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tabletopfreak Toocool

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4 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

We may misunderstand each other here.

I was phrasing it incorrectly i guess, my previous post addresses the method. I'm not saying it's taking all from your cache to make the conversion, it's taking the data from SL and the mesh construction is left outside, using the same meshes you would have had in your cache.

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13 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

It does work with dae file though - at least to some degree. One of the immediately noticeable differences between between a dae file generated by Mesh Studio and one generated by Blender, is that <library_materials> and <library_effects> elements are swapped. Mesh Studio lists the materials before the effects, Blender does it the other way round.

It's this type of fragmentation that is granted by Collada's format definition, to me causes the different LI: the uploader has to do the conversion and accepts all data it can convert in any order. It's when the object needs to be read back, that the differences between the fed parsing order and the native one can make a difference. If the description of the object is very messy, it may take longer to retrieve all necessary data in the necessary order for the viewer. Therefore a higher computational load and, consequently, a higher rendering cost.

Edited by OptimoMaximo
replaced L with rendering cost at the end
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2 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

It's this type of fragmentation that is granted by Collada's format definition, to me causes the different LI:

Yes, I suppose any apparent disagreement between us there was more about the choice of word than actual facts. :)

Except possibly for one detail: The download weight (and the land impact system as a whole) does not in any way take client side load into account. Download weight is all about the bandwidth required and the other two weights are all about server side load. The difference in download weight and land impact has to be caused by different file sizes, not different workload for the viewer.


Just now, OptimoMaximo said:

I was phrasing it incorrectly i guess, my previous post addresses the method. I'm not saying it's taking all from your cache to make the conversion, it's taking the data from SL and the mesh construction is left outside, using the same meshes you would have had in your cache.

Not exactly actually. I know TheBlack Box made his own formulas for how the various prim transformations affect the object's shape without referring to the SL software at all. It caused a bit of a problem at first since he got one of the formulas wrong (that was corrected long ago fortunately). The creator of Mesh Generator must have developed her own formulas too since she also got at least one primt wist wrong.

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6 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

The difference in download weight and land impact has to be caused by different file sizes, not different workload for the viewer.

a big file size is almost always cause of higher load. And now it's just a speculation i'm doing, but what comes to mind now is:

(Speculation ahead, i don't really know these details)

What if the encoded model can accept data types in, say like partitions, and the messier the order is, the bigger the file becomes to allow both a free order on the Collada file and still maintain a strict encoding order in their internal binary format? Missing chunks might be added later in a separate partition when the next related chunk is found, leading to a fragmentation. This fragmentation, when it comes to binary data dump, MUST be of fixed byte size, and if this chunk of file doesn't fill it all, the remainder is empty, but still there. Next chunk found and a new partition opens. Same if the chunk exceeds the partition size and the remainder is continued in the partition right after it, but just for a few lines, then again the remaining space contains zeroes. That's another reason for me to think of a specific parsing order being the most optimal rather than a random one.

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26 minutes ago, ChinRey said:
42 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

I was phrasing it incorrectly i guess, my previous post addresses the method. I'm not saying it's taking all from your cache to make the conversion, it's taking the data from SL and the mesh construction is left outside, using the same meshes you would have had in your cache.

Not exactly actually.........

Ok, improvements to the base mesh confirm they have it on their servers, where they expanded the base library.

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52 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

What if the encoded model can accept data types in, say like partitions, and the messier the order is, the bigger the file becomes to allow both a free order on the Collada file and still maintain a strict encoding order in their internal binary format?

