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Please help

Myfanwy Acer

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I have reported to linden lab,2times in the last 12months,about Victor carousel,stalking me and telling my partner lies,I have sent conversations ,also he gets in my house even though we have security,leaves pics of other girls,and super imposes my face on to these avatars,he has a way of tracking me everywhere.i have reported all this before,it was very stressing,

well he started again today,had me in tears,I am afraid if this does not stop,I will have to leave SL for good,as he tries hard to break my husband and I up.this is all because I said no to him.please help me ,I cannot go through this again.i will have to go somewhere else,he just about gave me a break down ,last 2times ,saying I have sex with all men in SL and I am supposed to have 8avatars. As I write this ,the stress is bad. It has Been great for a while as he hasn't been online,.please,please help me,I am happily married here,and don't really want to leave,but I will have to,if he starts all this again,myfanwy Acer m

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While I do believe that this is a serious issue for you, I'm wondering...no stalker in the world can surpass technical boundaries. He should not be able to avoid getting ejected from your security orb. He should not be able to contact you or your husband, as both of you should have blocked him long ago. He should not be able to leave anything at your place, if you have carefully disabled this option for strangers.

He should also not be able to follow you around. The only options would be, that he gave you something in the past, that tells him where you are (which I doubt) or that you have a settled set of places you return to (which I figured out) or that you allow the people on your friendlist to see where you are and he is one of them...on an alt.

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He is a computer geek,he can do anything ,he has photographed me in my garden,and many other inappropriate things.i will just have to leave SL,as he is never going to leave me alone,and linden lab ,obviously does not care ,as before I sent conversations to them that he sent me.he has been away for a while ,so peacefull.he is blocked,but very clever

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Syo and Alwin are right.  You have the tools you need to solve the problem.  Don't rely on Linden Lab, they won't intervene in most disputes between residents.

  1. Mute.  Right click this guy and select Block/Mute, or use the Block button in his profile.  Note:  If you send him an IM or any inventory offer, he will be automatically un-muted.  If that happens, Mute him again right away.
  2. Ban.  Add him to your land's Blocked list to prevent physical access.  If you use a security orb, add him to its black list.
  3. Search your land by using About Land/Objects to find any of his objects and Return them.  This will remove any chat spy or tracking objects.
  4. Delete anything he has given you from your inventory.  Note:  Nothing that is just in your inventory can harm you.  However, if you've (for example) included the gift necklace he gave you in any of your outfits, it will be worn when you put on that outfit.  This is why you should delete any of his gifts to you.
  5. Uncheck the box in About Land/Options that lets avatars outside your parcel see and hear you.  This will not prevent him from knowing you are there (he can still see your dot on the map), but he won't be able to see your avatar with his camera or hear your local chat.  This works both ways, you will not be able to see or hear avatars outside your land parcel either.
  6. In more extreme cases, you might also want to turn off object entry for your land.  This will prevent him from rezzing something outside your parcel and using the Edit tools to move it onto your land.  You can also disable script operation on your land, keeping anything of his from operating.  This is a pain, though, because it also keeps YOUR scripted items from working.
  7. Most of all, both you and your partner should IGNORE him.  Do not respond to any of his provocations.  Don't indicate in any way that he has upset you.  IGNORE HIM COMPLETELY.  This is extremely important, both to discourage him and for your own peace of mind.  You must develop an attitude that says, "This guy is nothing to me.  He doesn't exist.  Nothing he says or does is of the least importance to me.  I simply don't give a flip."

Use all of the above tools with both your stalker, and any alts that you can identify.  I'm sorry, but you will also have to be suspicious of your friends.  One of them could be his alt, or could be his friend and be giving him information about you.  Don't accuse anyone unless you are SURE, but do be cautious.

You can also Abuse Report him whenever he breaks the Terms of Service or Community Standards...for example by revealing Real Life information about you, or by sharing chat or IM logs of your conversations with anyone else.  Report each occurrence, and reference your earlier Abuse Report(s).

In very extreme cases, you may consider creating an alt yourself.  You will have to cut all your ties with your current friends, and basically start over in Second Life.  If you tell ANYONE or visit any of your former hangouts, this tactic is likely to fail.  I don't recommend this, because in a way, it's a win for the stalker.  Even though you're still in Second Life, you'll be someone else.  He has, in a sense, destroyed you.  Only do this if you have no other choice.

Finally, you should edit your post to remove his name.  Accusing him in this public forum is against the forum guidelines, and could get you yourself reported.


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