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When will the mayhem end!

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I logged in this morning, still having to run on the Beta version because nothing rezzes properly on the normal 908 version w/the patch, everything seemed to be doing fine. I started going through my inventory and boxing up things I don't use, and low and behold, it took me 3 hours to box up textures because I kept getting an "inventory loading" error. Then I moved on to my furniture, and much to my dismay, as I was trying to box up bedroom furniture, SL decided to eat my L$6000 bed! Yes, you read that right, $6K bed, it was from TMS and it was an XCite compatible canopy bed that I have maintained for almost 2 years, until someone decided to muck around with the servers and now it's gone! In total this week alone, I have spent almost 60 USD on this game in lindens and my premium account, and now I have to come up with another 6K to replace my bed that SL has so proudly eaten. Customers to my store have been few and far between over the last few days because of the crap that's been going on with the servers. Alot of people are forced to run alternate programs to even be able to function a little bit. None of this should be happening with the amount of money that's being dumped into Linden Labs on a daily basis. Firestorm should be put on the back burner for a very long time, and get the issues fixed for the current version that is being used by the majority of the population before you release another headache for us to deal with!

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(..wondering what the replacement viewer for Phoenix would have to do with anything, but anyway)  ;)

SL has always had a hankering to eat things from time to time, but it seems that ever since they did whatever they did woth the inventory/asset server a week or so ago, it has gotten worse..  much worse.. I've had a couple things eaten- thankfully not as expensive as your bed- but no less frustrating.  

And it's not just vendor issues now- its actual inventory handling stuff. Objects disappearing between the inventory and the ground when rezzzing things. When unpacking boxes- stuff disappears as it is moved/copied from the box back to the inventory.



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Yeah I had SL eat a HUD that I was making. Lost a LOT of code changes that I had made, and had to start from suuch an earlier version.

This problem REALLY needs to be adressed with extreme priority. The asset server and client should do a LOT of more communication and double-checking to make sure that things where properly rezzed and created in world, or stored in inventory. Especially since we're talking things that have real money value, not just in Lindens, but real money. In your case, a $24 USD bed. That's pretty unacceptable.

So many corners cut, LL. So many corners.

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Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

Unless it happened while using any of LLs official viewers, it's your problem and not LLs. That's the risk you took when using TPVs.

that is not accurate... viewer problems experienced while using a TPV are the users problem... SERVER issues are still on LL's head.



Firestorm is not developed by LL, nor is the Phoenix Viewer, so changing anything about them or their development schedule has absolutely nothing to do with LL Server or Viewer development..

and really... what were you thinking!? you kept getting errors while moving inventory around... so you kept going!? and them were shocked when a valued item just completely disappeared!? Did you think at any point "Hey, SL inventory seems pretty screwy today... maybe I should wait till tomorrow to mess with it so nothing gets broken".... because you should have....

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@Void: Sure, server issues are on LLs head, if they happen while using LLs official viewer. If they happen with a TPV... sorry, not LLs problem. Therefore, simple rule: If one has problems, try it with the official LL viewer and see if it can be reproduced. Often it can, I think, but sometimes it cannot.

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only true IF it's not certain whether it's a viewer or server problem (in OP's case, the item will probably pop back up later when they get inventory to load fully on a region that isn't under load, and it won't matter what viewer they use, although phoenix does seem to have better luck with that.).

if it's obviously a server screw up, it doesn't matter what viewer you are on (except maybe to some of the knuckleheads that answer support tickets with form letters). I constantly file jira's on script behavior, or region behavior, request region restarts for physics overloads from ghost prims, and/or stuck avatars... I've only had one yonk ever ask for that data when it was already clear that it was a server problem.

now granted, most users don't know the difference, and will blame one on the other, or think because it didn't happen or one, or did happen in both that it's the opposite type of issue, and they should double check to save us all the breath of going "did you use the official products?" when it isn't clear. but that doesn't mean just because they weren't using the official viewer that the problem is not valid... it just means it's not known for sure if it's valid.

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Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

@Void: Sure, server issues are on LLs head, if they happen while using LLs official viewer. If they happen with a TPV... sorry, not LLs problem. Therefore, simple rule: If one has problems, try it with the official LL viewer and see if it can be reproduced. Often it can, I think, but sometimes it cannot.

Sorry, Void's correct... Server, database, and sim issues are LLs domain, regardless of what viewer is used. LL doesn't give support for TPV user and viewer issues only, but for everything else they will. Inventory problems that occur on LLs end are handled by LL, usually with a rollback. These type of losses that sometimes happen when servers receive maintenance is not a new thing, and many of us TPV users have already gotten our missing items BACK (the items that disappeared specifically due to recent server work) by submitting a ticket, clearly indicating the problem, and requesting an inventory rollback. Many of us have had to ask LL to recover missing items multiple times because of server work over the years, and in most cases they're able to make it happen.


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Isn't there a direct line to complain to the management, namely, LL? I often see complaints posted on the forums, not as much as there were on the old forums thankfully, and I always wonder, are we just venting or do we honestly believe this is the way technical problems are solved? When my cable or internet goes out, I do not call the news station or post a letter in the local papers, I call the cable company and request a solution. I am still rather new and very much in love with Second Life, so really, is this how it's done?

