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Banned content creator, store still selling, where does my $ go?

Solbrio Serenity

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The title pretty much sums up my question. I bought a couple things thinking that the seller will probably get her account sorted and then looked at her notecard again. Apparently this ban or whatever happened back in April! 


So...who gets her $? Also, who the hell do I contact now if there is something wrong with my purchase? Why on earth would her store be left to just collect $? 


Seems shady to me!

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The L$ to such an account would be held by Linden Lab, and just vaporized out of the system eventually, it will be liquidated to nowhere by Linden Lab.

Linden Lab has no use for L$ for themselves (they operate only in USD), so any orphaned L$ just becomes a sink to help stabilize the value of L$.

If you open a support case ticket from the SL website here, perhaps maybe it is possible you can get it retreived. Best of luck!

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Then this is bull, because the content this creator has made is really good (in my opinion). In the first few minutes I was there several people popped in. So that means as long as LL leaves her stuff up LL will make money off of it? 


I'd be nauseated if I were her. 


Thank you for the clarification. I've talked it out with my boyfriend (lol) and this is what I figure..if I report it..the shop could go poof! and I really like that shop. If I don't report it...then people are literally throwing money down the rabbit hole. 

I've thrown my money away on worse things in life. I really do wish the content creator wasn't getting the shaft tho. :(

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Buying stuff you like & can afford is never a waste of money.  I found some lovely Victorian dresses, reasonably priced, from a merchant who is apparently gone from SL.  Her items were on SL Marketplace & in world.  I love these dresses & would probably buy more of them. If Linden Labs benefits twice by me buying them, I don't care.  They get money when we buy $L. Then the money given to these non-existent accounts is "donated" to Linden Labs instead of given to other residents.  I'd rather give it to the content creator, but not buying something I like, would just be hurting myself for no good reason.  It's not like boycotting such sales is going to change anything.

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It depends on whether or not it's a permanent ban. If it's not, the seller will get that money when they log back on(at least this was the case for 3 others I know who got a temporary ban/suspension).

If it's permanent, it goes nowhere, LL eats it.

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[Paying linden to an account that will never use them because they are ban will simply pull that linden out of the SL economy and shrink the economic base.]

It doesn't necessarily do anything in particular to the economic base.

What is does to the monetary base is to help keep it from inflating.

The reasons not to like it, though, are:

A) The mitigation of inflation occurs at your personal expense.

B) No additional utility is provided to consumers for the money removed from circulation.

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I'll have to disagree with point B.  While removing linden dollars from the SL economy may not help other residents. The person who buys something from a dead account still gets to keep that item. They are in effect buying from Linden Labs rather than from another resident. The process is akin to how paying Tier benefits LL, but doesn't directly benefit other residents, while paying rent to them would. 


(Edit to add word)

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If someone is banned, everything they created in world stays including the income. Thank god too as I had my account banned over the most ridiculous thing that had absolutely nothing to do with me. I had it fixed and was back in a couple of weeks but in the meantime, my business still generated income which was in my account when I get reinstated.

However, after 60 days, that avatar is permanently deleted. If they don't pay their tier, which they can't, all goes away in time.

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Solbrio Serenity wrote:

So...who gets her $? Also, who the hell do I contact now if there is something wrong with my purchase? Why on earth would her store be left to just collect $? 


About three years ago, a friend of mine introduced one of her acquaintances to me, who created very detailed tentacle plants. I still have one of those in my sim. My friend asked me to allow her acquaintance to sell them at my shop, and I agreed. Instead of taking rent, I gave her a vendor script that paid me a small percentage of her sales.

A few months later, one of her customers contacted me about an item delivery problem. I tried to IM my friend's friend in order to tell her to look into this issue, but her account had vanished. Apparently she had been account-banned, but nobody knew why. That's how these things happen.

I also assume that her revenue ended up in Linden Lab's pocket, except for my share. I eventually took her vendors down since I couldn't provide customer support for her products. It was a shame, seeing that her items were really well made too. I still get IMs from people who see the tentacly thing in my sim and ask me where I bought it.

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