That's an intriguing idea. I assumed it was about the compression ratio the files could achieve but you may well be right. I tried the two most obvious differences in order (swapping the <library_materials> and <library_effects> elements and the normal and vertex arrays) but those changes didn't have any effect. I can't test all possible permutations but if the message board allows it, here are the three eight cube dae files in case somebody else want to give it a go:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<COLLADA xmlns="http://www.collada.org/2005/11/COLLADASchema" version="1.4.0">
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          <p>28 0 0 26 0 1 31 0 2 7 1 3 1 1 4 6 1 5 21 2 6 23 2 7 22 2 8 20 3 9 18 3 10 23 3 11 6 4 12 3 4 13 5 4 14 4 5 15 2 5 16 7 5 17 13 6 18 9 6 19 11 6 20 15 7 21 9 7 22 14 7 23 12 8 24 10 8 25 15 8 26 32 9 27 33 9 28 34 9 29 62 10 30 60 10 31 63 10 32 61 11 33 56 11 34 60 11 35 52 12 36 51 12 37 48 12 38 23 13 39 17 13 40 22 13 41 21 14 42 16 14 43 20 14 44 5 2 45 7 2 46 6 2 47 22 15 48 19 15 49 21 15 50 27 16 51 26 16 52 24 16 53 3 17 54 2 17 55 0 17 56 29 18 57 25 18 58 27 18 59 29 19 60 31 19 61 30 19 62 5 20 63 0 20 64 4 20 65 19 17 66 18 17 67 16 17 68 31 21 69 25 21 70 30 21 71 38 22 72 36 22 73 39 22 74 44 23 75 42 23 76 47 23 77 36 24 78 34 24 79 39 24 80 36 25 81 35 25 82 32 25 83 45 26 84 41 26 85 43 26 86 13 27 87 15 27 88 14 27 89 45 28 90 40 28 91 44 28 92 46 29 93 44 29 94 47 29 95 12 30 96 11 30 97 8 30 98 56 31 99 57 31 100 58 31 101 62 32 102 58 32 103 57 32 104 64 33 105 58 33 106 63 33 107 39 34 108 33 34 109 38 34 110 55 35 111 49 35 112 54 35 113 54 36 114 52 36 115 55 36 116 54 37 117 51 37 118 53 37 119 48 38 120 49 38 121 50 38 122 55 39 123 48 39 124 50 39 125 61 40 126 57 40 127 59 40 128 11 41 129 10 41 130 8 41 131 37 42 132 33 42 133 35 42 134 46 43 135 42 43 136 41 43 137 40 44 138 41 44 139 42 44 140 29 45 141 24 45 142 28 45 143 28 46 144 24 46 145 26 46 146 7 1 147 2 1 148 1 1 149 21 2 150 20 2 151 23 2 152 20 3 153 16 3 154 18 3 155 6 4 156 1 4 157 3 4 158 4 5 159 0 5 160 2 5 161 13 47 162 14 47 163 9 47 164 15 48 165 10 48 166 9 48 167 12 49 168 8 49 169 10 49 170 32 50 171 35 50 172 33 50 173 62 51 174 61 51 175 60 51 176 61 52 177 59 52 178 56 52 179 52 53 180 53 53 181 51 53 182 23 13 183 18 13 184 17 13 185 21 14 186 19 14 187 16 14 188 5 2 189 4 2 190 7 2 191 22 15 192 17 15 193 19 15 194 27 54 195 25 54 196 26 54 197 3 17 198 1 17 199 2 17 200 29 55 201 30 55 202 25 55 203 29 56 204 28 56 205 31 56 206 5 20 207 3 20 208 0 20 209 19 17 210 17 17 211 18 17 212 31 57 213 26 57 214 25 57 215 38 58 216 37 58 217 36 58 218 44 59 219 40 59 220 42 59 221 36 60 222 32 60 223 34 60 224 36 61 225 37 61 226 35 61 227 45 62 228 46 62 229 41 62 230 13 63 231 12 63 232 15 63 233 45 64 234 43 64 235 40 64 236 46 65 237 45 65 238 44 65 239 12 66 240 13 66 241 11 66 242 56 67 243 59 67 244 57 67 245 62 68 246 63 68 247 58 68 248 64 69 249 56 69 250 58 69 251 39 70 252 34 70 253 33 70 254 55 35 255 50 35 256 49 35 257 54 71 258 53 71 259 52 71 260 54 72 261 49 72 262 51 72 263 48 73 264 51 73 265 49 73 266 55 74 267 52 74 268 48 74 269 61 75 270 62 75 271 57 75 272 11 76 273 9 76 274 10 76 275 37 77 276 38 77 277 33 77 278 46 78 279 47 78 280 42 78 281 40 79 282 43 79 283 41 79 284 29 80 285 27 80 286 24 80 287</p>
    <visual_scene id="Scene" name="Scene">
      <node id="Root" name="Root" type="NODE">
        <matrix sid="transform">1 0 0 0 0 1 -4.37114e-8 0 0 4.37114e-8 1 0 0 0 0 1</matrix>
        <instance_geometry url="#o2jm1Mesh-mesh" name="Root">
              <instance_material symbol="blinn3m1-material" target="#blinn3m1-material"/>
    <instance_visual_scene url="#Scene"/>


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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Is this the new “post anything” thread?

