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What is the # of Avatars you can have?

Dakota Blachere

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Dakota Blachere wrote:

I'm trying to start a concert business...

You should review the official Alt Account Policy.

Dakota Blachere wrote:

...with the actual names of the performers...

Er, and also the Intellectual Property Policy, if you're infringing on the trademarks held by real life celebrities (including their names and likeness).

Dakota Blachere wrote:

I have used 3 different emails

Now it tells me i've reached my limit, i just have a few more Performers to make, is there a way to continue with my idea?

I ain't going to tell you if what you're doing is right or not, that's not really within my knowledge. Given that this is a business (i.e., profit will happen), I'd say that on a personal level, I wouldn't do what you're doing.

It seems especially unwise to attempt work around the limits clearly provided on the sign-up page. I hope you're not doing this and posting about it to the official forum.

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The wiki is not necessarily up to date.

For example:-


"You may give another person access to your account, but you do so at your own risk;"

But the TOS whic h the above page references only a paragraph later now reads:-

"You may not sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party (including, for the avoidance of doubt, permitting another individual to access your Account) without the prior written consent of Linden Lab."

So as such, the TOS remains authoritative and the Wiki is just a mismash or incorrections maintained by awesome people at Linden Lab.  It just so happens that the left hand was separated from the right hand at birth.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

The wiki is not necessarily up to date.

For example:-


Or the last three lines of the alt accounts wiki page:

"No system is perfect. If you have legitimate reasons for creating multiple accounts but have been unable to do so:

  • If you have a basic account, go to Help Island and talk to someone there.
  • If you have a premium account, submit a support ticket."

Assuming for the sake of argument that this doesn't mean you can go to Help Island, have a chat with some random stranger and suddenly you can have as many alts as you like, when was the last time you could find a Linden at Help Island?

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Sassy Romano wrote:

The wiki is not necessarily up to date.

Agreed and understood already. With regards to starting new accounts, the centrally important point (to me) was what sounded like an attempt to bypass the controls on the Sign-Up pages. LL's written policies on sign-up may be old but working against these controls is still very likely to incur someones' wrath somewhere, for some reason.

My understanding on my second point is that the IP policy is enforced and at least somewhat accurate, too.

Thanks for your additions. :)

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My impression is that LL doesn't mind people having alts as such. Their real concerns are all about what you use your alts for, not how many you have. So if you contact them and ask, they're probably happy to give you permission to have the alts you need.

Except, Freya's second point may be a very real problem. If you are planning to use the alts to impersonate real life performers, that's a big no-no regardless of whether you a hundred alts of just use your main for it.

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ChinRey wrote:

if you contact them and ask, they're probably happy to give you permission

Agreed, too. I've seen plenty of people who claim to operate dozens or hundreds of alts. Numbers clearly isn't very tightly controlled.

Important detail (as you say, too) is that there's a difference between evading technical measures "because you want to" and getting permission to work around them.

ChinRey wrote:

Except, Freya's second point may be a very real problem.

Yup. Intellectual Property law hasn't changed all that much, and LL's policy on IP is decided largely by the law rather than internal policy.

Thanks, too, for your contributions. :)

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Ashy Calcutt wrote:

Rare if any.. any help island is void of any Lindens..


But my question was actually a genuine not a rhetorical one. From the wiki page it's clear that the help islands actually was starffed at some point in SL history and that really surprised me. Are there any old-timers here who can remember when that was?

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ChinRey wrote:


Or the last three lines of the alt accounts wiki page:

"No system is perfect. If you have legitimate reasons for creating multiple accounts but have been unable to do so:
  • If you have a basic account, go to Help Island and talk to someone there.
  • If you have a premium account, submit a support ticket."

Assuming for the sake of argument that this doesn't mean you can go to Help Island, have a chat with some random stranger and suddenly you can have as many alts as you like, when was the last time you could find a Linden at Help Island?

I am still giggling over this (is it delirium?).  


If anyone finds this random person with the ability to makes wishes come true, let me know!

