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Reviews: make it possible to change a review, please.

Madeliefste Oh

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Lately I had a customer who did not know how to work with a sculpty map, despite I include a 'how to' with pictures in all my products. I also include an example of a ready made product, so customers can use the measures of those when creating their own product.
Now this customer was disappointed the the example was not full perms. After I had explained her that the sculpt map and the textures are full perms, and she can use them to make items with her as the creator, she was satisfied and told me: 'I was about to write a bad review about your product for false advertising.'

A while ago I had a customer, who had bought a product in which example texture is missing. He had given the product four stars with a review like: I really like the product, but one of the textures is missing. I will rate it five stars when I become the missing texture.
It took some time before I saw his review, but then I contacted him and apologized for the missing texture and gave it to him. He said: 'Oh, after all it was not important, because I found the missing texture in your Photoshop file.' And then he went to the marketplace with the intention to rate the product five stars, but this was not possible.

There must be hunderds of other examples, where a customer has written a review based on facts that are looked upon different after explication about the product or assistance from the merchant. But the merchant is not around 24/7 to help his customers. It might need some patience before a customer gets assistance, and not all disappointed customers have this patience. Giving a low rating and a bad review is a way to vent then.

I think the possibility to re-review would be a great option for the marketplace. Both for merchants and customers who feel different about their review after contact with the merchant. So please, marketplace team?


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Agree, same thing had happened to me lot of times and customers say they will change their review but they can't. Thats crazy.

A notification system, (the same we had in xstreet) when someone rate our products is highly needed. Some people write a bad review waiting for us to reply, but we don't have a way to know what item has a new review!!!
Now we have also private messages here, LL should add that option in our Marketplace store or just next to merchant name. That way they could ask for help right there, as they did in old xstreet.


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I agree. This would be a good option. Of course, I think step one would be to make the review system more obvious to people in the first place, as people can't change reviews they've not even left. I mean, we've been whining about that since the SLM opened, basically, and still nothing.

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yasmin Gant wrote:

Umm, well i dont understand what you mean..For me as customer it is possible to change a review. I have the option to delete the review and after that i can write a new one..

This is exactly what a customer of mine just did ... deleted the old review and posted a new one. I did not know that was possible. I am glad he did, and I'm glad you do too. Thank you for posting this information yasmin.


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yasmin Gant wrote:

Umm, well i dont understand what you mean..For me as customer it is possible to change a review. I have the option to delete the review and after that i can write a new one..

And you can also change the number of stars?

Then in that case I'm wrongly informed. Or maybe it has changed in the meanwhile... I cannot check myself because I use the marketplace only as a search engine, but do my purchases in world. So I have no review on the marketplace that I can try to change.


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I also wish there was a "friendly reminder" where the customer is reminded to give a relevant and fair review on your products, although I suppose this goes into the "wishful thinking" category.

I have been getting bashed in reviews by customers because of all sorts of irrelevant reasons:

  • For my choice of permissions.
  • For not making all my products suitable for furries.
  • Because I have removed products.
  • Because I have upgraded products and the customer preferred my old ones.
  • Because the customer is new to SL and doesn't understand how boxed products work..

... and each and every time this happens I really get sad because none of the customers even bothered contacting me, when I would happily help them, give them a custom version etc.

Maybe, but might be a bad idea, you could add an overall merchant rating where these kind of complants would be more in place, because sometimes the customer has liked the product in question, but given a bad review for an entirely other reason. Or add more kind of ratings in the review itself, including merchant service feedback, which would also remind the customer to actually contact you before complaining.

Communication solves a lot of problems after all.

Sorry about the long rant. :robotsad:


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This is an example of what happened to me:

This buyer is another Merchant with competing items (Games) and obvious 'gamed reviews' on many overpriced items (example: multiple 5 star ratings on the same day).

That merchant came to my store and purchased 3 competing items (Games).

The buyer (Merchant) contacted me about 1 hour after the purchases and I responded within 1 minute of the first message (according to the message logs).

I ask if there was a problem with one of the items to which I get an answer, "SUX I want a refund".

I politely gave this buyer a refund along with an apology for him/her disliking my items.

The buyer thanks me for the refund.

I then ask the buyer to contact me if there are any problems with the items (even though I gave a refund) and I thank this person for contacting me.

Then the buyer left a 1 Star rating on all 3 of those items and said things like:

"SUX Don't waste your money!" and  "I contacted him 3 times and he logged off each time!" and "Broken, Doesn't work, should be free"......and so on.....

I filed an abuse report In-Game (there is no abuse report system for the marketplace?) and I may never find resolve because I saw nothing to indicate there was help on the Marketplace for things like this nor that Ratings could even be removed by anyone but the buyer.

Does LL remove ratings when they are malicious? (especially when they cost my business real money and are obvious attempts to defame/slander the competition).

...and if so, how long could I expect to wait until I see the changes?

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Ouuuch what an evil clever trick to pull on someone. Seriously, what a **bleep**.

I flagged a review once, nothing ever happened, it is still there. In this case the reviewer was so new to SL that he/she didn't understand the concept of boxed products, and wrote something about my product was a scam, "just a box on the left hand". -_-

Unless you already have a lot of good reviews, I guess i would be faster to just re-list them to get rid of the ugly reviews.


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O_O Drake, that's horrible. Try to flag those reviews and add a comment to them also explaining what had happened and what you did when customer contact you. This is very important, cause not writing a comment looks like you don't care.
Also try again with AR because is better to include chat history and you can't add this on the comment, and add a link to your items.

I had to flag some reviews for failure deliveries (marketplace fault, not mine) and they did delete them. But didn't 't delete yet other one I have flagged, not sure why. So just try.

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As a creator I sell and buy on Marketplace. I have seen numerous times bad reviews by incompetent customers! Some would rate an item low just because the prim skirt does not look same on a sunset as it does on a daylight (lol) !!! Others would give one star because "It's not so nice" or because they do not know how to use Edit tools to adjust the prim.

It is very easy for them to rate low, but to us, creators, every star counts! We have spent hours and days to create an item that is probably very nice, but its reputation is ruined by the first incompetent customer, forever.
I strongly suggest to, at least, create an option for each item we put on a Marketplace as to decide for it whether or not we want that item to be able to rate by our customers.

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If you get a review that's obviously unreasonable just put in a support ticket on the marketplace and explain why. To make it easier, check the marketplace TOS and explain what rules they're breaking (misrepresentation of the product is a good one).

If you follow the right channels and put your case clearly they'll fix it.

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