Not yet. So far it has turned out to be the new "post dull technical data only the most hopelessly nerdy geeks can possibly be interested in" thread.

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12 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

That's an intriguing idea. I assumed it was about the compression ratio the files could achieve but you may well be right.

It has some correlation and affinity with compression ratios, because of each data type needs to be encoded in a C struct data type (U16, F32 and the likes) so that a number can be written with a value represented with 2 or 4 bytes, depending on the data type. This is done primarily for data compression, so you're right on this side. The missing link to me is the way LL managed to have a binary file (with fixed packets size and order to maintain) to allow a random parsing order. When dumping data to a binary file, to respect the given parsing order, data needs to be detected/read and immediately dumped as soon as it was collected, basically not collecting the data, reorganizing as needed and written out. Hence my idea (just speculation again) of those "partitions" as i have temporarily named, awaiting a better definition. It was designed with a particular set of data entries in mind, in a specific order the devs were given, so they based the internal mesh format to that standard. Then, allowance for the same data block to be created a second-third-N time to allow different parsing orders, leaving entire chunks of files full of zeroes. Which still counts as data, as per the file size/load go: needs to be fully parsed for the viewer to render it. Reading a lot of zeroes you could have avoided does add to file size (download) and computation time spent on reading the file. It's fractions of a millisecond maybe, but that's the time scale a binary file is meant to allow to work at.

For bvh animations at least it's how it works, i am not sure the mesh uploader does the same, but both are text files and i'm assuming the file reading happens similarly. I iwll dig in the viewer code as i did for the animation exporter when i have some more spare time.

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One thing i notice as a main difference is the Up Axis definition, in the Blender version is set to Z, from the mesh generator it's set to Y. It shouldn't make a difference, perhaps your linkset comes in sideways or rotated, i don't know. I would not be surprised if LL created the prims using the Y axis up, considering the already well known scene orientation and scale discrepancies there are between rigging skeleton and animation skeleton.

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1 hour ago, OptimoMaximo said:

One thing i notice as a main difference is the Up Axis definition, in the Blender version is set to Z, from the mesh generator it's set to Y.

Yes, that's a very obvious one. It doesn't affect anything though, neither land impact nor rotation. There must be something somewhere else in the file that counteracts that apparently faulty axis definition.

You may notice btw that the Mesh Studio file is considerably bigger than the Blender ones -  they are 19 and 12 Kb respectively - so the amount of input data doesn't seem to matter much. Among other things, Mesh Studio defines a long list of matrials that aren't actually used and it uses five zero decimal floats where Blender simplifies to integers. The uploader doesn't seem to have any problems handling all this superfluous data.


Edit: I can't reply to reactions of course but Pamela, that's how a dae file looks fi you open it. Essentially it's a plain(ish) text building manual the uplaoder reads to build a lovely (or not) mesh thingy for Second Life.

Edited by ChinRey
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12 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Not yet. So far it has turned out to be the new "post dull technical data only the most hopelessly nerdy geeks can possibly be interested in" thread.

Call me names if you like, I am enjoying it.  You never know what you learn, nor when it will be useful.

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13 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Not yet. So far it has turned out to be the new "post dull technical data only the most hopelessly nerdy geeks can possibly be interested in" thread.

My 3? 4? Year old PC works just fine with SL. Could be due to SSD. No idea which graphic card I have, but fan does run with SL. Is that dull enough?

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13 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Yes, that's a very obvious one. It doesn't affect anything though, neither land impact nor rotation. There must be something somewhere else in the file that counteracts that apparently faulty axis definition.

I know it doesn't affect anything, i was just thinking how messy their assets have been created.

