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You Only Live Twice

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After we've spent a good amount of time refining the plan for dealing with TOS and testing ideas for possible pitfalls, Dillon, now in charge of eliminating TOS from Forgotten City through any means possible, decides it's time to bring the rest of the team together and dole out assignments for what might be our final stand.

Once we have all gathered, Dillon attempts to call order to this restless group.

"You're probably wondering why I've called you all together..."

But she quickly realizes that formalities are a waste of precious time. We're in no mood to listen to lengthy speeches about the dangers that lie ahead or the sacrifices we might be called to make. We're just eager to get on with the mission and restore order to Forgotten City, so we can return to our regular MISL appointments. I, more than anyone, have been forced into a role I am not fully trained for.


Dillon wastes no further time in handing out our assignments, sending us out in pairs for safety. Fortunately she realizes that a post with a high risk of gunfire might not be the wisest placement for someone with my lack of weapons training, so I am assigned to lookout duty. She sends Katt, a combat instructor just returned from another assignment, with me for protection.

Before we spread out across the city, I head briefly to my workshop and return with a set of wireless earpieces. It's a new MISL technology we had been working on to allow close range communication in the field on an impenetrable frequency. This will be the first test, but if all goes as planned, we will be able to coordinate our activies in sync and alert one another immediately to danger.

Once everyone is fitted with their nearly invisible earpieces, Katt and I head for our perch high above the city to keep watch. All appears quiet. For now.


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While talking to M about Quinn's new body guard M seem totally unshocked when I reveal that Quinn's first guard was my long estranged Goddaughter.


Anyways I am happy to see that Quinn's new body guard seems to have the vision to get the job done.


Picking up a few of my things I left at the shooting range I get ready for my trek into space to try to talk some sense into my Goddaughter.


As I carefully maneuver my ship though the city I can't help wondering if it was a mistake mot to reveal myself sooner to Kelinda.


I am totally surprised that Dillon did not see what was going on, after all she knew Kelinda's mother better than anyone else.


As I pilot my craft out of the Forgotten City I can't help but wonder if I will ever forget this place.


Next stop the Final Frontier I only hope I can bring my Goddaughter back to the ways of the force.


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We had gathered at the Forgotten City. The mayor and his constituents had kept watch for us.




Agent Levenque had given everyone their assignments. Nightfire and I were to place explosives at key locations throughout the city. Rangemistress Kyrie informed M of her intentions to pursue the rouge agent Kelinda.




Nightfire had taken control of the Battle Zephyr, she would be providing aerial support.




RM Kyrie, M and I discuss the final phase of the plan. We are more than fully aware that this may be our last communication.




The Rangemistress makes final preparations and undocks her ship. M authorizes Combat Instructor Katt to use any means necessary to ensure Q's protection.




The Agents depart to their assigned missions. I am left alone with M. I try to think of something to say. I expect her to say something, anything so that I can make a witty remark or a snarky comment, but she says nothing. The tick tick tick of the city roars in my ears and the smell of salt water and steam becomes undeniably noticeable and the cool muggy mist seems to blanket the city and myself with indifference.

M taps her foot and looks at her watch. Her watch that is always there like a constant companion, like a constant reminder that this is all coming to an end, like a small annoying mechanical device that shares a connection to this large whirring spinning quiet still city of automations and gears. I want to smash the watch. I want to say something, I want to scream!

I walk away.




I turn in my service pistol. I wont be requiring it anymore.




She rather seemed like she wanted to say something.

The mayor says nothing.




Nightfire had stocked the submersible with more than enough explosives. I board it and set them in their designated spots.




The ocean water is warm and I have virtually unlimited access to every area of the city.




By the time I complete my mission a new dawn is forming. I let my service uniform dry while I review the plans.




The factory and range and Governor's Mansion are held aloft by the city's three main Zephyrs.




I am left with three explosives.




The sun is cold and the haze surrounds me in its now familiar embrace. I shudder at the thought of what is to come.





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Because the situation demanded all our resources I requested that Miss Caxton be pressed into service to help in the defense of the City. M was not at all pleased (nor was I, for that matter, but I felt I had no choice). Surprisingly, Caxton not only didn't hesitate when asked but actually seemed to find the idea of going in harm's way appealing. Her eyes gleamed.

