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My avatar is not wearing any clothes I buy??


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Hi I'm new here, but I'm sure this isn't meant to happen. When I click on a ready made Secondlife avatar everything is fine, and hair is OK, but my avatar will not wear any clothes! Please help, sorry if I seem dumb, or ask if my explaining is awful, because I know it is. Thanks!:smileyhappy:

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Buying clothes alone does not make you wear the clothes automatically. You have to do that yourself. Find the clothes in your inventory and chose "wear". Some clothes (and other things) come in boxes, you will have to unpack them first.

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Hi welcome to second life :smileyhappy:

When you joined sl the avatars you can chose are of 3 types people, vampires and classic. The first 2 types people  and vampires are what experienced users in sl call "the new mesh avatars" they work a bit differently to the "classic" avatars. Any of the classic avatars will be able to wear the clothe`s you`ve bought.

Take a look at these threads for more info,




A lot of people think second life didn`t make these new avatars very newbie friendly.

Hope this helps good luck :smileyhappy:

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SaraCarena wrote:

When you joined sl the avatars you can chose are of 3 types people, vampires and classic. The first 2 types people  and vampires are what experienced users in sl call "the new mesh avatars" they work a bit differently to the "classic" avatars.

I think that's a major issue that everybody, including LL, overlooked: there are no clothes that work with those new mesh starter avatars! That is, there may be some existing mesh clothing that fit but how is a poor newcomer supposed to figure out that? And how much L$ are they supposed to spend on clothing that turns out not work before they find something that does?

That will change eventually of course. One day we will all use mesh avatars -  and all the existing clothing in SL will be outdated. (And by then computer power should have increased enough to compensate for the extra lag this will generate.)

But for now, just get out of that mesh avatar as fast as you can and replace it with a classic one. You can go to " Choose an avatar" in the "Me" menu to find the classic starter avatars SaraCarena mentioned and you can also find quite a few like that in the Library folder in your inventory. They're not very good but at least you can change their clothes. Next step would probably be to find a slightly better free avatar at one of the help centers or freebie stores and then just keep upgrading, upgrading and upgrading until you find the perfect look you want.

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But for now, just get out of that mesh avatar as fast as you can and replace it with a classic one.

Yep, and once you get the hang of how changing clothes, shapes, skins, hair etc work, you can modify a classic av to look pretty good without spending any L$, especially with group gifts that a lot of stores offer now. That will then give you the experience and confidence to spend your hard erned L$ on the right things for you.

Theres also quiet a few offers just for new users 30 days and under.


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ChinRey wrote:


One day we will all use mesh avatars - 

Who told you so? Are you sure? Would it be a good thing?

I certainly hope that thing not to happen. Personally I feel that mesh avatars and all the mesh body add-ons are not very good thing. A much, much better solution would be if Linden Lab implemented new excellent default avatar mesh - male and female. Those would be the standard. Supply for clothing, skins and accesories would be huge - just like is the case with present avatar shape.

With mesh avatars nothing would be standard; different creators will create different mesh avatars - all of them incompatible with each other - a limited supply of clothes, skins and accessories. A very bad thing.

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Coby Foden wrote:

ChinRey wrote:


One day we will all use mesh avatars - 

Who told you so? Are you sure? Would it be a good thing?

I certainly hope that thing not to happen. Personally I feel that mesh avatars and all the mesh body add-ons are not very good thing. A much, much better solution would be if Linden Lab implemented new excellent default avatar mesh - male and female. Those would be the standard. Supply for clothing, skins and accesories would be huge - just like is the case with present avatar shape.

With mesh avatars nothing would be standard; different creators will create different mesh avatars - all of them incompatible with each other - a limited supply of clothes, skins and accessories. A very bad thing.

I agree with this.  It would take a having available a huge selection of mesh ava's and a standardized system for applying skins that everyone used in order to satisfy the need for indivuality that people have.

Seven years in SL and only once have I heard, "You two look like you could be twins."

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Coby Foden wrote:

ChinRey wrote:


One day we will all use mesh avatars - 

... Are you sure?

Oh yes. It'll happen almost exactly three weeks before somebody introduces the new voxel avatars that you have to put on top of your mesh avatar that you have to put on top of your system avatar.

Coby Foden wrote:

Would it be a good thing?

Seriously? Of course not.



But unfortunately LL has made it a habit never to update existing features. Instead they add a new one on top of the old to cover the blemishes.

I don't know how the SL software is patched together of course but it shouldn't be that difficult for LL to simply add higher resolution (that is more polys) to the existing avatar system rather than introduce a brand new one but that's simply not the way they do things there.

Not only does this habit of theirs cause incompatibility problems like the clothing issue we're discussing here, it's also an extremely inefficient way of doing things. I'd be surprised if the SL network functions at as much as half its potential capacity by now.


(Edit: LL does of course update existing features occasionally. For example, a few months ago they replaced the old physics algorithm with a new and much better one. But that doesn't make what I wrote untrue, just a bit exaggerated. And the new mesh avatars is a prime example how not to do things. I honestly can't see anything you can do with those new avatars that couldn't have been just added to the old system avatar - which of course also is mesh. The only reason I can think of they did it the way they did is that whoever was in charge of that project couldn't be bothered to go through and modify the old code somebody else wrote years ago.)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Seriously, I have been driven batty for the last two days because I just couldn't get anything to work with my Avatar ( clothes wise) I've been on SL on and off for a few years and didn't remeber changing clothes being so hard as it was. But now that you've mentioned about the new mesh avatars it all made sense. So I've changed mine to a regualr one and i can change clothes no problems now. Yipee! 

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