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Prim/Linkset Content Limits?

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The day before yesterday I was attempting to put some more textures in my Kinex texture organizer and got an error I had never had before... "Unable to add Item!"

When I attempted to transfer all of my textures and sculpt maps to a new board, assuming that the original board had gotten broken somehow, everything was going fine until I got this:

receive inventory failure: too many inventory items


 Is there anyone else having this issue? Is there somewhere that we were told this was happening and I missed it?  What are the new content limits?

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I doubt that this is new behavior.  I remember many years ago trying to load a very large number of anims into a dance machine and getting the same response.  The only solution I can think of at the moment is to load assets into two or more child prims and then handle them with separate, communicating scripts. So, one prim for items A-L and a second for items M-Z.  A user clicking the root prim gets a menu of both sets of assets and it unaware that they are handled from two sources.

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Yeah, this is affecting other texture organisers too - see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-10570

There was a change made on Tuesdays server roll which now limits the total number of object contents to ~30k.

The number of object contents you can have in a single prim is 10k. (I don't think this limit is new).

The total number of object contents you can have in a linkset is ~30k. (This seems to be new since Tuesday).

There is also now a limit to how many object contents you can have in an attachment. If it is over the limit, you will not be able to wear that attachment.

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Thanks! I see on the JIRA that others are having their organizers completely shut down. Thankfully I can still recover textures and sculpt maps from my Kinex board. I can't even imagine losing 5 years of building supplies, that's too scary even for Halloween. While I hate that I had to waste 12 hours yesterday attempting to fix this I guess it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one...

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I received an email from TJ Linden. He set up an area where I could open my organizer. I opened it. I thinned it out. I took it back to my land and it did the same thing. The second step I took it back and transfered ALL of my textures into a new organizer. I took it home. Set it up. Same thing.  I am really frustrated. Plus I have yet to have a response from the email I sent back reporting all this. This took me well over 10 hours to do.  My question is how many items are now permitted in a link? And why were we not told this long before this went live? That really irks me. Lindens could have saved all this maddness by a bit of communication warning of us what is to come.  My tim e is just as valuable as theirs. 10 hours in SL working on this is way above and beyond ridiculous! I now have it limited to under 1k per prim in my organizer.  It would be very appreciated to have some feedback from LL.

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You'll need to keep the organiser below these limits:

Max 10k items in a single prim of the linkset - 10k per folder in the TMAT.

Max 30k items in the whole object.

If you want to wear your organiser as a HUD (like you can do with the TMAT), I think the limit for contents in a worn attachment is 10k in total. Any higher and you will not be allowed to attach it.

If you have the TMAT though, be vary careful even getting close to these limits because the whole thing will just break once the limit is reached.

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TJ Linden finally replied to me today. This is what he said "I do not have the new limit available to give you, but you should be able to meet it by splitting the contents of one of your objects in half  (multiple times if needed) until it no longer generates the error. Going forward, any object exceeding the limits should give you an immediate error."

This is unacceptable. We should not have to figure out how many items per prim. LL should have that info in their coding and be able to provide this to us.  I did take it upon myself to go the land set aside for this issue and check my prims. Though each prim is under 1k it appears from my other organizer 750 items will suffice.  I am unable to use this land until the update is rollback again. I am really disappointed with LL. This should be a huge priority. I can not imagine how many people this affects that are NOT speaking up.  On top of that. If prior to the rollback the number was 10k per prims going under 1k is an extrodinary difference. Not to have the answers to provide, and making such a HUGE cut back and not give any notification prior to this happening is a lack of communication that is once again unacceptable.

We are in the 2nd week or so of this situation and there has been few steps in correcting this matter. Very frustrating!

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When coulod we start to see some results to this issue. I have asked questions received I do not knows. I had land set up to help me but either it is constantly updated so I can't use it or my time has ran out so I can't get there. This is starting to become some major crap.  I pay monthly money for SL. I contribute constantly to SL with my merchandise sales on MP. I do my part. I do not cause trouble or issues. I rarely ever **bleep** or complain yet you all can not answer a simple question of how many objects in a flippin prim. You all coded it answer the question. I am getting no help, no answer and I can hardly do what I need to do. My inventory is crowded because I can not ad items to my organzier. I paid a tremendous amount of money for something that I CAN NOT USE AND I AM NOT GETTING ASSISTANCE WITH. FIX IT or GIVE ANSWERS! I am sick and tired of being put off. I know I am NOT the only one. If the person TJ Linden is going to be off work then give my case to someone in case there are issues to assist me. My GOD your Customer Service SUCKS! And I am beyond frustrated and PISSED. It is not Christmas season and I am struggling to meet demands from my customers. This is on going what 3-4 weeks now? This is not how to run a business. I know for a fact the answers are not that difficult. I did EVERYTHING suggested IT DID NOT FIX THE ISSUE. My other organizer works without issue. I dropped my items down to the highest level in my other organizer and it still doesn't work. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

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You seem to be under the impression that there are Lindens here.  There aren't.  At least you'll never see a Linden respond here.  This is a resident-to-resident forum.  We can sympathize with your problem as much as we want, but we can't do anything but offer opinions.  Unfortunately, if something is actually broken in SL, we can't do a thing to fix it.

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I too came across this problem with my Kinex texture organiser.

It took me several hours talking through the issue and potential reasons with members of the Builders Brewery group. Thankfully one member (Lexbot Sinister - thank you so much)  had been to an SL Beta meeting and remembered the issue being tangentially discussed. - though the discussion mentioned content limits for attachments only. She finally came across the JIRA which spurred me to subdivide my organiser (approx. 4 - 5 hours work in addition to the time spent tracking down the problem). It is now working again.

I am still not clear about the status of this BUG / thing - is it intended behaviour? 

Certainly it is not well-publicised within SL.



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