Caxton was assigned to work with Nightfall on placing explosives around the City; her knowledge of the City's infrastructure is probably greater than all of us, saving M. To help minimize the risk to Caxton I arrange to meet her on a deserted road far from the City center. On my way to our destination a very odd-looking blue vehicle speeds past me. As it crosses the bridge just ahead of me it clips an abutment and swerves wildly across the road, then back, spins completely around, runs into the rocks on the shoulder and comes to a smoking halt on its side. The driver climbs up and out of the car, which does not, thankfully, appear to be on the verge of bursting into flames.


 Just at that instant Caxton arrives from the other direction. We both stop and get out to offer assistance. That idea vanishes as I recognize the driver to be that damned reporter. She claims she was just out for a drive but clearly she's got an inside source. The reporter calls Triple Z and soon enough the big lavender towtruck arrives. While the reporter is fliritng shamelessly with the driver Caxton slips me a folded paper; a map of the explosive deployments across the City. Caxton climbs back in her car and drives on.

I wonder if M would consider allowing Miss Caxton to become an operative. Probably not, given that two years and 21 hires went by before M got someone who could stand her.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I get back to the City after the odd incident with the reporter. A quick check using the communication system Q'ute provided lets me know everyone is in place. Because I think it will come down to gunfire at the end and also because I know I can count on her no matter what fortune sends our way, I make my way to Lillie's stakeout. We discuss options and decide that if I can get any TOS people in front of me the best plan will be to keep them moving toward the canal.  At some point that will bring them into Lillie's sights. Makes my role almost that of a 'beater' in an English grouse hunt, but I have no problem with that. TOS is in our City. That just won't do.

Time drags on. While we're waiting, Lillie mentions that while here she actually saw the man whose sketch she identified as the mole. Apparently he was being moved, under heavy guard, while she was being taken from her 'interrogation' room to the Main Office where she was formally enrolled as an MISL operative. I try not to look surprised; Lillie was realeased from interrogation a full two days after M informed us of the assasination of the mole. As is so often the case with M, there are wheels within wheels. For the moment none of that matters. Our job—my job—is to eliminate the threat to the City.

Lillie in Postition.jpg

I get a call that there is activity near the Tower and take my leave.

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It's ON.

Nightfire and Caxton rigged explosives at the spot Lillie had picked as her sniper roost when she first arrived. We'd assumed that TOS would know we were aware of that spot and thus assume it to be compromised, but Nightfire set her traps there anyway. We may have over-estimated TOS, but I doubt it. I think Big O sent someone expendable to check out that position. That someone has now been expended.

Fire Sniper Roost.jpg

I Q-cast to the rest that it has begun. I do not tell them, nor do I need to, the gravity of the situation. We do it on our own or it does not get done.  No clever tricks, no escape routes, no last minute salvations.

We win, or we perish.


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Katt speaks up on the Q-channel to say Q's lab is coming under attack from what appears to be the main TOS contingent. She and Sylvia and a handful of recruits are in a pitched battle with the TOS.
Sylvia is there because we moved M in with Q. After Keli left the City we assigned Sylvia as M's bodyguard and decided to keep them together to concentrate our forces. That of course also concentrates our risk but that's of little importance. There's no escaping this.

Fire Power Source.jpg

On the way to the lab I stop briefly to set off one of Nightfire's incendiaries to destroy the plank bridge leading to the Reactor Room's lower level. That reduces the chance of TOS flanking us.

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I arrive to find that TOS has made their way into the Toy Store that hides the entrance to the Lab. Katt, Sylvia, and their patchwork squad are more than holding their own and slowly pushing the enemy back out of the buildings into the open area outside, Sylvia waving her katana and screaming like a madwoman.

Just as the bulk of the enemy's troops are falling back across the plaza I detonate one of Nightfire's shaped charges, which thins the number of combatants nicely.

 Fire Q Branch.jpg

I spot Guido racing out of the building and across the plaza, firing behind him as he goes. He's with a woman I've never seen who seems to be barking orders at GG. Could Big O be a female? There are few other people in the organization that would be giving orders to Guido; he would certainly be the one in charge of a mission like this.

Leaving Sylvia and her troops to mop up here and guard the Brain Trust, Katt and I set off in close but cautious pursuit of the pair through the warren of alleys and passageways that make up the Market Quarter.

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Hello Dwellers!

I am here at the Forgotten City which seemd to be coming under attack! Oh-No (boom!!!) That was close. What's this? It looks like I am getting an IM from headquarters. Pull out? PULL OUT!!!! But things are just getting hot around... yes know, I know Helicopters don't grow on trees... but... It cost how much? No I don't want to pay for it myself.... okay I am heading back to base over and out...


