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SL mafia

Nino Lassally

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I worked for 3 years on SL. I had a premium account but I leaved it when I realised that it was time to stop dreaming. Today, 1 year after I stopped this premium account and turn it to roocky, I bought Lindens, thinking Linden Lab will ask me what credit card I what to use to pay, but nada, Linden Lab took me the money and credited my account. I tried to see what account has been selected in my ACCOUNT, no way, impossible to have the information. Now guys, you know that you need 48H to get payed from europe, tomorrow, I will go to my bank and ask them to avoid the transaction, but your Lindens, I will spend them on Lingo. I have never seen such .......................

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"thinking Linden Lab will ask me what credit card I what to use to pay, but nada, Linden Lab took me the money and credited my account."

Aren't you the one who told LL which credit card to use when you entered it as a payment method?  Am i reading this right... you entered a card as a payment method, bought some lindens, which was credited against that card, you got the lindens you bought... and you're not happy so your going to void that transaction but still spend the lindens... and it's LL that is abusing you?

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hey man, when you have a premium account, you buy L$ and your country account  is decredited. when you turn your premium account to simple account, your datas must be turn to zero. That what I did, turn to premium to simple. Now as simple, I bought L$ and have been credited. And impossible to know on witch account LL take me the money. This is abuse

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go to your dashboard, click 'account' then 'account summary'... it tells you what your payment method is, ie 'paypal' or 'mastercard' or 'visa' etc... that is what would be charged or credited.  Changing from premium to basic or vice versa doesn't change your account information... example if i went from premium to basic, i'd still need payment info as i still need to buy and pay for things.

you can also phone, there are european numbers that ideally will work if you want to talk to LL about payment issues:

If you have a non-technical issue with your account you can also call our Billing team at:

Toll-Free (US/Canada)
Long Distance

Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Local Toll-Free numbers

France: 0805.101.490

Germany: 0800.664.5510

Japan: 0066.33.132.830

Portugal: 800.814.450

Spain: 800.300.560

UK: 0800.048.4646

Support is in English Only

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You should call billing support - and avoid terms like those in your initial post:

If you have a non-technical issue with your account related to billing  concerns, you can call the Linden Lab Billing team at the following  toll-free numbers:

  • US/Canada: 800-294-1067
  • France: 0805-101-490
  • Germany: 0800-664-5510
  • Japan: 0066-33-132-830
  • Portugal: 800-814-450
  • Spain: 800-300-560
  • UK: 0800-048-4646

Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277

The Billing team is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days  a week.

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So the Lindens are the Mafia?   or is that a mistaken reading?  Maybe I can translate this.

"I don't understand how it works, so it must be cheating me.  Therefore I will cheat back."

" I want a refund of what I am not going to pay."


Did I get that right?  Just checking.   English was not my first language either.  It was babbytalk.

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This is very wrong, You gave LL your billing information when you had your premium account. Unless YOU went in and deleted that information it is still on your acct so when you bought lindens that is the acct they came out of. Not LL fault you did this. And to try and cheat them because YOU didn't go in and delete YOUR information that is on YOU not LL

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On your dashboard, you would've went to Update Billing info and deleted your info there.

I guess I am confused that if you knew you did'nt remove your billing info that you assumed LL removed it.  If you decline that transaction at your bank, you may very well be taking another break from SL if LL suspends your account for your negative balance.


...yep that is my account balance....I'm a poor bastard.

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ya bbtalk, I want a refund of what LL taked me on the account  that was supposed to be destroyed. just to explained, I bought L$ and had my credit card in hand, just wanted to LL to ask me the numbers on this credit card. And surprise, I was credited on an old account. You can understand that I was angry.

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OK, lets center. I am single accounter, I connect myself to my account. ask to buy L$. LL take money to an old premium account, that one that should have been removed from databases.

now I have in SL this money, I just want LL to take it and refund my real life account. Is it so unreal that anybody can understand?
I resume

I bought 20000 L$

I was waiting LL to ask me for credit card infos

LL take my money. illegal because it should ask me my credit card infos

I ask LL to refund me

they piss me off

I want LL to take these 20000 L$ from my account and refund my $ on my real life account

thats it

now if you don't do that............

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I think where you got confused is that when you signed for the premium account, you gave them information for your billing info.

