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Errors with the latest update installation

Phil Deakins

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I've no idea whether or not anyone at LL reads this sub-forum but just in case...

I get the updates automatically and they install the next time I start the viewer. This time there were several errors during the unpacking process. So I downlaoded the update from the website and the same thing occured when that was unpacking. One of the files was the crash_logger but I didn't notice what the others were.

I got past the errors by clicking the Skip button for each file, and managed to log in, but I've no idea if the files that I skipped will have any effect on my SL useage.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

The problem I reported in this thread is the only one I've ever had with the auto-downloads, so I'll stick with it, especially since
I received another update the day after it (a few minutes ago), which may be because the first one was borked

It didn't fix the problem. The latest download still threw errors when unpacking some files, including the same one I noticed the first time.

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SaraCarena wrote:

I had the same thing a while a go, disabled auto update and just and just dl latest sl viewer if I think it`s worth a look, it`s happened before.......:matte-motes-wink:

I did download the viewer after the one that had auto-downloaded failed, and it had the same errors in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At least for me these errors during the unpacking had a severe impact on my SL experience.

For 3 weeks I had  menu flickering, "stutter" rendering (the picture froze for up to half a second while the statistics bar showed my 30fps) and graphical artefacts..!

I thought that it's again an AMD incompatility thing (I have a HD7970 and I am used to havingt LL incorparating seriouss AMD bugs reliably every 3-6 Months). But after trying all kinds of stuff, I read this thread and realized that it could be due to these update files missing. So today I did a clean re-install of the viewer and all these hick-ups are gone.

This is however a bigger problem. None of the automatic updates has worked for me for at least 10 weeks. I already did a manual clean re-install 5 weeks ago and the problem of update files missing reappeard right away the next time.

Well for the next time I know that I will cancel the installation completely and maybe and disable automatic updates until this mess gets fixed.

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Estelle Pienaar wrote:


This is however a bigger problem. None of the automatic updates has worked for me for at least 10 weeks. I already did a manual clean re-install 5 weeks ago and the problem of update files missing reappeard right away the next time.

Well for the next time I know that I will cancel the installation completely and maybe and disable automatic updates until this mess gets fixed.

This is quite strange. I have never had any problems whatsoever with automatic updates in Linden Lab viewer. Always everything has gone just fine. This makes me think that there is nothing wrong with the automatic update itself. If there was surely I would have the problems too. Or maybe the automatic update doesn't work right in all computers? Difficult to tell what's going on.



When installing new version of TPV viewer (like Firestorm for example) I always do a clean install - first deleting and cleaning everything related to the old version and after that I install the new version. But for Linden Lab viewer I just let the automatic update do its thing.

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