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Katt and I follow Guido and his companion through the Market Quarter. A few shots are exchanged. It seems clear that he is just trying to keep us at bay; there is no attempt to set a position and fight it out. I don't know what his game is, but it makes little sense. Katt and I have a quick conversation and we split up. She moves to the City side of the Market as I move to the canal side.

Closing in.jpg


As I come out from under the awnings I see both GG and his female companion in front of me and realize they must both be traveling directly into Lillie's line of fire. I snap off a quick shot and before the echoes die down I hear Q and Nightfire almost simultaneously on the comm link, telling me a watercraft is closing on my position at high speed.

Is this a second wave of troops? Have I been completely outmaneuvered? I speak quickly into the comm link to tell Katt company may be coming.

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I take a quick look at our quarry and at the same instant hear Lillie's rifle fire. Big O, if that is who the woman is, staggers and appears to fall into the canal. Guido freezes and turns; he must be looking straight at Lillie.

She fires again and I see a cloud of splinters explode from the bridge support next to Guido's head, but his only reaction is to put a hand to his face. Then he calmly turns and jumps into the canal.

Lillie sighting GG.jpg

I race to the spot in time to see some kind of strange looking boat racing away from me. I fire a shot at it, more in frustration than anything else. They weren't bringing in reinforcments; they were bringing in an escape route!

Nightfire is over the bay in her airship and drops a couple of charges but she says the thing is going too fast. Quinn keeps up a steady stream of range, speed, and direction numbers. The boat goes straight out into the bay, and finally moves out of sensor range, still accelerating. We lost them.

Lillie and Katt join me at the drawbridge. I look at Lillie with a raised eyebrow. She gives me the poker face and says, "Darn. Missed him."

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As darkness falls I visit my quarters long enough to take off my gunbelt, leaving me feeling 10 pounds lighter. There's a message asking me to meet M at the saloon.
I arrive to find M already seated. With a wave and a nod to the bartender, I take a chair and sit.
"It seems we are out of danger, for the moment.", M begins.
"I believe we are. There were no further TOS captures or confirmed kills, but I know they are out of the City, and I believe they are too badly beaten to rally soon."
"We're accustomed to having you destroy the enemy's facilities, Dillon, rather than our own. I do hope this won't become a trend."
"I had to take some tactical measures. A certain portion of the infrastructure will require repair. Given that TOS was here, I felt I had little choice."
That comment earns me the famous M stare, reminding me I should not remind her that it was, after all, her plan.

M at Saloon.jpg


"I see you've given Miss Caxton a holiday.", I say, just to break the silence.
"Yes. I wanted her to get any idea of becoming an active agent out of her head. I allowed you to 'borrow' her because the situation seemed to require it. I'll not allow it again. I'm fully aware that she would like nothing better than to get an operational assignment, but I need her here. She's quite an asset."
"Yes, she has."
M glances away briefly; her equivalent of an actual human rolling her eyes and sighing.
"Where do we go from here?", I ask.
"That remains to be seen. If I were you, I'd start shopping for a space suit."
With that, M stands and walks away, leaving me to pay the bill.
As usual.

I pay the tab and buzz Quinn on the comm link.
"Still up?", I ask.
"Just out here looking at the view. I'm on the zeppelin platform."
I walk out and grab the elevator. It's been a very long day, but somehow I'm still too keyed up to sleep.


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I join Quinn on the zeppelin platform, looking out over the City. The fires have all been extinguished and there are already signs and barricades in places where there are damaged areas. Work to repair all  that will no doubt start at first light.

"We're still here. We're still strong. But it has been quite an experience.", I say.

"It has. I do still reserve the right to strangle you for not telling me you were one of us all along."

"Need-to-know, Quinn. Need-to-know."

"Strangling you right now would work for me. Just keep talking."

I smile in the darkness. "I'll be quiet. Be a shame to break up a good team, and we do make a
pretty good team, Soccer Mom."

With Quinn.jpg

Quinn drapes a friendly arm over my shoulder as we survey the ravaged City.

"Indeed we do, Pink. Indeed we do. I probably wouldn't have survived this without your level head."

She looks pensive for a moment as we ponder all that occurred in the last weeks. Then she glances at me with a funny smile and stifles a laugh like a kid who has just dreamed up a practical joke, and somehow I know that I've not heard the last of my secrecy.

I'm almost certain she is still plotting her revenge.


