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Would anyone like a singer?


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Hi everyone, my name is Yuki. I'm extremely new to SecondLife and I was wondering if someone could teach me how to find a job at a venue or a club, or anywhere that would like a singer. I'm not sure if my vocal style and the songs I sing are suited for the community though. I sing mostly in Japanese, but I do know some English songs. I have a youtube channel that I've uploaded a couple songs on if you would like to hear my singing style, but it has very few songs (I'm lazy), but I like to think I'm versatile enough to sing from soft ballads to heavy metal songs. I also dabbled a little bit in opera if that helps.

My youtube is:

I'm new to the SL culture so please treat me well! ^_^

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Welcome to Second Life, Yuki! (Frostwish is a neat name, too).

With a voice like yours, there's gotta be a place in SL for you. It's lovely!

I'd love to hear you do heavy metal! I'm not a fan of the genre, but the justaposition of the voice I hear on your channel with heavy metal just makes me grin.

Unfortunately, I'm very out-of-touch with the SL music scene. I hope others pop in with suggestions for you.

Frostwish wrote:

I also dabbled a little bit in opera if that helps.

Now this just makes my brain hurt.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Frostwish wrote:

I also dabbled a little bit in opera if that helps.

Now this just makes my brain hurt.


Oh, come on, Maddy... a little Turandot never killed anyone.

@Yuki: At first I was disappointed, simply because I thought you were trying to sell us a sewing machine, but, your beautiful voice is more than enough to alleviate anyone of any negative feelings from which they might have been suffering.

Like Maddy, I've little solid advice to offer... hopefully, my encouragement will suffice until someone better suited to help you reads this thread.  I really have no idea, but would guess that the rather large Japanese community here in Second Life would be very interested in what you have to offer.  You might actually be able to do rather well within that niche.  The main thing is to do what you enjoy, then whatever money you make from it is simply icing on the cake.

Regardless of what you decide to do, I'm sure your voice will carry you to great heights... you really are that good.  I wish you the very best of luck.


P.S. Let me know when you get your first gig and I'll do my best to be there. (See... you already have a fan.)

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Frostwish wrote:

I also dabbled a little bit in opera if that helps.

Now this just makes my brain hurt.


Oh, come on, Maddy... a little Turandot never killed anyone.

No, but it may have caused injuries... http://www.spectator.co.uk/arts/opera/9025731/turandot-is-a-disgusting-opera-that-is-beyond-redemption/

And Yuki, when you do have your first in-world performance, post an announcement here. I don't think Dresden is your only fan.

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you are good

your interpretation of All Around Me is really really good (:


if you can sing live then you will do really well in SL with your voice. Live meaning like the judges on Idol and Got Talent mean. Dont get pitchy or flat. Can hold a tune for a full one hour set

live singing is the secret to SL. Can use a mixer for backing tho. Live lets you interact with the people present

also being from Japan there is a shortage of singers in that world timeslot in SL


good management helps as well. Like they know all the venue owners

some managers in the timeslot are:

Fieryredhead Denimore who manages Down Under (he is a aussie)

katie Cannuci who manages Mihaere Shamen (he is kiwi)

Mew (kissesmebaby) who manages Myst. (who plays sometimes in this timeslot)

is others as well. Can approach any of the above (incl. the performers) and they will put you in touch with others if they cant manage you themselfs. The SL live scene is lots like RL. Everybody knows everyone else


venue wise I can see you going great at Solarwinds, Color Factory, Two Moons, Luna Tiki, Aftermath. On the boat at Los Angeles 2020 also. Brittania and Key West as well

well all of the venues really bc you are good, and also different. Like you not just another person with an acoustic guitar which SL has lots of

if you want to see something different and what is possible then go to a Tukso Okey performance. He is legend. Is lots of great performers in SL. But Tukso is legend. He do it his way. Miha, Myst, Down, Rico Dee, Johnny Paramour (to name some) the same. Dif styles but they do it their way as well

this the other secret. Same as RL same as SL. Do it your way and the audience will come. If do it the other way then the DJ does it better

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Thank you guys so much for all your feedback! I'm really happy you like my voice. 

As for live singing, that's precisely what I would love to do. The thing is I don't really know how to navigate the controls in SL (I assumed it'd be like most MMOs but it's quite different), and I don't know where to start. I'm also currently residing in New York, so I don't think those timeslots would work well. ^^;

Do I contact these venue holders in game? (I also am pretty bad at navigating the destinations in SL) 

Thanks again for your help!

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Lots of people want to sing for no payment in SL. Some because they are not that good and they admit it, and some, because they want to offer them selfs to the public.

When someone has the ability to sing in public and be admired, then the average payment for them is L$2000 per hour.

if that ability makes more people to want to listen, the price goes to L$5000 and sometimes more.

As in whats called a "real" life, same as here in this "fake" life, a musician needs a manager.

You have to search for them before you do anything else.

I didnt even bothered to look to your youtube to understand that you worthy.. I read the answers of the people above me and so, thats all I have to say for now.

P.s. The last time i mentioned names, i was criticized and who knows reported? Please dont.

