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Male mesh body skins w/ appliers

Jandid Harcourt

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7 Deadly Skins has TMP appliers. As for the other skin makers, give them a chance. The body just came out a few days ago and it take a little bit of time to get the developer kit and make the installers and then get them out to sell. Some skin makers may also be waiting to see how well it actually sells before they make the installers. Most men are notoriuos for not spending a lot of money in SL and the makers may be waiting to see what happens. There are nowhere near the number of skin makers for male bodies as there are for female skins so not as much competion so they can afford to take a wait and see attitude. I suspect Prodigal may have them soon since they do have the Slink hand and feet appliers for men.

You're going to see the same problem with applier clothing as well. Hopefully that will change, especially with mainstream, well-known fashion designer Maitreya and skin designer Belleza coming out with their female body's. All you can do is be patient.

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It took a long time before male skin designers made appliers for mesh hands and feet. I hear that TMP mesh bodies does not follow the UV texture map for the standard SL avatars... means that skin makers has to work a lot on the installers. Some designers may stay out of this because it is too much work.

In comparison, the female Maitreya body is close to the UV map, and so several skins is ready for it, or in the making. Promised to be released in the end of week one or two 2015. I have not done it myself, but others say that they have been able to convert other skin appliers to use on Maitreya with an Omega applier kit. But sadly, not possible with TMP.

I just hope designers get around and make content for both male body and head. They can not complain about how little men shop when they don't have anything to buy. I think that men are fed up with the awful default avatars and are more willing to upgrade now that mesh parts and avatars is so common for females.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

7 Deadly Skins has TMP appliers. As for the other skin makers, give them a chance. The body just came out a few days ago and it take a little bit of time to get the developer kit and make the installers and then get them out to sell. Some skin makers may also be waiting to see how well it actually sells before they make the installers. Most men are notoriuos for not spending a lot of money in SL and the makers may be waiting to see what happens. There are nowhere near the number of skin makers for male bodies as there are for female skins so not as much competion so they can afford to take a wait and see attitude. I suspect Prodigal may have them soon since they do have the Slink hand and feet appliers for men.

You're going to see the same problem with applier clothing as well. Hopefully that will change, especially with mainstream, well-known fashion designer Maitreya and skin designer Belleza coming out with their female body's. All you can do is be patient.

Yeah I saw 7 deadly skins but I did not like the way the body looked at all, wasn't very pleasing to the eyes. I have already contacted Samurai HQ and Birth, Samurai says they contacted the owner of TMP for the kit to make it, birth said they were waiting to hear back from them...so they are coming just slowely. Will just have to wait i guess...ugh lol. I know most men dont like to spenda lot of money here on SL, but I totally do! Sucks that clothing options are limited and the applier will take a bit, but I can wait :) Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

     Well to toss in some stuff as a content creaor. TMP is the only fitted mesh body to hit all the 'customer demand' marks I seen. Where you can be a lean 'non-muscular' sort to adding some bulk to look muscular with nice SMOOTHNESS not found on the main competitor I would believe. 

      That said, the problems are as follows ;

1) TMP has to 'approve' each content creator individually, takes alot of time

2) TMP is NOT compatible with any other applier system, most notablly Omega which would 'open the flood gates' (see a nice tat a woman wore but you as a guy would, has Omega appliers, too bad not for your TMP body). 

3) Most makers (like myself) don't want the OLD female problem of a 'box' full of different appliers we need to make and especially have to customize to (too time costly when your talking 100-200+ outfits, skins, tats, etc. you need to mod / repack and redeploy to MP/Inworld. 

