Save As" button in the T-shirt menu. This includes your entire avatar and all clothing. So you can easily go back to something that works if you mess up.

6 hours ago, Renfieldandmina said:

I did not expect to get kicked out of regions.

Second Life has rather strong property rights on and over land. Anybody with land can kick you off their land. They can also delegate that power to a "security orb" program, which is where those "You have 20 seconds to comply" messages come from. We have arguments here over that all the time, between the "freedom to fly" faction and the "get off my lawn" faction. Second Life's giant suburbia, Bellessaria, limits the use of security orbs. Anyway, being automatically ejected doesn't mean you're in any trouble with Linden Lab management.

Although this is annoying, it beats the alternative - an army of low-paid outsourced "moderators" armed with ban hammers. That's what most virtual worlds, such as Facebook/Meta and Roblox, use. Linden Lab does have a "governance" staff. It's small and not very active.

7 hours ago, Renfieldandmina said:

I am still not able to put a bed in my house. It is to big and gets stuck inside the ceiling.

Not clear what the problem is there. However, any experienced user can talk you through fixing it. Anything you own can be moved around.

Scale is an issue. There was, at one time, a tendency to have oversized avatars. That's mostly over, but there's still a lot of oversized furniture, and buildings tend to have oversized doors and too high ceilings. This is partly a consequence of SL's camera control, where you need extra ceiling clearance or the camera can be above the ceiling.

7 hours ago, Renfieldandmina said:

Went to a role play destination and it was intimidating. A huge sign with the rules and plenty of slang that I didn’t understood.

There are places like that. It's up to the owner. Most roleplay locations will let you wear an "out of character" tag and wander around. Nobody will talk to you much, but you can look around.

Anyway, good luck.

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32 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:



becarefiull with skillfull gaming area, they are cheat and will make you lost all your L. and you will find many fake story people get rich from that area, thats their agent



If you'd read my post, I said 


49 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Not gaming regions but table/board games.  I've been to a couple and people seem pretty friendly.

Table/board games are not played for Ls but for fun.  They are not in Skilled Gaming regions.


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Are you stalking me @Kalegthepsionicist?

You may not have said it but you should have noted the difference between the two if you were going to comment at all so as not to confuse.   Skilled gaming = Lindens to play and why I specified NOT skilled gaming.  

Anyway...🙄.  Games are a good place to socialize.  People are mostly talking in local or voice chat in the board game places I've been to.

Eta...bows out so you can have the last word.  🤐

Edited by Rowan Amore
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