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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Considering the recent events Hippie it's not proper to come in with a big "good morning", so I'll just say still thinking of you and Ladysue. Sending you all a big hug.

We have always kept a special place on our land for those we wish to remember, I find it helps hugs Dee


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DQ Darwin wrote:

Considering the recent events Hippie it's not proper to come in with a big "good morning", so I'll just say still thinking of you and Ladysue. Sending you all a big hug.

We have always kept a special place on our land for those we wish to remember, I find it helps hugs Dee


Thank you so much Dee!  Hugs back to you, and to all!



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valerie Inshan wrote:

I just wanted to send a bouquet, not a sad one, along with my love. So far by kilometers but yet so close.... /me hugs LadySue and you from the bottom of my heart.


Ahh!  Thank you my dear dear friend.  I will make sure Ladysue sees this!  Thank you!



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DQ Darwin wrote:

Good morning Hippie, Val, Lia and all:)

Yep new week Hippie, but for us up north we have the day off still. My god September is just around the corner. I do love the fall,sighs.


Good morning Dee!  You have today off?  You lucky girl!  Far out!  Holiday?



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