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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning all!  Sunday breakfast today is hosted my Lady and myself at Lagrange Point Spaceport.  We will be dining beside the pool, so bring your swim wear if you wish.  Breakfast starts at 8 AM SLT and all are welcome.  Watch my feed for a location post.




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valerie Inshan wrote:

Good morning Hippie, Maddy, Par and all! I've decided to stop smoking today. Just one last cigarette before I quit completely!

Hugs and love ya all! 


LOL Val!  That picture!  HAHAHAHAHAHAH!  I quit too!  You can do it!  If I can do it you can too!  Hugs!

smoking dog.jpg






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Hippie Bowman wrote:

valerie Inshan wrote:

Good morning Hippie, Maddy, Par and all! I've decided to stop smoking today. Just one last cigarette before I quit completely!

Hugs and love ya all! 


LOL Val!  That picture!  HAHAHAHAHAHAH!  I quit too!  You can do it!  If I can do it you can too!  Hugs!

smoking dog.jpg






If that's what smoking has done to you two, I think I'll start.

Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!

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Val good luck with quitting.  I like to tell people it's easy... I did it 3 times. :smileyhappy: 

Seriously though each time I started smoking again it was because I was dating or hanging around someone who smoked.  It started out as just bumming a cigarette to be sociable. (Smoking with someone is very bonding, for example smoking a peace pipe or passing around a joint.) After bumming from them several times I would buy them packs or cartons.  Then that progressed to buying for myself.  When I got pregnant I quit for the last time.  

So even if you end up smoking again that habit can be broken. For me I needed to stop hanging around with people who smoked.  It may be easier now since a higher percentage people are non-smokers and in the US, at least, smoking is limited to certain areas.   Anyway best wishes quitting.

Grats Hippie for quitting.

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday.  Here in North Florida it's a beautiful day.  It rained yesterday bringing in cooler weather so today it's gorgeous, even if we are still in the midst of pollen season.  Yesterday I almost turned on the AC.

Fixed spelling and typos.

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Studio09 wrote:

Here in North Florida it's a beautiful day.  It rained yesterday bringing in cooler weather so today it gorgeous, even if we are still in the midst of pollen season.  Yesterday I almost turned on the AC.

Here in East Southeast Wisconsin it's a beautiful day. It snowed last night, bringing in cooler weather so today it's gorgeous (and 28). Yesterday I almost took took of my painting sweatshirt.

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