The faulty axis definition is what makes the rotation conversion internally, however. It's a reference to the input coordinate system so that the uploader knows what and how to convert the matrix to match the expected orientation. When i make a static mesh with Y up, i upload it just fine, rezzes just fine but when i select it, it's showing a rotation by 90 degrees on the X axis.

Another thing, which in terms of syntax shouldn't matter, but in terms of binary data writing it makes the file slightly bigger

 <unit name="meter" meter="1"/> this is Blender


<unit meter="1.000000"/> this is MeshStudio

Same type of data in a flexible parsing pattern that respect a syntax. In terms of code they're both accepted of course, but to encode strings in binary you've get to get a representation like this: (python 2.7 code): bytes(bytearray(joint,'utf8')),0) #where the last zero means LL encodes strings with a null character at the end

In the C structs each piece of data gets a slot, and there i can see 2 strings to encode instead of one. Spread this behavior across the whole file and it ends up with unnecessary bytes slots occupied that could be summarized in less slots. here you can see the bytes equivalencies between regular scripting data types to C struct data types https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html

Note that by default every 3D software, internally, encodes floats as type double (8 bytes) as opposed to the simpler float (4 bytes); also the type of integers can vary between 2 and 4 bytes.

Hence i suppose that:

- introducing a specific order in which this data is being fed;

- introducing a better representation of these values as strings in the Collada text (for both strings and values, you said Blender uses integers where MeshStudio uses floats) so that the uploader parses it reading the values as it would expect to avoid conversions or silent equivalencies

Should reduce the amount of compatibility operations on parsing orders and syntax equivalencies. I see what you meant about flexible syntax, but that's not real flexibility: delete a < or > and the file doesn't validate anymore (see Collada validation docs). Indentation doesn't count, which makes it a syntax flexible file type because of this; make a wrong indentation in Python and it won't work. The raw text you input though MUST follow a rigid syntax. Again, remove quotes or punctuation and the file goes to the trash.

About the Collada version you were talking about earlier, i'm not using fCollada because i'm on Maya. I don't use the Collada exporter in there because it takes ages to export (at least rigged stuff does), the LI and DL are higher in my case, and it doesn't always work for Second Life. What i do is to export to fbx version 7.1 (2011), the same version LL used to implement mesh at the time, then convert it with another software called FBX Converter (from Autodesk, free), which ensures the official Collada conversion. Otherwise i might install the OpenCollada plug in, but then every time i upgrade to a new version i have to wait for the Khronos group to update the plug in too. With the conversion method from fbx 7.1, i always get the lowest LI and DL, tested across different fbx versions converted to Collada using the same model.

Edited by OptimoMaximo
added text about axis conversion
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3 hours ago, anna2358 said:

Call me names if you like, I am enjoying it.  You never know what you learn, nor when it will be useful.

When it comes to usefulness, what I think is important here is why the land impact of identical meshes vary depending on which program the dae files generated by. Hopefully it's possible to figure out the most optimal way to encode a dae file to make it as edible for the uploader as possible and maybe come up with some sort of preprocessor that can convert dae files from various source to minimize the land impact - or maybe convince LL to upgrade the uploader to handle different variants of dae files better. That ought to be useful for everybody in SL of course but I'm afraid getting there is a rather complicated and nerdy process.

It may seem a bit pointless to worry about minute differences like these but they do add up and of course sometimes you're right on the border between two land impact values. One of the builds made last week is a good example. It's this group of five small trees:5a54c0370fc66_Skjermbilde(879).png.98ef56af3773f4f95b1f671a8a9cd1ea.png

With decent LoD models and at the size in the picture, it ended up with a  download weight a fraction over 1.5 the way Blender exported it at first. That is rounded up to 2 LI. Using the little I already know about optimizing for "edibile" dae, I was able to shave off just enough weight to get it below 1.5 so the LI is rounded down to 1. That's a 50% reduction of the nominal land impact and although a case like this isn't common, it's not unusual either.

Edit: It's not only about a nominal LI reduction btw. We're talking about genuine allbeit small reductions in the bandwidth requriements here and that is something both LL and the SL users should benefit from.

Edited by ChinRey
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42 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

I know it doesn't affect anything, i was just thinking how messy their assets have been created.

My thoughts exactly but even so, the uploader handles that mess slightly better than the apparently cleaner output from Blender.

