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Abusing Abuse reports


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past saterday, sunday monday and agains today (friday) I have been under investigation by E.I.G.H.T. (gevernance8.linden) eventho nothing was found the first 3 times and again today and nothing has changed.

This makes me believe someone has been filing Abuse Reports against me, obviously without good reason, afterall nothing has been found all 4 days.

Is there anything I can do against it besides filing an abuse report against E.I.G.H.T.? I have no way to know who filed an abuse report against me and for what reason as that information never gets shared. Just ignoring it is no option as the visits are very visible to anyone in the sim and is already causing people to spread rumours defaming my reputation.

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Does seem to be harassment from what you have said.

Personally I would do an AR on Governor Linden and ask the person submitting them was spoken to so the harassment could stop.

A couple of things to mention - stay cleaner than squeaky clean. And also consider moving home to a new region, the one you are is clearly attracting unwanted attention (especially if it's that Kitten named sim that has been getting a lot of visits by E.I.G.H.T. Linden lately)


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Linden Lab will only notify you if they have investigated and found that you violated the TOS is some way. If you were accused and Linden Lab found no violation, you would never hear about it.  Therefore,  if you are getting reports claiming that you are "under investigation by [ name omitted here] ", they are coming from some resident who is trying to mess with you.  You could, of course, submit an Abuse Report of your own, claiming that the person has been impersonating a Linden, which is a fairly serious offense.  Be sure to include that person's login name, not just the display name.

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42 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Linden Lab will only notify you if they have investigated and found that you violated the TOS is some way. If you were accused and Linden Lab found no violation, you would never hear about it.  Therefore,  if you are getting reports claiming that you are "under investigation by [ name omitted here] ", they are coming from some resident who is trying to mess with you.  You could, of course, submit an Abuse Report of your own, claiming that the person has been impersonating a Linden, which is a fairly serious offense.  Be sure to include that person's login name, not just the display name.

Unless you see governance8 linden right there in your room off course, then it is very clear you are being investigated

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I looked up the profile.  According to that, "E.I.G.H.T. (governance8.linden)" is an LL employee.  However, as you describe it, his actions seem very unprofessional.  I sent him an IM to try to determine if he is, in fact, an LL employee.  No response yet, I'll let you know if I get one.

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E.I.G.H.T., or Governance8 Linden is indeed a Linden Lab employee account. If I recall correctly, it is one of a few Governance accounts Linden Lab uses to do things in world(It is shared by multiple people, they just use which ever is available at the moment).

However, something seems off about the story.  Linden Lab NEVER will tell someone they are being investigated unless they suspended a user's account first, or are investigating something on behalf of the user(EG: Suspicious logins). In fact, you usually will not even see them because God Tools permit them not to be even seen by people if they so desire. Telling people they are being investigated is going to make someone change their ways and skew the investigation.

Make sure that the message you are getting is actually Linden Lab. People can use LSL to spoof being someone, so even though it says it is Governance8 Linden, it might just be a object.

Are you seeing Governance8 Linden's avatar in-world? If not, this may be a tell tale sign that it is indeed a object pretending to do so.

If can conclude that it is a object, please report this object. Linden Lab will find out who owns it and warn or suspend this account. Impersonating a Linden is a big no-no.

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management8 linden,
   Не существует!
если вы, кто-то из людей сказал, что он сотрудник Линдена! то вы можете написать ему жалобу.
потому что он лжет вам и представился сотрудникам LL
pursued by the rules TOS,

он должен иметь профиль в своем профиле http://prntscr.com/iseuxa 

Если вы не помните, имя человека - это злоупотребление во имя губернатора Линдена

Edited by spellbound Auster
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