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Hi, I'm new and don't really understand all the these compatibilities between clothes, skins, shape, bodyparts, etc. I've looked everywhere for guides but all the info seems outdated, isn't good enough or just doesn't answer my questions.

What are the steps when purchasing a body, which requirements do I need to take care of? Are skins the entire body or parts such as face, upper and lower body? What are attachments compared to the other parts and how do I know which are compatible?

So pretty much all the avatar related things.

If I'm correct these preset avatars are not working with the default body and instead "replace" it. Is that how everything else works aswell? Aren't there easier ways to manage all the avatar components?

I hope someone can help me because the wiki alone won't do it.

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Shape - what your avatar looks like in terms of bodytype. Height, 'weight', muscles, hand size, face shape - whatever. These can be changed with the sliders when you go to Edit Avatar.


My advice to you is this: do not wear the new mesh avatar shapes right now. They are not friendly to new users, and they DO NOT have much clothing for them. (also, you can't change anything, so you look like everyone else) Creators aren't worrying about them right now, so your best bet is to just wear the system shape.

Right click in your inventory and hit "Create new shape" and you'll be able to make your own from scratch. You can also buy shapes, but they are always so expensive and poorly done. Shape making is free, you are better off learning how to do it yourself.

Skins - These are like the paint that goes over your shape. Skins determine what you look like (shapes can change what a skin looks like also). Skins give you your skin tone, your gender markers, what you "look" like. Shape and skin works together, but try putting a lot of different demo skins (ALWAYS DEMO FIRST) over a shape, and you'll see the changes. My advice here would be to gather many demos, find one you are more happy about, and change the face shape to better suit the skin. Once you get a body type down, face tweaking isn't an issue.

Skins are also the entire body. They cover the entire body of your avatar. There are makeups or overlays you can buy, but skins will come with what you need.

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No one can lame your confusion, there is a steep learning curve when starting SL an the guides are very outdated for the most part. However you are in luck because there are plenty of people willing to help! I just started in April so I understand fully how you feel right now. I am sure someone more versed in guiding people will speak up but from my noob perspective here are some answers to your questions.


The new Avatars now start with a Mesh body, these bodies will not be compatible with anything other than mesh clothes, most of the noob area freebies you will see are the older clothes made for the older default bodies.


Here are some basics.....


Shape- when right clicking on yourself and choosing appearance, you can adjust the shape of your avatar. Ie how big your butt is, long your arms are, wide your forehead is etc. this works with the default old avatar bodies not sure about the new ones.


Skin- skin refers to the covering of your body and face. The pigmentation, and any cosmetics the skin creator put on it, the "look of the outside of you"


Mesh attachments- many people do not like the default avatars feet, hands, butts, or boobs so there are attachments you can purchase to change these things. The default Avatar shape is very angular, you can have smoother looking extremities that I listed by using mesh. That said, you already have a mesh body on right now but you can still swap out these parts if you wish. Think of them as add ons.


It gets a little more complicated because you can swap out eyes, hair, tattoo layers to change cosmetics or add overall body tattoos, bruises, anything you can think of.


In terms of compatibility most mesh attachments will work once you are able to adjust your body, for example I had to make my arms a bit meatier in order to look right with my Mesh hands.


If you feel overwhelmed don't give up. Reach out and I promise people will help you.. You can always IM me and I will try to walk you through making your look your own. Some great resources for me were the second life reddit and plurk because people constantly post to these forums so any information you will get will be up to date. Good luck on your journey!



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Okay, let's see if this makes sense is understandable. (It doesn't make sense, I admit.) What you're seeing is a legacy of Second Life being almost 11 years old and full of content made by a wide variety of end users instead of its being entirely produced in a top-down way by developers.

THE ORIGINAL AVATARS are about 10 years old and made up of a SHAPE (a body envelope that can be edited with sliders) and a SKIN (a texture file that gives the envelope graphic details - it's the entire nude body.) They were originally intended to be used with SYSTEM CLOTHING (things listed in your inventory as "shirt", "pants", etc.) These clothes are painted on to the avatar mesh and can slightly modify the avatar's shape in certain ways.

The basic problem is that this type of avatar is ten years old and not only looks like it, but looks like it kind of sucked ten years ago too. So, over the years various additions have been developed by users. Everyone always wears a "shape" and a "skin" but they're not always visible.

MESH CLOTHES are items that are worn on the avatar body as separate objects. The advantage to them is they have their own shape instead of warping the avatar mesh and can be much more detailed. The disadvantage is they can't be tuned exactly to match the underlying avatar shape so people who prefer mesh clothing tend to adjust their shapes to fit this. They came into being in late 2011 and didn't become extremely popular until about 2012 when a "standard sizing" initiative by clothing makers made finding properly-fitting mesh clothing easier.