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                       You Only Live Twice

Cast, in order of appearance

Dillon Levenque                  MISL/TOS Double agent
Mags Indigo                         Woman at the dark end of the street
Charolotte Caxton               Miss Caxton
Quinn Morani                       Q'ute
Lillie Woodells                    TOS Sniper
jjccc Coronet                       Documentary Filmmaker
Kelinda                                 Nobody Really Knows
Keli Kyrie                              MISL Rangemistress
Redacted McRedacted      M
Guido Glendale                  TOS Strike Team Leader
Mysterious Feline*             Cat's Meow
Storm Clarence                  News Junky/LiveReport Tipster
LiveReport                           Annoying Reporter
Snugs McMasters              M's Deputy
Celestiall Nightfire             MISL Armorer & Explosives Expert
Zeke Morani                        MISL Agent 
Sylvia Tamalyn                   MISL Combat Instructor
Canoro Philipp                  The Mole

Brise Jinx                            Big O

Gypsy Quixote                    MISL Interviewer

Allegory Malaprop             Fae Agent/MISL Ally
Kattatonia Wickentower   MISL Combat Instructor

*The producers, cast, and crew regret the disappearance of Mysterious Feline and hope that
we will see her in another episode. We don't know why she came here; we don't know why she
left. We enjoyed her all too brief visit.

Directed By  Most of the Above
Written By  Most of the Above
Additional story ideas provided by stolen from Ian Fleming, John le Carré, Len Deighton and a host of others.
Director of Photography James Wong Howe
Costumes  Edith Head
Produced By  Harpo Marx

Filmed Entirely on Location at:

The Forgotten City

La Citta' Perduta

Japan Dream

"The Jaguar" (mature audiences only)

The 1920's Berlin Project

The producers thank linkin Slate for generously providing one of his available
rental offices at Ginny Business Center for "Dillon's Audience With M."

A special Thank You to Jo Yardley for not coming down on us like a ton of bricks despite the fact we broke the rules of her sim by brandishing weapons and using a totally anachronistic laptop computer. In our defense I will say that we did our filming when there were no visitors close by, but even so we should have behaved better. I do think that Jo should alert her people to revoke kelinda's passport at the earliest opportunity.


 You only live twice
 Once in the life you think real
 Once in Second Life


Very Last Picture.jpg

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Thank you, Dillon, for being the mastermind behind what turned out to be a very entertaining and long-running thread!! You and the other story writers in this thread did an excellent job, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next time! 

/me gives standing ovation and throws panties for good measure

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I just looked at the date on the OP and can't believe this story had been running for two full months. Wow. my heartfelt thanks to you, Dillon, for starting this great thread and letting the rest of us play along. I've really enjoyed myself with this, even if most of the time I had no idea what I was doing.

/me seconds Sylvia's standing ovation to a worthy mastermind (if TOS ever manages to off M successfully, you'll get the promotion to replace her for sure!)

/me agrees with Keli that we need a wrap party!

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Dillon, it was such a joy to participate in this collaborative free-flowing story.  Thank you for sharing your well read adventurous mind with us. 

I'm in for the wrap party.  

Post details here, and/or send IMs to everyone on that list.   Also, I'd be happy to help if needed, sending IMs, or in other ways. 


Don't forget to invite the 1920's Berlin lady... (Jo Yardley.... : )

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Well if we're posting outtake photos, there's always this one. Measlies on a break in one of M's interrogation cells, snacking on popcorn and root beer floats while waiting for a union crew to set the next scene.



And M torching me in the middle of trying to concentrate on a serious scene.



And my own escape to the upstairs bathroom in Indigo's pub (on our way to Berlin) for a few minutes of peace from Kelinda's incessant chatter. When I returned, she had the nerve to ask if I had washed my hands.


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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Dillon, it was such a joy to participate in this collaborative free-flowing story.  Thank you for sharing your well read adventurous mind with us. 

I'm in for the wrap party.  

Post details here, and/or send IMs to everyone on that list.   Also, I'd be happy to help if needed, sending IMs, or in other ways. 


Don't forget to invite the 1920's Berlin lady... (Jo Yardley.... : )

I'd actually planned to say something about Jo in my 'credits' but the post was running long (even for me) so I left it out.  I just now finished going back and editing the post to include what I was thinking. We're lucky she didn't AR us :-)

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Thank you, Dillon for allowing me to play along. Your openness allowed me to learn about SL photography, exposed me to machinima, taught me about poses and props and all around exposed me to some of the most wonderful aspects of Second Life I otherwise may never have gotten to experience, not the least of which is a great group of friends and the fun I have had meeting people I otherwise may never had crossed paths with.


this is always helpful...



nothing like keeping the spirit of the scene... :P


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