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Some troll is False-flagging my items on marcketplace!? I need help!

Darkraven Danick

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Hi everyone!


It seems like a troll is trying to get my items out of bussiness by false-flagging it.


This makes me so mad when I saw the mail notifications today. About 8 items in my shop was unlisted due to a ridiculous reason :

The item has been unlisted due to Listing Not Flagged As Adult

However, they are, simply weapons without any blood / gore effect,  and also another robot avatar without any dirty bit in it.


So, may I ask, is the policy in Linden Lab been changed, or are the staff in LL being BLIND enough to see a weapon as an "adult" weapon?  Did they even CHECK before unlisting items?


I need some lindens to show up and give me an answer. LL is being quite unreasonable and irresponsible, I doubt if they even look into my items before unlisting it.

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I don't know about guns, but I do know that if you use the word 'bar' in a listing it's rated adult.  Have to keep the kids from seeing alcohol!  Like they don't see it in RL.

I tried to look up the current maturity level guidelines for MP but unfortunately the page is no longer available.

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Hi there.


I am quite sure I DID NOT list any adult-related keywords like that. The same series of keywords has been used in many of my products, none of them ever been unlisted before, until now.


Someone must be trolling, and some LL staff is highly suspected to be blind. They didn't even check before unlisting something.




Also, I notice this from a mail notification, a mail name "An item has been flagged".


Which means, the system did not do it automatically, SOMEONE did that on purpose.


Troll confimed.


If I ever find out who did that, she is going to pay for it.

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I don't know if others are using mesh or such, but all those items I made are build with basic prims and sculptures and it's not like I am stealing from anybody. You call that break laws? then maybe you should report another 200k pieces of fanart items on the whole marketplace, so that no one breaks it?

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Darkraven Danick wrote:

I don't know if others are using mesh or such, but all those items I made are build with basic prims and sculptures and it's not like I am stealing from anybody. You call that break laws? then maybe you should report another 200k pieces of fanart items on the whole marketplace, so that no one breaks it?

It's not fan art. It is selling copyright protected things. The name is trademarked, the likeness is copyright protected. Fan art is free and for personal use. Perhaps you should learn the law before you spout off about how you aren't breaking it.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I would be more worried about someone reporting your store to Bandai Namco. It's full of copyright protected items.

I'm betting that it's not just some random troll flagging the OP's products. but someone with obviously better morals than him.

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Darkraven Danick wrote:

I don't know if others are using mesh or such, but all those items I made are build with basic prims and sculptures and it's not like I am stealing from anybody. You call that break laws? then maybe you should report another 200k pieces of fanart items on the whole marketplace, so that no one breaks it?

This isn't fan art, it is you trying to make money from someone else's designs by breaking the law, to say nothing of breaking the TOS.  It doesn't matter who else is doing it.  Do you tell a cop he can't give you a ticket for speeding because other people speed?  If everyone stood on their head and painted their butt purple would you?

You are stealing from the company that holds the trademarks and copyrights, even if you built the items from scratch.  You should have a talk with your attorney because you are breaking the law and could be sued in RL Court.

You should read this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property

You should also read the Bandai Namco EULA .  Section 3 of the EULA expressly forbids what you are doing.

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Notwithstanding the comments about copyright and TOS, the issue remains that the items are being delisted by LL for a bogus reason.

It would appear that LL have acted wrongly if the items are flagged as adult but aren't in fact adult.  That process is failing.

As we well know, the copyright holder is responsible for filing DMCA, there is no option to flag for copyright violation.

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I had a "baby" outfit repeatedly flagged because it was called "Doggy Bones Jumper." I contacted Linden help but they kept asking "what do you want?" after explaining twice it wasn't adult. Whatever their system they apparently can't manually correct this flag. Sigh.

I couldn't find Bandai Namco but that shop is so mismatched and poorly executed. I find it interesting Slink gave their merchant kit to  him, I haven't been able to get one yet. Pfft. I smell something... 

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Actually, I looked at the description and see the problem immediately.  4 sizes included:
. size XXL: fits for Dahak-MK6/Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around those heights.  The XXL is what's throwing it into the adult realm. I make shapes and have to list the size as Extra-XS to avoid the adult tag.  XX=adult.

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I really didn't know that. Will be more careful next time... o.O Anyway, all unlisted items are back to listings, no harm down so far. The L's said that they are "investigating" these issue, I just hope that they will actually investige it and get that grifer banned for good. Thank you all for your time.

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Darkraven Danick wrote:

I really didn't know that. Will be more careful next time...
Anyway, all unlisted items are back to listings, no harm down so far. The L's said that they are "investigating" these issue, I just hope that they will actuallyinvestige it and get thatgrifer banned for good. Thank you all for your time.

I have an honest question.. Since you put yourself on view talking about your items being "falsely flagged" when you get flagged for keyword spam will you come back and create a new thread about that?

Lets look a one fo your "Swords"

Keywords: weapon,sci-fi, AO, cool, sword, bow, blade, gun, shoot, arrow, melee, warrior, robot, fight, transform, weapon, fantasy, scripted, equipment, battle, combat, roleplay, range

I have highlighted the relevant spam keywords in blue. None of those have anything to do with a sword, yet most of your items have the same keywords. That is just laziness. And rightfully will get your items flagged.

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I am not sure which one weapon you are exactly pointing at, but some (most) of my weapons can be transformed into multiple forms. which means, they may not only be a sword, but also a gun, shield, etc. If that still sounds lazy to you, well, bye bye? PS: might be an irrelevant question, though. How do you view an item's keyword? I can't even find it unless going into the item edit page... Unless you are a ...................... o.O ?

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Darkraven Danick wrote:

I am not sure which one weapon you are exactly pointing at, but some (most) of my weapons can be transformed into multiple forms. which means, they may not only be a sword, but also a gun, shield, etc. If that still sounds lazy to you, well, bye bye? PS: might be an irrelevant question, though. How do you view an item's keyword? I can't even find it unless going into the item edit page... Unless you are a .

Yes, yes I am.

From what I saw, all of your weapons have the same keywords. So yes, that is lazy and against the ToS of the marketplace.

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