4) TMP VIOLATES TOS: All items to be 'applied' to TMP has to be handed OVER to TMP as FULL PERM for them to put on thier EXTERNAL server (the HUD you put on goes OUTSIDE OF SL to get that skin / tat). 
      A) Clear violation of content is restricted to SL servers only (vendor systems rely on a inworld 'server' - box - to pull the content from so the items are still ONLY on SL servers - think Casper)
      B)  You just gave FULL Perm use of your products to a third party, what happens if  they get hacked (how many user accounts have been hacked on SL? YEAH alot PER WEEK) or work decide to just 'walk off' with the content at some point and start selling it in direct competition becuase 'you gave it as full perm'
      C)  MOST IMPORTANTLY - if the External servers are 'blocked' by SL in any way (never mind being hacked, taken down, reassigned IP sets, etc. that any technical person deals with all the time) all your products are unavailable and everyone using the TMP bodies also wouldn't be able to change skins / tats / etc. because the "HUD doesn't work anymore" 


Given all this the TMP is a great idea for the customers, but from content creators it is a nightmare with too much HIGH risk, nevermind that it violates SL's own TOS which is enough (when someone isn't busy on SL V2.0) to suddenly "flip the switch" and be like everyone whom invested into WowMeh bodies (which as a violation of DCMA will get removed from the server 'sometime' like animations do in many items). 

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  • 3 months later...

Nerogoth, you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Nothing is handed full perm.The developer sets the texture UUIDs into a web page after one authorizes the item through a scripted object.

Having a texture UUID and having the full perm texture are two different things.

Nobody with winning cards in the hands -and thousand dollars- can be so stupid to deliberately cheat with the ToS. Also, according to the ToS, nothing in SL is really yours. You can only claim your intellectual property when infringed by others with a takedown notice. Or move the dispute elsewhere with real advocates.

With malicious intentions, EVERYTHING that you see on your screen might be potentially stolen by EVERYBODY.

Anyway, what is the risk developing for TMP - getting more exposure?

Also, old residents (or better, old-minded residents) like Bobbie Faulds should stop to act like a guru with the only 2 - 3 brands they know. And this whole topic is about MALE not female. And about male skins, maybe years ago -when you could count the skin designers on one hand's fingers- Redgrave and Belleza were the best, but they are not the best anymore. When one stays too long sitted back and counting the earnings, the competition overpass you and then it's too late to catch up. They do still sell single options baked on the skin with the Viewer 1 mindset, that was around 6 years ago?

That's prehistory. Let's move on.

Not everybody wants to look like a 40 years old man, like a badass and damned rocker, like a the greasy, overmuscular stripper dool, like an hippie with the wind in the hair, or to go around with the face of a porn actor. It's sad to even think to be cool with an avatar with the David Beckamp, Jennifer Lopez, Brad Pitt's face.

These idols belong to another generation (they are just idols for the designer). Whatever, they are just an average mindset made of clichés.

FYI, Prodigal owns a line of mesh bodies (L'Uomo). His style doesn't fit with TMP youngster skinny / sporty look. Should he re-work years of production, to sell a product that represents a conflict of interests? I would not give it for granted, as you are doing.

My point is nowadays there is choice among dozens of top designers, misunknown or deliberately not for a mainstream target. Stop to mention this Wowmeh everywhere.

R.I.P. It wasn't that good either, starting from its name.

Or get paid to advertise.

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Clelia Vyper wrote: [...] Also, old residents (or better, old-minded residents) like Bobbie Fauldsshould should stop to act like a guru with the only 2 - 3 brands they know. [...]

Or, the only 2 - 3 brands that they understandably knew when this topic was originally posted. Half a year ago.

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Thank you for the defense. As stated, at the time of the original post, there were very few male bodies and a boatload of female. Personally, I don't like the TMP system and won't design for them. Placing even the UUID is a violation of the EULA for one of my texture sources.  Currently you have L'uomo,Story Leaf, Immortals, Niramyth, Signature, Orange Nova, Serious, and Sking

For the Omega appliers to work, for instance, the body has to use the SL UV map. That leaves out Niramyth and TMP though the Niramyth clothing layers do take the Omega clothing appliers.

