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Complaint Department

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Dear complainers,

I am pleased to see that such a long and raucous line has formed here in the complaint department.  I expect that some complaints about the length of time spent waiting to complain will be forthcoming soon.  It was so kind of some of you to provide refreshments.  I am sure that some of the latecomers will be disappointed to have missed the whine and cheese.  I'm afraid I may not get to all of you today, but rest assured I will respond to each complaint in the order in which they were received. Until that time please feel free to complain amongst yourselves.

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NicholasKulp wrote:

I would like to complain about a couple things.  Keep in mind this is a new account yet I have been in SL for years.


1.  I am new to the forums and it is very hard to navigate and see recent posts on my threads or threads I have posted on.


2.  The new viewer.  I've finally got it set up and running smoothly but I still randomly get kicked off, stuff wont load, and I can't navigate my way around all of the complex new crap they've added (I've used a version from 2009 until now).

3.  Although SL is rather large, there aren't the niches I want.  Sure, if you want to find a club with 100 light pink and melon green kitten avatars, you'll find that.  Or a cookie avatar club.  But if I want to find say.. a club with people my age IN REAL LIFE - good luck!

4.  I'm starting to get a headace (I've been feeling it coming on for a while) so I think I'll save the rest of my complaints for later.  Especially since I've got a date tonight! Thanks for this haha. Peace.

Dear Nicholas,

I hate to nit pick, however, your complaint began by stating that you had a couple of things to complain about.  Then you proceeded with a well ordered list of four items, the last of which promised that the rest of your complaints would be addressed at a later time.  My friend, (may I call you my friend?), I fear that you neglected to mention that you have some difficulties with mathematical concepts.  Specifically, the word couple is commonly used to mean two items.  Now as I said before, I hate to nit pick but communication can be an elusive beast at times; especially if one is not precise with ones words. Now then, let me just add that there is no quota or maximum number of complaints allowed in this complaint department. You may complain about as many things as you wish.  But lets not misrepresent ourselves.

And now, lets get down to the substance of your complaints.  I am keeping in mind that you have been in SL for longer than your current avatars age.  Did you want to complain about that? If so, I will need to know the specifics:What is it that displeases you about this new account? 

I do understand the frustration you feel about posting in the forums, you are not alone.  Somewhere in this maze of forums and sub forums, there are a few informative posts about setting up your preferences so that you can receive emails when there is activity in threads you are interested in.  Something about subscribing to the thread.  But that is another department, this thread is dedicated to complaints, not solutions.

Next, the new viewer. Running smoothly?  How awful for you!  I jest. Really, I think it is terribly brave of you to embrace the new viewer.  There is a rather steep learning curve to getting the hang of it.  I'm sure given time you wil master it though.  And since you are not a newb, I don't have to tell you that random stuff breaking in SL is not the fault of any particular viewer, but just the way it goes.

As for the third item on your list, not able to find your age group in SL, you neglected to mention your age.  But you do have my sympathy.  All I can tell you is don't give up, I'm sure they are out there. And if you can't find them, remember you are as old as you feel, try accepting the people around you whether they are the same as you or different.

As for the fourth item, I am terribly sorry about your headache. I hope it doesn't ruin your date.

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Dearest Void,

It's so nice to be able to address you without fear of being moderated. I'm terribly sorry that you have nothing to complain about. If you think of something later please feel free to come back.  Apparently this thread is going to be around for a while.  I'd forgotten all about it until it popped up in my email this morning.

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Opensource Obscure wrote:

I'd like to complain about Second Life Forums being full of whiners AND "
Ignore this user
" feature being not available.

If at least one of these problems were resolved I'd be good.

I'm terribly sorry Mr. Obscure. I hesitate to mention this, but did you know you can ignore users without a feature?  As for the whole good/bad dichotomy, I'm a bit fuzzy on that; but I know that you're not supposed to cross the streams.

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Kasya Sciavo wrote:

I'd like to complain about transparent apologists and shills labelling paying customers who dare to criticise and/or object to dumb fool policies as 'whiners'.

Ask any successful company who they truly value....the 'yes' men or the critical customer. 

Kasya, I feel your pain; even though I don't quite understand your complaint. Are you really complaining about the complainers who complain about complainers? If so, then you have my deepest sympathy.  If not, you also have my deepest sympathy.

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

I'd like to complain about my Backspace key.  I'll have a reply all typed out to some posts that's snarky, sarcastic. condescending, derailing and sometimes just downright
.. and then I'll think better of it and use the backspace key and not send it.

While you're at it, can you fix the steering wheel in my truck?  There was a crowd of hipsters on the street corner one day and I couldn't bring myself to run them over.

I feel your pain Janelle! It's rather like having the little angels and devils on your shoulders and just when your devilish side is on a roll, that little angel sneaks in and hits the backspace (also known to use the delete) key and it's all for naught.

I think it's called having a conscience. Dang it all.

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drat... ok I'd like to complain that you answered my complaint, when I was hoping that you wouldn't so I would have something to complain about =D

yeah it's nice to be able to see replies since the disaster with jive and them filtering my name... but it was good for comic relief you have to admit. 'spose I could have complained about that too, but I got some good mileage out of that and freaked out a few people =)

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Dear Wildcat,

I'm a little confused.  Are you complaining about receiving this letter?  First let me assure you that it was not generated by this department. We do not solve problems here, we just listen to them. It would seem that the author of this letter is attempting to resolve an issue. If the complainer in the letter had come to me, I would have listened carefully and murmured vague reassurances.  Then I would extol upon the virtues of ear plugs.

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Dearest Quinn, welcome back!  You were missed.  I am terribly sorry to hear that you were accosted upon your return.  To be honest with you I don't share your aversion to the prolate spheroid shaped delicacy.  But in her defense, I believe that KK was just teasing and had not intended to cause serious harm. Never the less, I feel your pain.  Next!

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Suella Ember wrote:

I'd like to complain in the strongest possible terms that there was a big pile of cheese in this thread and no-one bothered to inform me. I will be writing to my local MP about this travesty forthwith!

Yours angrily,

Suella Ember

P.S. On a much less important note i'd also like to complain about the fact that the sky is falling, SL ate my baby, LL stole my soul etc etc


saved some for you SueEllen:

cheese n wine.jpg

I am terribly sorry about the delay, but i was unaware of the sudden burst of activity in this thread until just this morning myself. 

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From: Dillon Levenque

To: Complaint Department


Dear Sir or Madam,

 I've been through all the instructions on this thread and I cannot for the life of me find what it is I am to complain about. This is ridiculous. How can one complain if one does not know about what one should be complaining? (Okay, that mighta been one too many but whatever).

 It seems to me that any truly effective complaint department should have a list. One would select from the offered list, then (if need be) add a bit more information in one of those little boxes that says "Additional Comments". It does not matter that the offered list will never contain anything close to that which one wishes to complain about; they never do. That's the point.

Very Truly Yours

Dillon Levenque

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I would like to complain about Bill the vampire.  He lived through the entire 20th century and has not learned to use contractions yet?  (Didn't they have contractions in the 19th c. anyway?)

Erik is 1000 years older and he can say "can't" (plus he has no trace of an accent).


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