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******* can't rez object on parcel in region because the parcel is too full*********


Hi guys, i don't know if this is the right place to post this so forgive me if it isnt?...I'm pretty new to SL...been on here a month.

I have a prem account and have my own LD home and im having issues rezing objects.....In my LD home it says lands full, so i went through a few posts online , it said to get rid rid of my original LD home and start a fresh so i did, i even paid the extra for for land size, but im still having the same issuse?

Ive been through my inventory and deleted all files i have seconds of

i clicked on the prim file and its says i have zero prims out of 117.......


what the hell is a prim lol?(excuse my im such a newb) if its a prim problem how do i reduce that?


any help would be really appreaciated xxxxxxxxx

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This should help:


Prim is kind of the old way of talking about land impact.

What are you trying to rezz? have you rezzed other stuff?

You can only have 117 prim\land impact worth of stuff in your Linden Home. If you want to rezz more then you will need to buy or rent land.

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"Ive been through my inventory and deleted all files i have seconds of"   What's in your Inventory doesn't affect prim usage as long as it's just staying in Inventory and not rezzed in-world. It's good practice to manage duplicates anyway, so no harm done, but it's not going to help with this problem.

"i clicked on the prim file and its says i have zero prims out of 117"  Wish we could see a screenshot of that, to know the true nature of this "prim file" of which you speak. Otherwise we can't tell if you have zero prims remaining or zero prims used. On the plus side, 117 is a very standard number of prims for a parcel to have -- it's the usual amount for a "starter" 512 square meter parcel.

But, another puzzle: Whatever is a "LD home" ? You say you removed it, so it must not be one of the "Linden Home" houses (those aren't removable, and don't count against the parcel limits anyway). And related: how did you pay "the extra for for land size"... where is this land, if you know: Mainland, or Estate?


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Thanks. Good, so you have 117 prims available on that parcel, so if you're getting the "too full" error, either the thing you're trying to rez has a land impact of more than 117 prims, or it's trying to rez somewhere other than that parcel.

There are objects with higher land impact than 117, so that's possible. You might try rezzing it on a sandbox with thousands of prims available, to see what's up.

It's also very possible to try to rez something on one parcel but have it interpreted as meaning to go somewhere else. This is painfully common when rezzing onto a Mesh surface. If you can try to rez it on some other surface, and try to point as much straight down onto that surface, it may help (assuming the object's land impact is indeed less than 117 prims).

(I'm sorry, I don't recognize that as a Linden home in the screenshot, but that doesn't mean it's not. Maybe somebody will recognize it.)

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Diskomo wrote:

Hi just trying to drop new purchasess ( apparel) in my Ld home like i have before....never had this issue before?

Oh, wait: "apparel". Have you tried just wearing the thing directly? Some stuff isn't packed in boxes or anything, and it may have astronomically high land-impact -- which doesn't matter as long as its worn on the avatar, rather than rezzed on the ground.

(Well... it does matter, but only for its effect on viewer lag, not on parcel land impact limits, as long as it's not dropped on the ground.)

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Diskomo wrote:

Hi just trying to drop new purchasess ( apparel) in my Ld home like i have before....never had this issue before?

Oh, wait: "apparel". Have you tried just wearing the thing directly? Some stuff isn't packed in boxes or anything, and
it may have
high land-impact -- which doesn't matter as long as its worn on the avatar, rather than rezzed on the ground.

(Well... it
matter, but only for its effect on viewer lag, not on parcel land impact limits, as long as it's not dropped on the ground.)

Highlighting is mine.

I have a pair of boots. On the surface, a very nice pair of boots. Problem with them, they have a prim of 130.

Yeppers, just a pair of boots.

To put in perspective, my house has a prim of 85 and my car has a prim of about 30.

Be careful if you take the apparel out just for display. Qie Niangao is correct in the land impact. If you wear the apparel, you should be fine.

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