Since I design applier-friendly clothing, I do try to keep up.  

Since TMP is a closed system, the designer has to apply for the kit and then they have to trust that TMP won't violate their info since, with the proper scrioting, all you need is the UUID to apply a texture. The scripts in the appliers themselves use the UUID, not the texture loaded into the applier. 

For the non-stadard skin UV, this requires the skin maker to go back and redo their skins, basically recreate them, to fit the body map. I know Izara with 7 Deadly Skins talked about it taking her 10+ hours to redo the hand texture for the Belleza hand since they don't use the standard SL UV.

Please be sure you are aware of what it take to create skin and clothing appliers for the various bodies. This also involves uploading the textures as well, an additional expense not all can afford. I personally only make Omega and Slink clothing appliers. I won't violate the EULA for any of the textures I use.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Clelia Vyper wrote:

Nerogoth, you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Nothing is handed full perm.The developer sets the texture UUIDs into a web page after one authorizes the item through a scripted object.

Having a texture UUID and having the full perm texture are two different things.

There is nothing stopping TMP from taking those UUiDs and making them into full perm textures.

Nobody with winning cards in the hands -and thousand dollars- can be so stupid to deliberately cheat with the ToS. Also, according to the ToS, nothing in SL is really yours. You can only claim your intellectual property when infringed by others with a takedown notice. Or move the dispute elsewhere with real advocates.

Wanna bet? People do stupid things all the time. And fighting them takes money.

With malicious intentions, EVERYTHING that you see on your screen might be potentially stolen by EVERYBODY.

Anyway, what is the risk developing for TMP - getting more exposure?

Wasting a ton of time when they decide to leave SL and their system breaks? Or when people realise that mesh does NOT fit their male TMP AV at all?

Also, old residents (or better, old-minded residents) like Bobbie Fauldsshould should stop to act like a guru with the only 2 - 3 brands they know. And this whole topic is about MALE not female. And about male skins, maybe years ago -when you could count the skin designers on one hand's fingers- Redgrave and Belleza were the best, but they are not the best anymore. When one stays too long sitted back and counting the earnings, the competition overpass you and then it's too late to catch up. They do still sell single options baked on the skin with the Viewer 1 mindset, that was around 6 years ago?

When this thread was created there was only one male TMP skin maker.

That's prehistory. Let's move on.

Not everybody wants to look like a 40 years old man, like a badass and damned rocker, like a the greasy, overmuscular stripper dool, like an hippie with the wind in the hair, or to go around with the face of a porn actor. It's sad to even think to be cool with an avatar with the David Beckamp, Jennifer Lopez, Brad Pitt's face.

Let's see.. average man, Rocker, stripper, hippie, porn star... What other male types are there?  You must be 18. Also, I don't know where you are getting your info from but Redgrave and Belleza don't sell skins that look like any of those people.

These idols belong to another generation (they are just idols for the designer). Whatever, they are just an average mindset made of clichés.

Yeah, the generation that is the most populous in SL... Again, leads me to think you are 18.

FYI, Prodigal owns a line of mesh bodies (L'Uomo). His style doesn't fit with TMP youngster skinny / sporty look. Should he re-work years of production, to sell a product that represents a conflict of interests? I would not give it for granted, as you are doing.

And they suck.

My point is nowadays there is choice among dozens of top designers, misunknown or deliberately not for a mainstream target. Stop to mention this Wowmeh everywhere. RIP. It wasn't that good either, starting from its name.

No one mentioned Wowmeh... except you.

Or get paid to advertise.

Apparently you came here just to **bleep** and moan about Bobby. You have a grudge against her or something? Jelly much? I mean she does have 4 times the amount of items in her store that you do.

@ OP.. Personally i have Signature, TMP(waste of money) and  Niramyth(my favorite so far). I wear the Niramyth 99% of the time if i am human. Slimmed down it i by far the best looking and mesh clothing fits well.

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