This was not just for being a premium member but also for billing.   The fact that you downgraded your account does not remove your billing info.  True, you will be asked for banking info when you sign up for premium but they are two separate things.

I'm not arguing but if you "thought" you didn't have any billing info anymore, why did you buy lindens?  But anywho.... thinking back I would've checked on this before testing it.

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ones you are working with LL and the game is over, two ... lets stop the conversation because you don't understand

I think LL will not refund me because there feel like the untouchable in the world.

cool wee will fight in the code world


End Of Transmition

see you soon

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That is exactly right Clint just because he downgraded his acct from premium to basic it was his duty to go in and delete his billing information not LL's. Earlier he also stated he was going to go spend the lindens that he bought on his acct. Its not LL's fault that he bought more lindens then he could afford. As far as I see the only recourse he should have is to sell the lindens he bought back to LL like everyone else does. It clearly tells you how much it is going to cost you before you buy and you have to chose yes or no to follow through with the transaction. His mistake is not anyone's problem but his own.

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Let me get this straight...

You downgraded your account from Premium to Basic?

You did not cancel or remove the billing/payment information that was on file?

You did not update the billing/payment information that was on file?

You did not double check that the information they have is up to date?

And you are angry that Linden Lab acted on the information they have?

I've seen Linden Labs accused of many things in these forums, but psychic isn't one of them.

Get a grip. Sell the linden dollars back, up date your payment info and buy them again.

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Let me see please if I understand your rant:

  1. At some time in the past, you had a bank account as payment information on file because your account was premium.
  2. About a year ago you downgraded this account to Free but did not remove the payment info you had used to pay for the permium account.
  3. Recently you decided to buy some lindens, but wanted to use a credit card to purchase them and you forgot there was payment info on the account.
  4. LL deducted the funds from the account information on file originally used back when the account was premium.

If the above is correct I am sorry, but this is not an LL error, it is your error. Downgrading an account does not remove any payment info. You can have a free account with payment info on file. Having payment info on file creates an agreement with LL to use that account for any purchase you initiate. The money to pay for the purchase of Lindens you initiated was deducted from the account you had on file. They did exactly what they were supposed to do.

If you reverse the transaction at your bank, you are committing fraud since you received the lindens. Since you were so kind to post here, my guess is that if a Linden reads this, and you reverse the charge, you will get banned, and rightly so.


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Soooo... you "worked" for SL for three years and you don't know any better than to update your credit card info when you change credit cards? And now you call SL "The Mafia"???

Dude, you are SO in the wrong, here, and I sincerely hope LL gets wind of your post and bans you for the "almost" threats you've made here. How anyone in SL for three years and not know to update their credit card info is beyond me. I've only been a member for about 6 months, and I know better. You got what you wanted. You come in here and pitch a b**ch about getting $L when you got EXACTLY what you paid for. It came out of the "wrong" credit card, so what? LEARN from YOUR mistake, update your card info. and enjoy your $L.

Placing what seems to be somewhat "threatening" responses to LL/SL about this situation when it's clearly YOUR screw-up, NOT LL/SL's isn't going to get you much (if any) sympathy. At best, it'll get you banned. Seems you may not have a complete grip on how to do internet business, and blaming others for your short comings isn't going to get you anywhere. Take the help you've been offered, do what you can to straighten out your "honest mistake". LL just might work with you on this, if you calm down and keep a civil tongue. Do what's been suggested: make a call or two and see what happens. But putting a stop on payment for services already received just might land you in hot water.

All IMHO, of course!

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You know, in German there is a famous saying that goes something like this: "How you shout into the woods echoes back to you." Means if you insult other people and call them names just because something didn't behave as you expected won't help you anything but rants back at you. The phone number of the billing support was quoted twice as far as I know. Get on your phone, call LL and explain them what happened and went wrong in your opinion. Maybe LL will be so kind and cancel the transaction so you can buy Lindens from your other credit card. Apparently, this would be the first thing to do, but instead you prefer coming right here into the SL Answers forum and rant about LL how evil they are and committed fraud because you didn't know how things work. This will get you nowhere but only banned if you do like you wrote you will do, whereas a simple call explaining the situation in a friendly manner might have solved the issues within minutes!

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