Come to think of it, I would presume the conversion from dae to SL's internal mesh format is done client side. Maybe a TPV developer - like @Beq Janus - knows a thing or two about it?

(About integers vs zero decimal floats):

48 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

Another thing, which in terms of syntax shouldn't matter, but in terms of binary data writing it makes the file slightly bigger

I tried to change the integers in one of the arrays of the Blender file to Mesh Studio style floats and that didn't affect the result at all.


54 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

About the Collada version you were talking about earlier, i'm not using fCollada because i'm on Maya. I don't use the Collada exporter in there because it takes ages to export (at least rigged stuff does), the LI and DL are higher in my case, and it doesn't always work for Second Life.

Ok. According to wikipedia, ColladaMaya is based on fCollada and I thought that was the one that is the standard for Maya.

It would be very itneresting to see what the various dae export options from Maya would make of my test mesh. Do you have time to laod my Mesh Studio dae into Maya, export it in different ways and see what the result is?

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5 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

Ok. According to wikipedia, ColladaMaya is based on fCollada and I thought that was the one that is the standard for Maya

i'm sorry to add to the confusion, i need to phrase better. I meant: the fact i'm using Maya doesn't include my use of fCollada, exactly because that's Maya's default. OpenCollada is based on MayaCollada with slight differences afaik. To avoid using that, export to fbx and then conversion with fbx converter.

When importing a mesh with some properties in Maya through Collada, properties get baked into TRS (transforms) and, as a result, the export procedure outputs the same file structure it got in input, regardless of the native Maya structure, as long as the file format doesn't change (and switching to fbx and back to Collada isn't a file format change for what these data structures are concerned, apparently). I could witness this behavior while testing the mesh "layers" bug to reproduce it from Maya. A working-bug collada imported and re-exported worked as intended; making it anew in Maya didn't, until i found the node combination and structure causing said bug to be exported as a correctly working-bug from Maya.

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What i'm thinking is that LL might want to do as they did with the animation formats, and perhaps be able to upload a mesh in SL native binary format directly from our softwares, it would be the really ONLY way to ensure an output that is the slimmest version possible of the required data.

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6 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

i'm sorry to add to the confusion, i need to phrase better. I meant: the fact i'm using Maya doesn't include my use of fCollada, exactly because that's Maya's default.

That's how I understood what you said but I wasn't sure so I had to ask.

But does that mean fCollada sometimes generates dae files that are unreadable by the SL uploader? That doesn't seem to make sense at all and it's certianly worrying.


4 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

What i'm thinking is that LL might want to do as they did with the animation formats, and perhaps be able to upload a mesh in SL native binary format directly from our softwares, it would be the really ONLY way to ensure an output that is the slimmest version possible of the required data.

Yes, that would be the ideal solution. I doubt it's going to happen though.

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1 minute ago, ChinRey said:

But does that mean fCollada sometimes generates dae files that are unreadable by the SL uploader? That doesn't seem to make sense at all and it's certianly worrying.

I have had instances with lots of troubles: really LONG export time (my personal Hall Of Records about this states 22 minutes to complete the export as longest export time, and it wasn't even a rigged item), ridiculous LI even hammering the mesh LoDs to death, parsing errors and LoDs not generating in the uploader, is my experience with FBX_DAE (how the plug in reads among the options for the Collada export, because it's part of the fbx plug in). But this was long ago, with Maya 2011, which was supposed to be the version of Maya LL used to develop mesh, at the time. I don't recall where i read this, but i later found the info about exporting fbx and convert it to Collada with fbxConverter to have it perfectly functional with no mistakes. Which indeed changed the whole experience i had importing the same objects that, previously, had an unjustified too high LI. I never tried the native collada exporter again since then, by now it's part of my workflow, and it's easy to use: just drag and drop multiple files into the input window, choose Collada and click export. Flawless WYSIWYG Maya -> SL results in way less time. Except for rigged meshes that take a little longer anyway, and with quite high number of vertices the export time increases dramatically, it's still better than waiting overnight for the native Maya Collada export in my opinion, also considering the uncertainty of a good import arising from my previous experience.

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3 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

But this was long ago, with Maya 2011, which was supposed to be the version of Maya LL used to develop mesh, at the time.

