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Issue with OpenCollar Seed


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So I'm trying to use the OpenCollar Collar Seed update/build script to give my Studded Pokeball Collar the OpenCollar RLV functionality, but for some reason, even though I place the script in the collar's contents as the instructions say, when I click on the collar, nothing happens. I even tried copying the script to each of the linked prims in the collar individually (since I have no idea which one is the root), but that didn't work, either. Yes, the collar is set to Touch on click. And yes, the collar is checked to allow modifications; I checked.

I'm a complete newbie at basically all of this, so I have no idea what to try next.

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When you have a question about any product, the best move is to ask whoever made it or sold it to you.  The next best move is to find a user group and ask someone who owns one. 

The LSL Scripting forum is a place or scripters to share ideas and moan about problems with scripts that they are writing.  Except by pure luck, we're not likely to know how some specific product works. ;)

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Might be irrelevant or too late, and I'm certainly not trying to encourage people asking here about particular products, but I always, always, always make sure to reset the scripts in anything I put them into, just in case... Not all scripts reset automatically when you put them into an object. This also fixes a lot of problems with scripted objects not working the first time you attach or try to use them...

I figure it's okay to give this as a possible answer, as it's something I picked up while learning scripting. It can make all the difference between something working and not working right off the bat. I get used to scripts resetting when I save them, and sometimes forget about this when simply dropping a copy into an object, and it messes me up until I remember...

Edited by Berksey
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On 5/26/2017 at 7:35 AM, Innula Zenovka said:

It's not obvious from the notecard supplied with the script (I've just bought it for L$0 at the link you posted and taken a look) but the script appears to expect you to have an Open Collar updater orb rezzed nearby.    Do you, in fact, have an orb rezzed?

How do you get the updater orb?

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I've not tried it myself but, as you will see if you re-read the notecard that comes with the "seed script" mentioned in the first post in this thread, and which I assume you have, it seems you need simply to put the seed script in your collar's root prim, rez the updater orb nearby, and then touch the collar to start the process whereby the orb transfers the necessary scripts to the collar.

For more detailed instructions, it's probably best to ask in the in-world Open Collar group.

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Current versions of OC do not deliver updaters, the vendor system cost too much cash, so you have to buy one on the MP or find an OC vendor board on a BDSM sim or visit the OC Temple.

All the seed is, is an updater shim, that allows an OC updater to pretend your object is an old version of the collar and stuff in the new scripts. 

OC 3.9x versions, you can put everything oin 1 prim, these are the easiest oc collars to build yourself, newer versions, need a mess of 'special' prims' to install scripts in, there's an "OC Transmuter" that will add these to a 3.9x collar, but the result is no trans, useless if you are planning to give/sell your newly made collar.

Best way to make a new OC collar, is take apart one of the free ones and see how its put together, then make yours accordingly. It's not that hard, just a little tedious, setting the descriptions and prim names for the 7or more 'special prims' (depending on features needed).


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Klytyna’s advice is good. I am not in world right now so this is from memory. I just went through using the “seed” from market place. I also received no response when I clicked the object I had seeded. I do not know if updaters are still available, they may have been removed when version 6.XX was released. Fortunately, I had an old updater in inventory which worked. That was for version 3.XX.


If you cannot get your hands on an old updater, IM me.


My advice is once the seed is “updated”, go into the contents and delete the updater script. I declined to update each time I rezed the seeded object. I think, this keeps it at version 3.XX. I do not know if it would have updated to version 6.XX if I had accepted an update. Based on what I am reading about version 6.XX, I think I will stay with version 3.XX.


That being said, I have looked online for a manual for version 3.XX. All I find is for version 6.XX. Anyone know where I could find a manual for 3.XX?

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