I just want to send this woman to find musicians by joining this group  and meet the owners who are singing many years in SL and they have all artists and musicians and hosts gathered in 1 group. Of course there are so many other groups. But thats the one I know of. and i can be sure, she will be in "good hands" --> LIVE MUSICIANS & SINGERS Org https://my.secondlife.com/groups/d48923fb-73c3-d18a-805d-c448897803d7

p.s2 This has no intentions to compete the venues or groups another poster mentioned. ALL Venues are good... 

Music (in secondlife) ISNT compettition :D

p.s3 Of course, I would be more than happy to give you my stage to use, but, my venue is based on tips only, so, iI better pass :P and thats why I mentioned the Org. group.. so you can find all managers of SL and all the affiliate people to the music of SL.

wish you the best :D

beethros Karas

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Frostwish wrote:

The thing is I don't really know how to navigate the controls in SL (I assumed it'd be like most MMOs but it's quite different), and I don't know where to start.

In which case, I suggest you take some time to become comfortable with the way things work here in SL... such as navigating, getting yourself a decent avatar together and things like that.  Take your time with it and enjoy the experience.

Perhaps just go to some lives shows, such as the ones which irihapeti suggested, and just get acclimated to the scene and SL in general... get to know the people, consider what the performers are doing which works and from which you could take some cues and inspiration.  I'm sure you're well aware that, as a performer, image means whole hell of a lot... the last thing you want to do is get up on stage and look like some sort of clumsy noob.


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beethros Karas wrote:

ALL Venues are good... 

yes agree

i just name them names bc I was more thinking about the timeslots than anything

also. if dont name names then is quite hard to answer OPs question. So all good to do I think (:

also also

am pretty sure that any venue owner and/or manager who reads this thread and listens to the music and dont do nothing are gunna end up at the back of the queue. So they better hurry up and contact Yuki (:


just on people playing for free. Like no performance fee from the venue

it happens a lot when the artist is also a RL artist and uses SL as a stage. No more or less than a stage elsewhere. Quite often is lots of people not in SL also listening in on the stream when they play. The artist also has a FB, Reverb, own web site, Apple store, etc. Where people can dl the music. Same like any other artist

is also quite a few artists like this who often say in their chat to not tip them all the time. Sure they happy to get some L$ to buy stuff for the inworld but thats pretty much it. They say to give to the venue instead. bc without the venues then is no stage for them or anyone. For these artists SL is just another part of their music lives. They not SL only artists

also also also (:

I was also at this event yesterday. The performer say to not tip her  bc she already get a payment from the venue which was enough for her. And to please give to the venue. I thought was pretty good of her to say that


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Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I will try contact the group, but I am always open to job offers, even if it's tip only ^^

@irihapeti: Thank you, I look to SL to sing because it is difficult to find places in RL that want Japanese vocals or my type of voice. Singing live irl always requires a lot of adjusting on the mic they give because my voice is too weak. However singing online, my singing mic is able to capture the full sound so it makes it a lot easier to be heard. 

@Dres: I'm familiarizing myself with it every day. The controls are a bit awkward because I am on my bare-essentials laptop and not my high powered gaming desktop that I'm so used to. I'm trying to find some live shows but I've only been able to find DJs playing music with occasional commentary (it's good music though). To be honest, I don't believe much in "image" because I like to think that if it is a singing performance, it should be based on vocals moreso than appearance. ^^

@ConnieG: Thank you! I would like to, but like I said I am very new to SL so I'm not entirely sure how to do so. You may have to assist me on that. ^^

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Frostwish wrote:

@Dres: I'm familiarizing myself with it every day. The controls are a bit awkward because I am on my bare-essentials laptop and not my high powered gaming desktop that I'm so used to. I'm trying to find some live shows but I've only been able to find DJs playing music with occasional commentary (it's good music though). To be honest, I don't believe much in "image" because I like to think that if it is a singing performance, it should be based on vocals moreso than appearance. ^^


I think Des gave you some good advice. The image/avi you present with the music (live performance) is vital.

SL is a visual medium also you need a persona to sell yourself. Maybe you can make up an avi similar to the Sona, with long blue hair and she has to have a good AO (animations) too. 

Maybe you can get casual work doing live shows along with a DJ to start with, until you are more confident and learn how things are done.. 

Good luck and as the others say here.....come back and tell us when you performing, I shall make special effort to attend. 

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Wow thank you all for your compliments! ;w;

I've created a new thread in the Employment forum that links back to this thread. I might base my SL character off my OC that I made a few years ago. Thank you for your advice. I'm still waiting for some of the people I messaged to respond though. I'm ready to start whenever needed. ^^

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Yuki

If you're looking for a place to sing, practice in front of an audience, and possibly be heard and employed by managers and owners who frequent open mic events, you might try The Golden Mic on Friday afternoons 4 pm Second Life Time.  Travis Overland is the owner and is currently an experienced and sought after liver performer on Second Life.  He uses the Golden Mic to offer upcoming and established performers a place to hone their craft.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact LoooseLucy Resident or Travis Overland.  Everyone at the Golden Mic is friendly and helpful.

Kindest Regards


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