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Where can I find other bellis to hang with?

Annalise Evergarden

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Join the inworld group Bellisseria Citizens.  Lots of chat and they post about misc. gatherings.

Also, search for other groups with Bellisseria in the name.  You'll find various activities have groups -- sailing, horseback riding, etc..

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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If you like music and dancing:  Belli Blues Cafe, if you enjoy sailing or flying:  Bellisseria Parade, if you like travel and exploring:  The Bellisseria Travelers Club, for general fun I think there is a Bellisseria Events group too!  You will be so busy, we will never see you on the forums.  :D

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Personally I go to Belli Blues Cafe every Tuesday, and Friday Party at FAR’s, or whenever and wherever someone hosts a party. I also meet many sailors/pilots at Fairgrounds. For groups, join Bellisseria Events, Bellisseria Bike Drive & Scoot, Bellisseria Riding Club, etc. depends on your interests. One of the more adult-oriented Bellisseria groups which I call Prayer Meeting Group (lol) hosts a BBQ every week. There is always an event almost every day and sometimes residents in the Bellisseria Citizens group chat randomly invite people to hangout.

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5 hours ago, Yuumo Ichibara said:

Personally I go to Belli Blues Cafe every Tuesday, and Friday Party at FAR’s, or whenever and wherever someone hosts a party. I also meet many sailors/pilots at Fairgrounds. For groups, join Bellisseria Events, Bellisseria Bike Drive & Scoot, Bellisseria Riding Club, etc. depends on your interests. One of the more adult-oriented Bellisseria groups which I call Prayer Meeting Group (lol) hosts a BBQ every week. There is always an event almost every day and sometimes residents in the Bellisseria Citizens group chat randomly invite people to hangout.

Bellis Blues Cafe has an event every Monday from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (slt) with Dj Stephanie.

Bellis Blues Cafe advert pic


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We hold a lot of weekly parties in Belli as well as some themed events at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds. The latter being done by various groups as well as some solo projects here and there also!

Bellisseria also has a DJ group of Belli citizens that love to play music which provides weekly sets around the community spaces. Some in private homes/yards, other times in the public hangouts like the pool areas, Randalsham Treehouse/Forest and Campwich Lodge, just to name a few. 

Posted below are links to the two main "Public Event Groups" in Belli. You will find notices sent out about art gallery exhibits, Fairground events such as holiday celebrations or themed events like summer water parks, festivals etc. As well as all the dj parties that go on weekly as well as impromptu gatherings!

If you are looking for other types of entertainment. There are bike groups, sailing groups, horse riding groups, various rp groups .. Honestly, I think Bellisseria has something for just about everyone. The community is really kind and welcoming to newcomers so don't be shy about just dropping in if you see a notice, port on over and join in! We're a bit nutty but in the best possible ways lol. 


Event Groups:

Bellisseria Events



Bellisseria Entertainers & Events


Also here is the BEE calendar that shows all the parties, FG events and all bookings for the Belli Blues Cafe. I make sure this is updated on a daily basis, so you will always know what's going on ahead of time. 



I hope this info is helpful to you and welcome to Belli! 


Krys Calamity. 

Edited by KrystalKandy
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