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ChinRey wrote:

Ashy Calcutt wrote:

Rare if any.. any help island is void of any Lindens..

 Are there any old-timers here who can remember when that was?

 Stand up, I remember a time when you could request a Linden to assist you. I remember my first week in SL, Or couple weeks.. ne way, I rented a parcel of land and like a uber noob I kept seeing the script error icon showing up. Well, at the time I was convinced everyone could see it... Miss (forgotten anme) Linden who came to my house helped me tofigure out what was going on, so nice to... and occasionally you could search for a Linden and message and get a response to help..as well as Yes staffed help island.. 

now.. hell if you find one online.. the Only linden I seen in years is ... (forget his name right now) the one who shows up at Tukso shows... and wears Lagfather shirt or something. ne how...used to be they cared.


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ChinRey wrote:

Ashy Calcutt wrote:

Rare if any.. any help island is void of any Lindens..


But my question was actually a genuine not a rhetorical one. From the wiki page it's clear that the help islands actually was starffed at some point in SL history and that really surprised me. Are there any old-timers here who can remember when that was?

Yes I know It was just adding it

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Tarina Sewell wrote:

ChinRey wrote:

Ashy Calcutt wrote:

Rare if any.. any help island is void of any Lindens..

 Are there any old-timers here who can remember when that was?

 Stand up, I remember a time when you could request a Linden to assist you. I remember my first week in SL, Or couple weeks.. ne way, I rented a parcel of land and like a uber noob I kept seeing the script error icon showing up. Well, at the time I was convinced everyone could see it... Miss (forgotten anme) Linden who came to my house helped me tofigure out what was going on, so nice to... and occasionally you could search for a Linden and message and get a response to help..as well as Yes staffed help island.. 

now.. hell if you find one online.. the Only linden I seen in years is ... (forget his name right now) the one who shows up at Tukso shows... and wears Lagfather shirt or something. ne how...used to be they cared.


Yes i remeber at Help island 1 or whatever number it was actually had a Linden Present that was back in '09.. than suddenly poof he was gone and never seen again..  lol care to some extent 

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Generally, you can have 5 alts per email address. However, I believe there is a limit on how many you can create in a 24 hour period. I remember hitting it once when I was setting up NPCs for the sim I RP in and am an admin in. I waited until the next day then had no problems. 

The person isn't actually pretending to be them, per se, but setting up a tribute band, of which there are quite a few in SL.

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Sassy Romano wrote:


You may not
sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party
(including, for the avoidance of doubt, permitting another individual to access your Account)
without the prior written consent of Linden Lab."

This is regretable. I have a couple of old accounts made the day single word nams came about that I would love to "hand back" to the systm and know that someone could use those names again because they're good solid words handy for a name.

If you start trying out names on th profile website that are single words - you will discover a shocking number of them that were made all around November 19, 2010... and the vast majority of these have not been used since...

It'd be really nice if LLs had a 'hand in your unused alt for recycling' system...

I could see it working like this:

  • Fill in a form listing your account name and the alt name - requiring logging in to both.
  • The alt has to have been innactive for more than 3 years, or never used, or have no transaction history over $0L.
  • They scan the database for any objects made by your alt and, if they're owned by accounts other than yours - they get the creator name changed to you.
  • If they're owned by that alt, they get deleted.
  • Any marketplace store owned by that alt gets deleted.
  • And then zap... the alt is deleted and the name is removed from the list of unavailable names...
  • (might take a bit more thought than this...).

Even just a page that let you 'hand off' an account would be nice - presuming the right security checks were in place.

Of course if we have lastnames again this would be a non issue... /sigh...

I've seen countless MMOs do changes to the way they handled names manage a transition like that - requiring people to 'do a name change on login' if they fell outside the list of valid names...

- Such as merging two servers, and then requiring everyone to pick a new name on their next login... That could be done to all single-word names in SL... Just give them a pulldown on a future login to type in a firstname and pick one of a series of lastnames... With all current single usernames 'reserved' for up to 90 days for all of those lastnames until whoever has that given name complete the process (thereafter unlocking it on all other lastnames).


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