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Myfanwy Acer

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Everything posted by Myfanwy Acer

  1. I have items missing from inventory,I know there is a way of getting them back so could you help me please
  2. Many of my folders are suddenly empty,how can I get them back please?
  3. As lindens have increased the prims on land,does that also apply to Linden homes.how many prims are allowed there thankyou myfanwy acer
  4. As lindens have increased the prime on land,does that also apply to Linden homes.how many prime are allowed there thankyou myfanwy acer
  5. I cannot log in to SL I have tried for a long time .i was logged on earlier. is there a problem with SL ,please?
  6. I just got email from SL,to say my application for linden dollars has failed. i did not apply for any,so wonder if someone is hacking into my account.it has happened before,bad people
  7. I have sent 3cases with proof of an abuse case not resolved,they said block the person i did this,also black listed him,but it does not work. he can see me ,but I cannot see him,,so the abuse continues in chat,it's awful.so who can I suggest to,that blacklisting is reversed,I can see him,but he cannot see me.would work much better.there is a suggestion box,but when I got into it it made no sense at all,thankyou for taking time to read this
  8. today many folders in my inventory are empty, too many to count , can you help?
  9. I tried replacing with an outfit,but did not work,I am still an ugly rabbit,maybe an old joke,but I can't even replace with another avatar
  10. Someone tricked me and I am an ugly rabbit,please how do I get my avatar back.i am very distressed
  11. How can I derender and blacklist a person who is not near me,so I cannot click on them?thanksi still want to derender and blacklist,this person ,as then they cannot see me. I know how to block them ,but want to derender and blacklist,this I don't know how to do if the person is not in my presence
  12. Can anyone tell me where to buy skins that will not change facial features in any way.i have tried some that makes my looks hideous
  13. I have already abandoned my land,but cannot seem to get a new home.i have tried,I haven,t changed mine for a very long time,thnx
  14. I have trie to get a new linden home ,but I cannot see how,I abandoned the other,have followed steps. To no avail.can you please explain how to get a home
  15. He is a computer geek,he can do anything ,he has photographed me in my garden,and many other inappropriate things.i will just have to leave SL,as he is never going to leave me alone,and linden lab ,obviously does not care ,as before I sent conversations to them that he sent me.he has been away for a while ,so peacefull.he is blocked,but very clever
  16. He can follow you even if blacklisted,some nasty person has done it to me,can even get through the security at my house to leave photos etc .myfanwy Acer. I am going to be forced to leave SL because of him
  17. I have reported to linden lab,2times in the last 12months,about Victor carousel,stalking me and telling my partner lies,I have sent conversations ,also he gets in my house even though we have security,leaves pics of other girls,and super imposes my face on to these avatars,he has a way of tracking me everywhere.i have reported all this before,it was very stressing, well he started again today,had me in tears,I am afraid if this does not stop,I will have to leave SL for good,as he tries hard to break my husband and I up.this is all because I said no to him.please help me ,I cannot go through this again.i will have to go somewhere else,he just about gave me a break down ,last 2times ,saying I have sex with all men in SL and I am supposed to have 8avatars. As I write this ,the stress is bad. It has Been great for a while as he hasn't been online,.please,please help me,I am happily married here,and don't really want to leave,but I will have to,if he starts all this again,myfanwy Acer m
  18. When I TP a friend to my linden home,they cannot get in, can you give me any idea why this happens?
  19. I have a linden home.i tried to let my friend in ,and no way could I I tried many things.please tell me what I should do,most options are in shadow so cannot use them and cannot add.please help
  20. I have had bother from this guy a long time and reported him to LL.didn,t see him in ages,but he came back and started again,telling my SL husband lies about me.i de rendered and black listed him.now I can't see him,but seems he can still see me and I'm,s me with sarcasm.is there a way,he cannot see me? That's what I thought blacklisting was,he is also sending pics to my husband with my face on,but with dress I don't own,superimposed we call it.so I just want to be invisible to him,if you can help please?
  21. I have always had pocket metaverse so I can chat when not online on computer now I have changed my password,pocket metaverse will not accept me,so I cannot log in. i have looked them up,but see nothing of any help there.can you help?
  22. The message I wrote above ,appears every time I try to Rez something.even my clothes andAO.all was ok yesterday.i contacted land management ,but as yet have had no reply
  23. Where can I get skin that will not change my facial features. i have tried a few. But they have distorted my features big time,thankyou
  24. What are default permissions please.?i keep getting a message about them,then it says not found.my SL is playing up badly.please help
  25. For 2days I cannot get clothes on my avatar.she is naked so I cannot go anywhere.my inventory current outfit says she is wearing them,but I dont see the clothes,can you help please?
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