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I was hacked and lost all my items. Now where is my compensation?


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I've waited a month now and I'm tired of seeing no results. This has got to be by far the WORST support I've ever gotten from an online game. I'm sick and tired of waiting for either a response or a solution to my issue. My account "AidenLives" was CLEARLY hacked.  The person that did the hacking is now in jail, however I still have items I bought in game deleted off my account which is COMPLETE bull**bleep**! I have a right to those items. I have a right to get some sort of compensation for your garbage piece of crap security measures.  It's not even like I'm asking for much! All I want is either the L$ from all my purchase history back on my account.......     OR.......   Have all my purchase history be redelivered to me.  Should I REALLY have to contact every single vendor I've ever purchased from in order to re-acquire my items?   The answer is no.... Not only no, but HELL NO!  Because of the game's incredibly inferior security measures there's a good year's worth of purchases out the window and my character is completely bare.  I refuse to even play the game until I get something back.   Now I want a response. & I DON'T want you to tell me that there's nothing you can do. It is NOT my fault my account was hacked, however it IS your fault that the hacker was even able to get into my account to begin with. So I want a REAL solution to my problem. I don't want an automated response or someone telling me there's nothing they can do. Redelivery, or $L. Your community is dying out, you'd think you'd support the few loyal members you have left given if they're happy they will spend more!Evidence #1Evidence #2

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I cant tell if this is a real post or not with those pictures at the end, but I will provide some answers for anyone that takes the time to read.

1) As always, this area is monitored by other residents not LL. We cannot help with issues relating to accounts.

2) If you have had an issue with lost items that have the copy permission you can use Marketplace and in world redelivery terminals to retireve many items on your own. This will not work for No Copy items and does require sellers in world to use a system that allows for redelivery. In many cases the systems will show you a web page with everything you have purchased from all supporting stores and you can do a mass redeliver.

3) Please people...protect your passwords. Dont ever give them to anyone. NEVER click a link that shows up in a group without knowing who it is from and why they are sending it. Querstion every link before you click it. Use a strong password that is unique to your SL account. Quite simple be safe and use smart password security. To the OP and others, I have not heard of an instance of true hacking in many many years. In every case I have heard of players were tricked someway into giving up their passwords either via a phishing link or simply sharing it with someone they thought they could trust. 

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Hi Aiden,

I'm afraid you'll have to take your anger filled and fairly incomprehensible rant somewhere else. You'll get no remedy here. We're residents, somewhat like you.

But, we're residents who've never been hacked. And I'm a resident who's never heard of a real hack of an LL account. I've heard plenty of stories of people being phished or otherwise socially engineered. Social engineering doesn't work on a great many people, as they keep their wits about them.

It hardly seems fair to accuse Linden Lab of having "garbage piece of crap security measures" when you post snapshots of your brower window including the tabs. Someone might guess that you are known variously as Ryan MacGibbon on Facebook, vegetaversion1 on Yahoo and Photobucket (consider Palmer Method if you continue self-inking), and that you might one day be found playing DragonBall in your room at the Bartonsville PA HoJo, where the wifi service is too shabby for a SL connection.

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It IS your fault, and there's nothing we can do.  I know you don't want to hear that, but that's the truth.

I bet you never read the Terms of Service, did you?  They clearly state that you use Second Life at your own risk and that Linden Lab is not responsible for anything that happens.

You agreed to those terms, whether you read them or not.  Too bad.

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I agree with the previous posters.

You probably clicked a link that forced you to give up your password, hence, it's doubtful you were "hacked".

Banks get "hacked", the White House and FBI get "hacked".


As for the screen grabs, I'm trying to figure what one has to do with the other.

You might as well be rear ended on a local street and break out pics of your cat.

As for your insistence of being compensated, in your words, " I have a right to get some sort of compensation for your garbage piece of crap security measures"...go ahead and file in your local court system (small claims). It is your right but be real.

Lick your wounds, learn from this experience and move on.



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