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Looking to improve my SL social life


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I am online about 16 hours a day 7 days a week and have spent a lot of time quite alone doing my own stuff or getting tabbed/AFK in a club. For a while I have been looking to change things in my SL life, discovering new places and people. So I am a snake! Here a few previews so things start clear, if you are looking for human form and appearence...




I am very chill and laid back, I love to follow people in their stuff, I am quite a bit of a pet!


So I am looking for family, friends, gang, groups, etc etc to actually be with people instead of staying insolated in my corner silenced or ignored....

At this moment what I do is to crawl around the grid a coil there and there chilling with people feling the vibes of the spot :D. Maybe soon looking for a job 😮

At never really know what to write on forums and not inspired to type down my life right now eheheheh :3


If you want to get a nice following and caring friend to be socially active with please send me a message or reply to this thread so we get to meet and do something ^^


Cold blood they say? The matter of my survival as a snake is to keep my heart warm ♥








Edited by xenoqc
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