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15 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Mother Road is an interesting place.

One of the most diverse places in SL, People go there for RP,  people go there to drive vehicles, people go there to take pictures. and people go there to hook up, and of course some people do more than one of these. And added bonus with the big expanse of open space and rez rights with a group membership you can pretty much use it as a sandbox

Edited by Hathoria
left out a letter in a word.
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On 9/27/2023 at 7:01 PM, Leora Greenwood said:

Tiggie and I are hanging out with one of the black crew cats from Port Plunder, watching storm clouds glower over the pirate ships:




What? and you didn't get them to invite me for a nice afternoon of raping and pillaging? 

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On 9/28/2023 at 12:56 AM, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

One of the rooms reminded me of the forums.  Someone swooning, someone crying, someone half passed out, someone taking a selfie, and everything in total chaos.  The only thing missing was popcorn.


Sandor and Caitlin joined me about halfway through.  Listening to these two interact is quite entertaining, but I will add my own captions.

Think really hard before you type out whatever it is you are thinking of saying, Sandor.  Caitlin is powering up.


*snorts* Told ya so!


It WAS a rather interesting experience. A dark SIM with a message. Which was difficult to understand. Murder and insanity were the basis. As we went further, we saw the standard things we see in our lives, such as shopping carts and cellphones. Seemed like a statement against the standard things in society. Cinny and I discussed that. There were youtube and twitter (now X) links at the beginning and at the end. I took a few minutes to glance to glance through one video made by the builder of the SIM. One sentence caught my eye:  "I am again noticing the small things in life and I have come to realize that there is a deep beauty in melancholy". Yeah, the melancholy of our reality. It WAS kind of hard to feel that though,  since I was with both Cat and Cinny, especially when Cat hung me by my ankles suddenly, and they both had a laugh out of it. Bi*tches!!! But I think the whole point of the SIM was to make a beautiful melancholic experience.  

Cinny and Sandor.jpg

Sandor and shopping carts.jpg

Bryn Oh Poem.jpg

Cat Powering Up and Cinny.jpg

Sandor Upside Down.jpg

Sandor Shadow.jpg

Cinny at Anna's Many Murders.jpg

Edited by Bagnu
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I must add this, since i was discussing that SIM. Art isn't always about the messages within the image itself.  Sometimes it is simply about creating a "feeling" for the viewer.  There is no point trying to decipher all pieces of art, because there isn't always a message or a meaning hidden within. 

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It is that time of year, and among the decorations are grave markers, because we tend to think about death when we think about graves and this is the time we love to decorate with stuff related to death. But i would challenge you, not to think of cemeteries as collections of dead people, but rather collections of memorials to lives lived and all that goes with that.



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8 hours ago, Bagnu said:

I must add this, since i was discussing that SIM. Art isn't always about the messages within the image itself.  Sometimes it is simply about creating a "feeling" for the viewer.  There is no point trying to decipher all pieces of art, because there isn't always a message or a meaning hidden within. 

Interesting that you mention this, Sandor, as I went to an art class a couple days ago where we did an interesting exercise and let the elements of the paintings speak to us -- we spoke as if we were the element itself. Very Gestalt-y, and brought much awareness. You can do this to learn about yourself, or even enable your art to direct you more as you're creating.

Sept 26 Art Class_001 Resized.png

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10 hours ago, Bagnu said:

But I think the whole point of the SIM was to make a beautiful melancholic experience.  

yes I once created such a sim and named it 'Haunting Beauty'.  I've explored the dark side of reality in my life enough though -- gimme rainbows and happiness!!    A Kraken can be off in one corner though, of my undersea rainbow garden...hehe

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9 hours ago, Bagnu said:

There is no point trying to decipher all pieces of art, because there isn't always a message or a meaning hidden within. 

I would disagree, if by decipher you mean to figure out what the artist is trying to say then yes this is true, but I think all art has as its goal to get us to think, to figure it out. Truely great artists i do not believe try to imbed some secret message to everyone in their works, rather they hope to stimulate withing the viewer the desire to think, and come to their own conclusions, these conclusions may or may not be the same thoughts as the artist. So yes great art leads us to decipher it. We might not find what the artist was thinking, but if we think then the artist has been successful. 


Because faith is to be awake
And to be awake is for us to think
And for us to think is to be alive
And I will try with every rhyme
To come across like I am dying
To let you know you need to try to think,



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6 minutes ago, BillFletcher said:

I would disagree, if by decipher you mean to figure out what the artist is trying to say then yes this is true, but I think all art has as its goal to get us to think, to figure it out. Truely great artists i do not believe try to imbed some secret message to everyone in their works, rather they hope to stimulate withing the viewer the desire to think, and come to their own conclusions, these conclusions may or may not be the same thoughts as the artist. So yes great art leads us to decipher it. We might not find what the artist was thinking, but if we think then the artist has been successful. 


I agree with you. I'm really just adding that sometimes the artist just wants to make a pic that has visual appeal, or on the opposite end, shock value. Nothing else intended.

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36 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

I agree with you. I'm really just adding that sometimes the artist just wants to make a pic that has visual appeal, or on the opposite end, shock value. Nothing else intended.

So true...just to feel and experience (like feel beauty, harmony, peace) and not to necessarily process stuff with our conscious minds.

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26 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

So true...just to feel and experience (like feel beauty, harmony, peace) and not to necessarily process stuff with our conscious minds.

Yes, but in some cases the point isn't "beauty, harmony and peace".  It's the exact opposite, such as was the case with the SIM I was at with @Cinnamon Mistwoodand Caitlin. The entire SIM was a piece of 3D melancholy art. 

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20 minutes ago, Bagnu said:
50 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

So true...just to feel and experience (like feel beauty, harmony, peace) and not to necessarily process stuff with our conscious minds.

Yes, but in some cases the point isn't "beauty, harmony and peace".  It's the exact opposite, such as was the case with the SIM I was at with @Cinnamon Mistwoodand Caitlin. The entire SIM was a piece of 3D melancholy art. 

but there can be beauty in darkness, no?

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32 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

Yes, but in some cases the point isn't "beauty, harmony and peace".  It's the exact opposite, such as was the case with the SIM I was at with @Cinnamon Mistwoodand Caitlin. The entire SIM was a piece of 3D melancholy art. 

Bryn Oh's art installations always make me feel melancholy, yet in a good way. 


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11 minutes ago, Bagnu said:
15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

but there can be beauty in darkness, no?

And in the right cases,  peace and harmony.

I look it like this -- darkness/ light or death/creation balance each other. If there is darkness out of balance then it is only destruction...perhaps what some might label as 'evil'.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Bryn Oh's art installations always make me feel melancholy, yet in a good way. 


I just loved Anna's Many Murders. She finds beauty in melancholy. I read that in her Lobbycam video.

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7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I look it like this -- darkness/ light or death/creation balance each other. If there is darkness out of balance then it is only destruction...perhaps what some might label as 'evil'.

I personally don't believe in the religious or spiritual concepts of good and evil. But I agree with you in that destruction is what could be considered "evil". Anything that is a threat to our existence is what is evil from our perspective. But that may very well be considered a "good" from the opposite side. I am philosophical, but not spiritual. 

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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Don't look into the abyss too long, as they say...this becomes dangerous.

When one fails to embrace the abyss it creates a fear of death. Good and evil, or love and disrespect have a lot in common, in one case, oneself is given freely, in the other, taken. I think everyone should be free to do what they want as long as they keep harm to a minimum, and the abyss can sometimes provide that freedom.

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