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Being reported and mass threatenning because on how i look in second life


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Hey I need you assistance. I made an avatar that was a furry spin off of the helgast military in killzone the video game(https://www.google.com/search?q=killzone&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwrvCE86_zAhXLXc0KHc7MB2IQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1366&bih=665&dpr=1) and barring the emblems the game carried (https://www.google.com/search?q=killzone+emblem&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjf6NiG86_zAhXLHKwKHZCbC1cQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=killzone+emblem&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAgQHjoECAAQGFCT9wJYq4gDYNiKA2gAcAB4AIABiQGIAdQEkgEDNS4ymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=V4BaYZ_hGsu5sAWQt664BQ&bih=665&biw=1366). The feed back i got were very threatening and high disapproved of as far as mass AR and harrasment. I was being called nazi  and a trans-phobic hater. I explained several times and showed that the video game killzone was not nazi at all that they were an alien race. What should i do to protect myself from being banned from second life because of the responses I'm getting but keep the look of the helgast military look. 

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I don't know what you look like as I have not seen your avatar but generally speaking, those with specialized type avatars use them in areas that support that sort of thing, and I  am sure there are lots of places you could go and blend in just fine.  On the other hand, showing up at a club where most are relatively normal looking avatars, would certainly attract attention and it seems in your case negative attention.  So basically the choice is yours.  If you want to use that look, then be prepared for negativity where that look may not be appreciated.  As for getting banned, I have no idea how LL would view your look, so couldn't comment on that.. except to say that if you are using any logo or name on any part of your avatar that is a registered name or logo, trade mark belonging to someone else, you would be in trouble, as that  would be against the TOS.

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never showed up at a club it was a combat sim that does Linden Lab damage. as for the logo never took the name and i heavily modified the logo wit a human hand a furry hand and robot hand on it.





Edited by Excalihooves
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46 minutes ago, Excalihooves said:

 I explained several times and showed that the video game killzone was not nazi at all that they were an alien race

it might be because you don't seem to know the story of the Helgast.  The Helgast are not aliens, they are humans. And they are nazi in thought, deed and practice. As a people evolved from authoritarian corporatism. Who keep trying to kill all the Vektans, a people descended from more liberal democratic ancestors. Is not much of a killy war game when there aren't any nazis. Or commies. War and Conquest games are pretty simple like that 

the furries  you ran into in SL on a roleplay region are probably secret vektan sympathising furries, and they maybe think you are a secret helgastian spy pretending to be a furry. And so the game continues whatever planet or world it is


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5 hours ago, Nick0678 said:

Don't worry about it, as long as your avatar doesn't have Swastikas or other Nazi era symbols you are safe.. Let them AReport as much as they like and play your game.

Im with you on that.

10 hours ago, Excalihooves said:

What should i do to protect myself from being banned from second life because of the responses I'm getting but keep the look of the helgast military look. 

I wouldnt be too worried. im using this arm band every once in a while:

It has more logos to it as you can see on the picture. also the Super Mario Mushroom, but nothing forbidden.
If it would be forbidden, it would not be on the MP for so long and i would be banned, too, probably.

Edited by Resi Pfeffer
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Hello, I'm the owner of the sim.

Excalihooves was banned for threatening to abuse report an admin who requested they change their avatar. Our staff does not endorse this conduct nor harassment let alone engage in it ourselves. 


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