Yes and that's of course exactly why I say it doesn't seem to make sense.

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4 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

Yes and that's of course exactly why I say it doesn't seem to make sense.

Figure how outraged i was at the time, to make me switch to Blender for my SL activities.

Edited by OptimoMaximo
punctuation, missing verb
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1 hour ago, ChinRey said:

Yes, that would be the ideal solution. I doubt it's going to happen though.

Why not? I mean, before the ability to upload .anim files, only bvh could be used. Earlier there was no interest. Arising interest might be of use. And it would be much easier (for me at least) to write an exporter for that than managing the Collada text format. Plus, they would ensure that content would be uploaded properly and as clean and performant as it possibly can be

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36 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

Why not?

I'm not absolutely sure but I believe it's a propriatary file format because it has too many quirks to fit any open format I know of. That means that even if they made it public, somebody would still have to write exporters, not just for Maya but for every single 3D modelling software.

You can always fie a JIRA suggesting it of course but don't hope for too much.

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1 minute ago, ChinRey said:

I'm not absolutely sure but I believe it's a propriatary file format because it has too many quirks to fit any open format I know of.

For what matters, .anim format is also proprietary to LL, no other company uses this specific type of .anim. It is a hardcoded summary of a text file like bvh, which wants a specific order for the data to be read. It's just a matter of taking the data in the wanted order, write it down with the values arranged as per LL's binary compression specs (LLSD if i'm not mistaken). Right now the viewer repository on line https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/viewer-release/src/8579cefad3049e139efaa1b40a94f0357fcd0274/indra/ appears to be unavailable at the time of this writing, however they have docs about the mesh format out there http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Mesh_Asset_Format what is missing is an uploader that accepts outsourced content in that format

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9 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Come to think of it, I would presume the conversion from dae to SL's internal mesh format is done client side. Maybe a TPV developer - like @Beq Janus - knows a thing or two about it?

I can talk a bit about it. People with sleep disorders have often come to me for help for that reason

The SLM format is indeed proprietary and we produce the SLM from the DaE. The SLM is designed to be very lightweight and suited to streaming.

The size differences can come from a number of sources, most typically they arise from people using generated LOD models. The GLOD library that is used to produce the simplified meshes has some random seed in it (for reasons I have never understood, nor really investigated) and as a result, the generated LOD models can vary a bit with each upload. This becomes worse as the models become more complex, given that you can place an entire linkset in a DaE along with all the LOD models for said linkset, the permutations become fairly horrendous. Most of us though tend to keep it simple, a DaE per LOD.

@Drongle McMahon made an excellent summary of the Mesh Upload format back in the day and I referenced that extensively when I blogged a description of the work I was doing to understand that (before I was working on Firestorm) when I was writing a plugin for Blender. 

The SLM format is a simple hierarchical list of meshes. Each "Material face" in the Mesh sense not the SL sense is extracted as a separate mesh, thus an 8 face object is composed of 8 separate "meshes" in the upload format. Where a mesh is a self-contained list of vertices, edges and UVs. Each set of these "material meshes" is packaged as a mesh unit (effectively a mesh primitive) and an array of these (1 or more) is combined into a LOD Model. Then we have a repeat of that for each LOD Model, a decomposition block for the various physics shapes and the texture info.

A hopefully better description is in my blog, though I probably understand it better now than when I wrote these (which was part of the point of writing it of course) but I think for the most part what they say still holds true.

An initial waffly blog about why things are not always the same LI

A more thorough walkthrough of the Mesh streaming format.

On 08/01/2018 at 11:28 PM, ChinRey said:

Yes, that's a very obvious one. It doesn't affect anything though, neither land impact nor rotation.

The above quote related to the Axis in the mesh. In theory, it could change the LI.....in theory...

When the material meshes are made they are individually compressed using an equivalent of "gzip -9". Zip compression works on repeated patterns and some data is more compressible than others. in some objects it is plausible that a mesh rotated by 90 degrees is more easily compressed. That said, it is hard to arrange that arbitrarily and it does assume that the vertex coordinates are different not just that the axis annotation in the DaE is different, as I don't think that is even used (though I have not checked...).

Anyhoo, very late. Bedtime.



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