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You must purchase the product before you can review it.

Alyssa Quicksand

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Why when I purchase and Item on the MP does it tell me "You must purchase the product before you can review it." when I go to review the item. The Item is in my Order History.. "

  • 1 item has been delivered

Item(s) will be delivered to the Received Items folder."


^^ has already been delivered, however keeps telling me "You must purchase the product before you can review it."?


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Artorius Constantine wrote:

It it was gifted, gifted items can only be reviewed by the person it was gifted to.

 I looked it up in the JIRA and Kurt Linden says this:


This appears to be caused by the last name of the user this was gifted to being Resident. We have added this to our bug queue.

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Artorius Constantine wrote:

It it was gifted, gifted items can only be reviewed by the person it was gifted to.

This isn't actually true. Aside from the bug with Resident names, even the party that received a gifted item, cannot review it. I have sent gifts to friends, both legacy names and Resident names, none of them can review the products. It has been this way for quite some time. 

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The point was to see if they bought it for themselves or gifted the item, as they didn't say in the OP.

It stands as a true statement. The person doing the gifting is not able to review the item at all. Only the person it was gifted to can.

I never said that every person with a gifted item would get to review it. I can't speak to that issue. Sounds to me like there are major bugs and people should be filing JIRA's.

I gifted my alt a Toga less than a week ago and my alt was able to review it so I personally know the system currently works as intended for an item gifted to an account with a legacy name within the last week.

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Artorius Constantine wrote:


I gifted my alt a Toga less than a week ago and my alt was able to review it so I personally know the system currently works as intended for an item gifted to an account with a legacy name within the last week.

I guess our mileage varies then, as I gifted a legacy account (2008 account) just a few hours ago, and she can't review it ;)

So, I suppose, it doens't work as intended.

It *is a known problem, even aside from legacy names, and has been for a while,  I just believe, like most things with the MP, it holds no priority whatsoever for LL, lol. 

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Artorius Constantine wrote:

The point was to see if they bought it for themselves or gifted the item, as they didn't say in the OP.

It stands as a true statement. The person doing the gifting is not able to review the item at all. Only the person it was gifted to can.

I never said that every person with a gifted item would get to review it. I can't speak to that issue. Sounds to me like there are major bugs and people should be filing JIRA's.

I gifted my alt a Toga less than a week ago and my alt was able to review it so I personally know the system currently works as intended for an item gifted to an account with a legacy name within the last week.

I read two JIRAs in which Kurt Linden said the problem was with the last names, so you should add your experience to those JIRAs.

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Well that just confused things even more.

Avatar "Resident", gifted an item and was able to review it. 

Avatar "Legacy" Different item,  Different store, was able to review it.

Avatar "Legacy," unable to review the same item from the same store that the previous Legacy named account was able to.

Makes no sense to me.

Sorry to be so vague with the names, making sure I don't name any names or stores directly.

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Haha, like most things LL involved, it's as clear as mud.

Now you understand why I said what I said, I'm sure, lol.

But, I've grown accustomed to nothing involving the review system working as intended, or maybe bugs..sorry...cough..features..are precisely how it's intended, lol. Who knows with LL. I feel bad for the commerce team, they get grief because LL can't be assed to fix things. 


For once, I use spellcheck, and it *still didn't catch my typos, wth..lol

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Tari Landar wrote:

I feel bad for the commerce team, they get grief because LL can't be assed to fix things. 

The above are one and the same.  The commerce team IS LL and have (had?) staff accountable for maintainance and development.  If there's no development (there doesn't appear to be), then one should question why not, it's not exactly finished and there remains plenty of low hanging fruit.

No doubt everyone is busy with Sansar and from a future business perspective I can understand that except that it's all too common to chase the new shiny and not deal with the actual revenue generating product properly.

I have empathy with the support staff who are not in a direct position to effect change but the commerce team is (was?) comprised of developers too.

(I used the past tense on two occassions there because there's no current or recent or in fact vaguely recent evidence that there are developers actively engaged in Marketplace)

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

I feel bad for the commerce team, they get grief because LL can't be assed to fix things. 

The above are one and the same.  The commerce team IS LL and have (had?) staff accountable for maintainance and development.  If there's no development (there doesn't appear to be), then one should question why not, it's not exactly finished and there remains plenty of low hanging fruit.

No doubt everyone is busy with Sansar and from a future business perspective I can understand that except that it's all too common to chase the new shiny and not deal with the actual revenue generating product properly.

I have empathy with the support staff who are not in a direct position to effect change but the commerce team is (was?) comprised of developers too.

(I used the past tense on two occassions there because there's no current or recent or in fact vaguely recent evidence that there are developers actively engaged in Marketplace)

I should probably rephrase what I mean to clarify, lol.

I dont believe the commerce team we have now, is even remotely close to the commerce team we had even three or four years ago, much less anything prior to that. I also don't beleive there actually are any developers involved anymore. I believe the comerce team we have now has been given a lot of limitations from higher up on the LL food chain, so there is very little, to nothing, they can do as far as fixing things is concerned. They seem(to me) to simply be there to appease the masses when we get pissed off about something, answer questions when/if they can(or, when/if they want to, seemingly at times), and that's about all they are responsible for..

I could be completely wrong, but, I highly doubt it at this point. Until someone higher up in the LL food chain steps in to give us evidence proving otherwise, I'll continue to beleive that what we basically have with the commerce team is near equal to a group of customer service agents with limited capabilities, and limited information as well. 

So, I feel bad for folks that get stuck in that kind of position, especially when they do try to help(as some of the threads on this forum have proven) and get crapped on by residents for "not doing more" or "not doing better", when I truly believe they aren't *able to because the higher ups on the food chain, won't let them. 

If any of them wanted to step in and correct me, I'd be very happy to see it, but it's been years since I saw any evidence suggesting they are anything more than customer service agents. 

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  • 1 month later...

We had reported this well known bug exaxtly two year ago, and apparenly Kurt Linden has closed it by saying its duplicated, but they had never fixed it, not even when actually many people asked the same because we all have same trouble. I do hope they decide to fix this bug one day. We are tired of customers complaining that they cannot leave a review when they gift, not the buyers, not the receivers. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8275

Now the original one, according to them this one https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6878 was closed why? Just because? Because it says Staus: resolved, lol, but it isnt....

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