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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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LOL Dee!  A little secret!  I was 6 when he flew.  Yeah I know!  I am an Old Hippie, but young at heart!  I was glued to the TV watching.  They let school out that day, and the coverage on TV was all morning, until the rocket was out of sight.  Such romantic days they were.  Now a Shuttle takes off, and they interrupt broadcast for the few minutes it take to get into space.  Sigh!  I was influenced so much by those brave men.  Wanted to go into space myself, but that did not work out.  I think that is way I build Spacecraft in SL!  HEHE!  We can do it all here huh?  Far out!



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Cool Hippie. I was 9.

I lived in Africa then and we had no TV there but, by chance, My dad was on his home leave, which came up every 3 years. We'd take the ship from Mombasa through the Suez Canal and the Med back to London.

So I was glued to the TV too. Happy days.

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Lia Abbot wrote:

Cool Hippie. I was 9.

I lived in Africa then and we had no TV there but, by chance, My dad was on his home leave, which came up every 3 years. We'd take the ship from Mombasa through the Suez Canal and the Med back to London.

So I was glued to the TV too. Happy days.

Far out Lia!  The early days of the space program was so cool.  I loved every minute of it.  I bought every model of the space vehicles I could get my hands on.  I would look at the completed models, and just dream!  Sigh. Africa must have been a cool place to live.  I can only imagine!  And remember, I did not ask you to tell your age!  I learned a long time ago never to ask a lady her age!  HEHEH!




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Hi everyone. Back in NH again, but nice on-time flight and easy drive up here, so no prob.

Horrible news this wekend. Why can't we all be more tolerant? I can't pray (beware I'm an atheist, so I'm evil) but my heart goes out to those poor families.

Sorry to be depressing, but I had to say something. Tears from me, but hugs to all.

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Lia Abbot wrote:

Hi everyone. Back in NH again, but nice on-time flight and easy drive up here, so no prob.

Horrible news this wekend. Why can't we all be more tolerant? I can't pray (beware I'm an atheist, so I'm evil) but my heart goes out to those poor families.

Sorry to be depressing, but I had to say something. Tears from me, but hugs to all.

Hi ya Lia!  Glad you made it back safe and sound!  Yes!  So bad the tragic happenings in Norway!  My prayers, and thoughts go out to those families that are hurting!




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