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Isn't there a direct line to complain to the management, namely, LL? I often see complaints posted on the forums, not as much as there were on the old forums thankfully, and I always wonder, are we just venting or do we honestly believe this is the way technical problems are solved? When my cable or internet goes out, I do not call the news station or post a letter in the local papers, I call the cable company and request a solution. I am still rather new and very much in love with Second Life, so really, is this how it's done?


if you mean, what you are seeing.... no, but it doesn't seem to stop anyone =X

if you mean what you've pointed out you'd normally do... sort of.

if you are a premium/concierge member, you can use live help to get some problems taken care of, and you have expanded options for getting answers to technical problems over non-paid accounts... those have limited options and generally so go to answers or ask a question in the forums for technical support (sometimes it's even faster than live chat)

if you have found a bug with the service or software, that gets filed to jira.secondlife.com, and if you need to  know the documented behavior of the software (mostly the scripting language) then wiki.secondlife.com is your friend (which is mostly user generated, and you can contribute too if you find a problem.)...

... but here? on the forums? Lindens might drift through from time to time, but should never be expected to answer here.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Isn't there a direct line to complain to the management, namely, LL? I often see complaints posted on the forums, not as much as there were on the old forums thankfully, and I always wonder, are we just venting or do we honestly believe this is the way technical problems are solved? When my cable or internet goes out, I do not call the news station or post a letter in the local papers, I call the cable company and request a solution. I am still rather new and very much in love with Second Life, so really, is this how it's done?


Some tools like Abuse Reporting, Support, User Groups and JIRA exist. You may want to do some search about these terms.

These tools may not be effective enough but it's what we have. A direct line to complain to Management? Please, no. There are over a million of Second Life users. If users were able to directly complain, LL employees wouldn't be able to work anymore.

By the way, managers name other people to direct specific teams. Specific team directors manage staff. That's where you need to bring your concerns. 

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Hmmm, regardless of what messages arise, there is never a "good day" to do anything in world, as LL's seems to feel the need to screw around with something that causes people to lose valuable things, in which case they are forced to purchase more lindens to replace what was lost. Get the connection, eat inventory, account holder buys more lindens! Win-win situation for LL's.

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Destiny Eberdene wrote:

Ummm, if Phoenix isn't an approved viewer


Nobody stated this.


Destiny Eberdene wrote:

Regardless of what viewer is used, it is still a problem that inventory is vanishing like a pizza at a weight watchers convention!

It's a problem - but it's not everyone's problem. I don't have that issue. 

I assume you already delete your viewer cache directory when you have such issues (I don't mean the "Clear cache" button. I mean deleting the folder).

I also hope you keep separate caches and separate settings for different viewers. If not, that's probably the reason of some of your issues.

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Destiny Eberdene wrote:

Hmmm, regardless of what messages arise, there is never a "good day" to do anything in world, as LL's seems to feel the need to screw around with something that causes people to lose valuable things, in which case they are forced to purchase more lindens to replace what was lost. Get the connection, eat inventory, account holder buys more lindens! Win-win situation for LL's.


That's your personal experience. I don't have such issues. I daily complete in-world projects with no issues.

That's your personal experience and it seems you already found your own explanation, that is Linden Lab's greed. Sorry but at this point nothing can help you anymore.

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With all due respect to the OP,

when your bed disappeared it got nothing to do with the viewer

when people stay away from your store, this got nothing to do with anything but yourself! SL has picked up, Full Stop!

I understand that dealing with the Lindens can be frustrating and that there needs to be a place to vent and i feel for you, I am waiting myself for 6 weeks to get a ticket answered!,

I believe this category in this forum is not the right place, the bed had probably banned content and your store is empty because your competition just did a little bit more to draw attention to themselves! It is not the servers it is not SL, when your business is in decline the heatlthies way is to look what you can do to change that!

People love their Phoenix Viewer and so be it! Fact is people are too lazy to learn the new Menus of Viewer 2 and that's why they have chosen an alternative viewer! Just because the majority does that doesn't mean it is the better viewer, it just shows that the majority is lazy to learn the new Menus, even worse they judge a viewer they don't know, that is what majorities always do, talking along while riding the band wagon!

Let's see what Firestorm will bring on the table, i just hope it is not that far backwards as Phoenix is, coz what the most people don't know by ignoring the Viewer 2 Development is the improvements and once you actually learn your way through the menus you will miss nothing!



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Opensource Obscure wrote:


Some tools like Abuse Reporting, Support, User Groups and JIRA exist. You may want to do some search about these terms.

These tools may not be effective enough but it's what we have. A direct line to complain to Management? Please, no. There are over a million of Second Life users. If users were able to directly complain, LL employees wouldn't be able to work anymore.

By the way, managers name other people to direct specific teams. Specific team directors manage staff. That's where you need to bring your concerns. 

Thank you, Mr. Obscure, for the brief lesson in business management structure. It is great to hear that there are places where residents can go to voice their complaints and issues.

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Destiny Eberdene wrote:

Hmmm, regardless of what messages arise, there is never a "good day" to do anything in world, as LL's seems to feel the need to screw around with something that causes people to lose valuable things, in which case they are forced to purchase more lindens to replace what was lost. Get the connection, eat inventory, account holder buys more lindens! Win-win situation for LL's.


that's an interesting conspiracy theory.... except the part where, having been inworld for 6yrs+ that inventory problems aren't that common over time, although they do recur.... and almost never result in loss


Steph Catseye wrote:

 [...] Fact is people are too lazy to learn the new Menus of Viewer 2 and that's why they have chosen an alternative viewer! Just because the majority does that doesn't mean it is the better viewer, it just shows that the majority is lazy to learn the new Menus, even worse they judge a viewer they don't know, that is what majorities always do, talking along while riding the band wagon! [...]

riiiiiiiiiiight... couldn't possibly be all that extended functionality those other viewers offer, or that fact that their featureset works in several key aspects that V2 fails in.... couldn't be that users don't like having beta-ware foisted on them when features are broken in advance yet still promoted to production.... nah that couldn't be it...


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