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Someone flagging all my items as adult

jazon Uxlay

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OK so I have Someone flagging all my tshirts on marketplace as Adult-Profanity and adult nudity, there all full shirts not even slightly reviling just classic full t-shirts. they have simple designs on them like one has a heart on it one has a skull with hearts for eyes simple non adult stuff.now they have been doing this to me for about a week now and I have to keep reposting the items,now they supposably check flagged items before removing them but obviously they don't or my items would not be getting removed as half of the ones getting flagged I've seen 5 year olds wearing more adult looking items lol.so what is my best course of action here it is obviously Someone I knew trying to agitate me.i have filed support request but as of yet no reply.

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If they're getting removed it means someone at LL agrees with the report. Do your items have any remotely questionable words in them?

I can see why at least five of your items might be getting flagged, people who take their clothes off are considered adult by LL, near swear words are likely to cause you a problem and a road with a number that can be considered adult is likely to cause you problems too.

LL's maturity ratings are aimed at thirteen year olds by the looks of it.


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no its someone directly flagging them,ive had the keyword flags before there different,im probly going to have to go and make a new account to sell new items cuz it will probly be a good month before LL acualy takes a look at my case i created.

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well there is no way that these items could be considered adult in any manner,so obviously the person who aproves the flaged items is on autopilot and is not doing there job. here is one of the shirts i have been getting flaged on its the same tank tops i still have on sale but with a image on it. does it look to adult?

Dip Top winged heart.jpg

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i guess lol, but its getting realy old realy fast i might just let them flag my whole store and let it close im getting tired of reposting all my items. If LL dont want to make any money from me its there loss im not going to make reposting all my stuff every day a full time job lol.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

If they're getting removed it means someone at LL agrees with the report.

You don't actually believe that do you? I know that that's the way the flagging system is supposed to work and, in theory, it's a very good system, but do yout actually believe that every flagged item is checked or do you think it's more likely to be the way that ARs work; i.e. "I can't be bothered checking it, or I don't have time to check it, so I'll just accept the AR as being correct and make a decision on the strength of it"?

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I don't have any marketplace experience because I've never used it, but I do have experience of the sloppy way that some ARs are dealt with. When the adult continent was launched, and adult stuff was not allowed in public anywhere else, someone ARed 4 of my bots. The bots were on sex bed poseballs in the store and were there for people to see the animations before deciding whether or not to buy a bed. People could (and still can) operate the beds' menus to see a pair of bots animated, or to get on a bed with a single bot and view the animations that way. I'd taken steps to ensure that it all fitted in with the new rules concerning adult content - the bots were clothed and, on those demo beds, no animation could last more than 30 seconds, so nobody could "get their jollies" on those beds. They were also behind a wall and not in plain view, but that didn't really matter.

The AR about adult content was accepted, without checking, and I was warned about it. I appealed against the warning but the original decision was upheld. Imo, neither the Linden who dealt with the AR, nor the one who dealt with the appeal, even bothered to take a look because the bots were in full compliance with the new rules. The warning was overturned and removed from my record only when I contacted the AR team's manager (Harry). He was the only of the three who actually bothered to consider anything other than the details in the AR.

So I have no faith at all that any of the LL staff who deal with such things actually bother about them, and, imo, are more likely to make decisions on the strength of ARs and  flags than to look at the things that are complained about. LL's working practise is incredibly sloppy in that respect, and it makes no attempt to deal correctly with their own customers.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

[if they're getting removed it means someone at LL agrees with the report.]

OR it means that someone simply has not bothered to disagree with the report.

no ive filed a report still waiting for a reply...could be awile.


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  • 2 weeks later...

my expirience is about flagging .. reviews ;p

bottom line .. depends on who is on shift and how or with whom he/she slept (with) last night ..

had enough coffee yet? may be bad/good for us..

so... i've flagged bad reviews before.. they magically went away. most of the time..

some didn't, sooo i filed tickets saying you know .. user error .. or just plain mistake .. tried to convince him/her to delete sine 'non-delivery-1-star-reviews'

well most of the times it worked, sometimes i got the tight ''can't delete since not against tos'' answers.

(always imagined 'her' being in 'a mood' today lol)


i strongly believe that some flags just get waved through withoug being 'investigated' ..

and i understand lol... it happens ... i am no different at work.. are you?

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  • 3 weeks later...

This problem is something i have to deal with everyday..as soon i add something  new..the sooner its flagged

And i don t know who or what did this..Today all my tanktops was flagged..lol..

So was all my stuff the past 2 weeks..

  who is saying the lindens investigate the flagged items ???  you r joking right??

For me its just madness.

Sorry engish is not my language..:P


kimmy kit

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come to find out after several tickets that it has been linden flagging my items cuz of a keyword that was used in the post that no one but me could have even saw lol.so all your keywords you use have to stay general(so nothing that could be considered a swear)what i dont get is the word i had as a key word that they considered a swear word is in the names of many "general" rated stores fronts.but i guess its ok to use what they consided a swear for the name of your store you just cant use it as a key word that no one could see lol

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