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MP Ratings on Products Changed - They did it again!!!


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The weekend is here and the Commerce Team is running a scan on product listings and automatically changing the maturity ratings on products. Unlike last time, they are not delisting things, but roughly 20% of my products have changed from General to Mature. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out what the trigger is and some things that have changed make no sense whatsoever. I have a Queen of Pop outfit that is now listed M - for what reason I do not know.

Why on earth does the MP team keep this a secret - launch it on the weekend and let the merchants discover on their own what the game is. They sure are not helping the merchants. How about they spend more time looking for ripped merchandise and taking it down. It only takes a couple of minutes to peruse through new item listings and see the copybotted skins that popup everyday that still use the orginal makers artwork. For goodness sakes, the MP is painful at best. What a poor operation.

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I can just see some 13-year old kid running a MP search for 'multiple AO's'  

Why the MP team simply can't communicate with the merchants is beyond me - at the very least let us know this is coming. I can (partly) see why they don't share the list, as some will try and game it. If they at least shared it, through, some common sense may prevail. There are far worse things going on in the MP than mulitple AO's and Azzes

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Ok - this is how rediculous this is - if you have Bikini in your keywords, it will trigger a change from G to M - however, the category is Apparel > Women's > Women's Swimwear > Women's Bikinis - which is fine! Does anyone even think about this stuff?

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Here's a summary of what I have found that will trigger a change from G to M  - any of these words in description, keywords or features:





I think sliks will also trigger - but those should remain moderate anyway.

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The "list" as it were has never made sense, never will make sense, and isn't even consistant. As not all entries of the same words will trigger a change or even a flag. We've had this problem since the MP's inception and I honestly can't see it going away anytime soon.

However, some of the words people complain about are words I wouldn't expect to see in a G rated item to begin with. When you think of G rated items, think of items rated for children, or your grandmother, it might help a little bit when choosing your wording. Do you think a child, or your grandmother would be looking for, or are looking for, those keywords? If not, they probably will trigger an M or A rating. Words like "sexy", for instance, will likely trigger an M rating. They have, in fact, done so, since, again, the MP's inception....just not on a consistant basis. Some folks manage just fine with those words in a G rated item, but not everyone will.

Words that look, sound, read, etc.. like they should be "curse" words, for lack of a better term, are likely to get you a higher rating too, like the "azz" in phat azz. I would expect that kind of behavior, as writing words just slightly differently is how some people choose to get around the ratings and potential flags on their listings. So it does make perfect sense in some cases. While yes in this case the "azz" is not meant to mean ass, in the literal sense, an automated system(well one LL would use) would have no way to differentiate between someone calling you an "azz" or describing this phat "azz". I suspect much of this particular broken and utterly inexcusable system, is actually automated. It explains the erratic behavior much better than thinking a human is actually the one pulling the trigger and switching things around.

I'm not making excuses for the system, far from it actually, I can't stand it, but it is what it is, and it's not going away anytime soon. While these last two bouts of having many listings switched to a different rating is utterly annoying and obnoxious for the merchant, it is not necessarily anything new, either. Some merchants are only just having to deal with this crap, while others have been putting up with it since its inception. I wish there were a better fix than us, the merchants, having to be extra careful how we list things, what words we use, etc.. but right now, there doesn't seem to be any. So we're stuck dealing with their botched attempt at a MP, and everything it entails, until someone actually fixes it.

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I just had to fix a bunch of listings today too.. gas wall lanterns , bunch of types all set to Adult, variety of ordinary sitting furniture set to Adult,  mesh flexi roses set to Adult!, .. but the one listing that really took the prize was 'Glass Candy Cane Jar' ... set to Adult.


I mean, it's a bloody cane cane jar!!!!


Are these people really old enough to be running this business?

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So how many of you have filed a bug report for the words, or notified customer support?

Or are you just complaining on the forums and letting everyone suffer when you have found the issue but are refusing to tell them so that it can be fixed?

As for "azz" since that is a masking of the other word, you deserve to have your listing changed because you are trying to avoid and bypass the rules and it serves you right.

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Everything in my store was listed as general now a quarter were changed to adult. Included are lace window curtains, backyard clothesline, regular mailbox, forklift, boat pier, basic door, radio tower and a bunch of lights. None of these could be considered anything but general nor the keywords I used. Only a few were changed to mature also mostly basic household items. It's only been a few months they were up and they were all accepted as general when I posted them. So I haven't considered this before and thank you for bringing it up.

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Jacob Cagney wrote:

So how many of you have filed a bug report for the words, or notified customer support?

Or are you just complaining on the forums and letting everyone suffer when you have found the issue but are refusing to tell them so that it can be fixed?

Posting about new filter words isn't to make people suffer. It's so other people know it's a problem. It took ages posting each bit of my description until I found which word was causing the problem, partly because I assumed it was the new bit I'd added. I never would have predicted it was AOs. So hopefully, it can save someone else a bit of grief by knowing.


I've realised from the posts here that fantasy might get some of my products rated up, so if it happens I'll know to remove that word.


I guess from your posts you're hostile because you think people are trying to sneak adult items under the radar, but the majority who get caught by these things aren't doing anything of the sort. There's nothing adult about my items, or the words I use to describe them.

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Here's the thing... Software that was working fine, doesn't typically one day get up and randomly change behavior such as happened in the case of that "bug". So. One can deduce that there was a causal input which was probably human.


Given that I'm sure LL will have change log records of what was changed and when, you'd think that instead of looking out of the window, waiting for pink unicorns to appear, providing inspiration for what to look for, they'd instead just refer to change log and revert, OR god forbid, just fix it with a forward going fix


Shrugging it off and calling it a "bug" is bogus, how hard can it be?


Oh I forgot, SL is not the focus for LL anymore.


I wonder when direct delivery will be finished if ever, you know, the project that consumed all marketplace resource for over a year because it was that important?

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Here's the thing... Software that was working fine, doesn't typically one day get up and randomly change behavior such as happened in the case of that "bug". So. One can deduce that there was a causal input which was probably human.


Given that I'm sure LL will have change log records of what was changed and when, you'd think that instead of looking out of the window, waiting for pink unicorns to appear, providing inspiration for what to look for, they'd instead just refer to change log and revert, OR god forbid, just fix it with a forward going fix


Shrugging it off and calling it a "bug" is bogus, how hard can it be?


Oh I forgot, SL is not the focus for LL anymore.


I wonder when direct delivery will be finished if ever, you know, the project that consumed all marketplace resource for over a year because it was that important?

That is an interesting problem they are faced with.  Do they make a whole new sytem from scratch for the NGP or use the existing one?  Or maybe this explains why they have made a few 'test' forays into Amazon.

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I've worked with clients who were unable to fix problems with their products because the people who knew those products had left the building. Fixes that were obvious and easy for me were entirely beyond their grasp. It's quite possible that LL is in the same predicament all over the SL infrastructure. They've got Lithium issues, Marketplace issues, website issues, you name it. Over the last decade, 90% of the people who originated all this stuff could have vanished. That makes it terribly difficult to fix even the most obvious problems.

And that also explains the "let's start from scratch" thinking we've heard from Ebbe. All of the people who will start the new thing are currently in the building.

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