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I lied about my age and now I can't access my accounts.

Nuesha India

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I stupidly lied about my age to gain access to a Hogwarts Role Play school. I had no intention of doing anything unsutiable for my age group. However, prior to an email I recieved from Lindens lab explaining that my account could no longer be accessed, I could not log on. It told me that If I had any problems, to contact support@secondlife.com, so I did. Only to find, that once I sat and wrote out a long and appologetic email, it told me none of the emails sent to this address were read. Great! So I came onto secondlife.com expecting their to be some form of help. I began to write out a ticket, but apparently my account type would not allow me. So now I am writing a thread in the hope someone will reply. I think it is rediculous. There is no fast and efficiant way to get help. I have to wait untill a member of the public answer my question. Does this not suggest Secondlife are lazy? I will have no problem switching to Teen second life, I just hope this matter is resolved before they cancel my account. In the email they sent me, they told me that if no age verification is sent, my account will be cancelled. I obviously can't sent age verification. I know I sound like I'm completely blaming second life, but I'm not. I know I am to blame for lying in the first place, but I have already appologised my ass off in the email I sent them - and they won't even read it! -sigh- Basically, finally, my question is, How do I ask Lindens lab to not cancel my account, un-ban my IP/laptop? I can't find any direct way of contacting them.

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Another question I have, is If I send a photograph of my passport, and they (hopefully) un-ban my IP, and switch me to teen grid. Will my parents still be able to use adult grid? Or will my whole IP be reserved for Teen grid. But..wait. I thought adults werent allowed on Teen grid. I am so confused right now. How can this turn out logically if both my parents and I would use different grids, and second life is resulting us to one?

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Yeah, I think the whole system is terrible. I don't know why they still tell you to email support@secondlife.com if you can't, And the fact that I can't send a ticket is a bit ironic. Surely people who are temporarily banned should be able to post tickets to justify access again. Otherwise they would just permanently ban us in the first place.

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I was replying to this quote OF YOURS.

"Another question I have, is If I send a photograph of my passport, and they (hopefully) un-ban my IP, and switch me to teen grid. Will my parents still be able to use adult grid? Or will my whole IP be reserved for Teen grid. But..wait. I thought adults werent allowed on Teen grid. I am so confused right now. How can this turn out logically if both my parents and I would use different grids, and second life is resulting us to one?"

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Well here is how I see it, although its never good to lie about your age or anything really. But LL Should be glad to get anyone at this pt , instead of doing some meanial things , why not use some time to actually try to bring some legitimate business in here. Sl is almost a ghost town, with exception for some bots. As for ages, parents should be stepping in to prevent wandering on particular sites, there are ways to control this. Simply know what your child is doing online. So I do also acknowledge the rights of sl and their safety regarding minors and themselves , however , So come on SL you were once top of the line, how about some advertising , or like something. Anything? Before the people finish moving out and moving on to stronger programs.

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Nuesha, fax a copy of your passport to the fax number in the email you received.  Tell your parents, and apologise to them.  Teenagers in the UK can access the TG, it is just the sign-up mechanism that's broken (and it has been broken for years).

Stop being snippy; you are not as mature as you seem to think.  I'm sure I would've done something similar at your age, and all is not lost if the facts are as you state.  LL has no way of knowing your date of birth without proof, so in order to clean up the mess you created you'll have to give it to them.

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You are right. You are confused. Just nevermind. It isn't that people in the UK can't access the teen grid, it's that people in th UK cant sign up to the teen grid. I am trying to get my account changed to teen, which is possible. If you had read all the previous posts and understood them, then you would have picked up on that point.

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It isn't a question about maturity Nuesha.

Firstly in signing up as you did you broke the very first rule of the ToS; it doesn't matter what your intentions were... you took a shot and you lost.  Granted you are remorseful for it unfortunately that doesn't matter after the fact.

When all is said and done here, you're still going to have to send LL proof of your identity.  Whether or not fax's are in wide use where you live isn't LL's issue, it remains your problem to solve.... that said I have no doubt you'll find one if you look hard enough.

Best of luck.  Just deal with what you gotta deal with - you got yourself into this mess and I have no doubt you'll dig your way out.

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As former member of the teenSL i can't understand that they do not have official documents and verification from your parents.

Its mandatory to get on teenSL.

You can not go to TeenSL because the British IP adresses are filtered because you are not allowed. So to lie about you country has no sense because your IP adress will say you are British.

So go and play WOW or go to IMVU or MSM but do not make such a noise over something that can not be done.

Even if you can go around the IP filter then your parents still have to verify your age !!!

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I find it stunning HOW people are actually trying to help this 14 year old who messed up. Shame on all of you! You shouldn't have gave all this advise unless it was one of her parents asking these questions.

Here's the best way you could solve this Nuesha:

  • Tell your parents, let them deal with it. They will  know where to find a fax and they won't ask questions about sending  original pasports and/or if they should tell LL you live somewhere else.
  • Use your allowance to buy your fellow  household members some flowers to say you are sorry.
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First let me say that if you were my child, I would ground you from unsupervised internet use for a very long time!


Second, you don't sound remorseful to me.  You lied about your age, lying is bad.  You admit you know that.  The thing is, you don't even seem to comprehend, let alone be remorseful for, the danger you put everyone in the SL Adult Grid that came in contact with you in.  It's as if you walked into a stripper bar and said, yeah but I only wanted to use the loo.  Sorry, life doesn't work that way and at least in the US, laws don't work that way.


You have been provided with the solution to your problem many times here.  It isn't going to change.  Faxes are not common in the UK?  How in the heck do they do business there then? Faxes are old school technology and I find it extremely difficult to believe that they are not used in the UK.  So scan your passport and attach the file to the ticket, or the email.


It sounds to me as if you are trying to fix this before your parents find out.  So not only did you lie and cause this mess, you are also not willing to "adult up" and take responsibility for your actions.  You may as well deal with it now, because even though you teens think us old folks are dumb, we aren't!!  In my household, if you pulled a stunt like this and did not own up to it, your punishment would increase for the double lie.


The solution is, tell your parents and have them assist you in sorting it all out.  I'm sure they have access to a fax machine or know how to scan a document and attach it to an email.  I think you are afraid they will punish you as I would which shows that you are not remorseful at all.


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