MESH BODY PARTS replace the parts of the base avatar that look the saddest - depending on your proclivities you can replace your feet and hands (a popular brand is "Slink"), breasts (for example, "Lola Tangos"), and/or butt/legs (for example "PhatAzz".) These parts cover sections of the default avatar like prosthetics. To minimize the gap between the parts and the rest of the mesh you can try to have the exact same texture of your skin used to cover these new parts. This is done using SKIN APPLIERS made by skin makers. Appliers are specific for brands of body parts.

If you have mesh body parts and for some reason you dont' want to be naked all the time you won't be able to use "system clothing" - you need some way of putting clothing textures on the body parts. This is done by CLOTHING APPLIERS which are made by clothing makers and also need to be used with specific body part brands.

The logical next development is a MESH BODY that covers all of the avatar but the head (for example, from "WowMeh".) The new ones can be adjusted with the old shape sliders - this development came about very recently and is still being perfected. Like mesh body parts, they need appliers for everything except the head if you want perfect matches/non-nakedness. (They can also wear mesh clothing but the compatiblity isn't always perfect.) They leave the head as-is because there's currently no way to customize a mesh head the way you can customize the default head.

What you're dealing with for the just-released starter avatars is a FULL-MESH AVATAR. It's a mesh that completely covers the old body mesh. The new starter avatars are basically a demonstration of what a mesh avatar can do if its made by somebody who isn't very good at it. You can adjust some things with the sliders but not the face, and you can only wear mesh clothing with them currently.

You happened to join at a very confusing time because the new starter avatars are literally weeks old and mesh avatar technology itself is very new and currently in flux. The simplest thing for you to do is to go to the "Avatar" menu and choose one of the "Classic" avatars, which are old-style avatars that you'll have many more options with. I'd recommend not even thinking about new body parts for a while until you get your head around other aspects of SL.

Don't worry. We've all been there and at least some of us have stayed.

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First of all thanks for all the amazing replies. Also, I hope I don't mess up the quotes.


KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:

My advice to you is this: do not wear the new mesh avatar shapes right now.

Right click in your inventory and hit "Create new shape" and you'll be able to make your own from scratch.


How do I know what shape I'm wearing? So it's not really the question if the body (shape) is compatible but about making it fit? I'll look into it. Is there a difference between items obtained in the market and the ones in-game? It seems some things are only available in-game.


hollowgirl78 wrote:

You can always IM me and I will try to walk you through making your look your own.


That would probably be the best with my amount of questions. Though I wouldn't know how since all the tutorial says is right-click people and select IM.

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

... when a "standard sizing" initiative by clothing makers made finding properly-fitting mesh clothing easier.

To minimize the gap between the parts and the rest of the mesh you can try to have the exact same texture of your skin used to cover these new parts. This is done using SKIN APPLIERS made by skin makers. Appliers are specific for brands of body parts.

This is done by CLOTHING APPLIERS which are made by clothing makers and also need to be used with specific body part brands.

I'd recommend not even thinking about new body parts for a while until you get your head around other aspects of SL.

That was very helpful / confusing.

So... how do I find properly fitting mesh clothing easier? Or was that irrelevant for me in specific?

What exactly are skin appliers and how can I use them? Clothing appliers... I can't quite follow with all this applying stuff to be honest.

Which body type (original or mesh body) do you prefer and why?

Once I figure out the creation / editing of shapes many things will probably make more sense. What else should I "get my head around" then?

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Thank you for being polite and curious and not yelling BAWWWW!!! THIZ IZ STUPID, YOU STUPIDHEADS! You are actually off to a good start.

First of all, all "shapes" are identical except for the values of the sliders - they're hard-coded into the viewer. If  you see something in your inventory that has an icon of two Fisher-Price-ish people standing next to each other, one tall and one short, that's a "shape." The minimum equipment list of a Second Life avatar will include one and only one shape, and the ones you create using "Create a New Shape" will be technically identical with ones you pay thousands of Lindens for - you're paying for the expertise (or lack thereof) of the slider manipulator.

As far as what kind of avatar I prefer, that depends on your goal. If you're portraying a reasonably fit adult human I'd prefer the traditional avatar as it has many more options available for it. The big problem is at extreme slider values it starts looking like a string bag full of onions.

There are many, many things other than a human that you can be in SL but you'll usually have to buy an appropriate avatar from a merchant and that can get technical and confusing (yes, it gets worse.)

"Appliers" are only necessary if you're wearing mesh body parts. It's the equivalent of taking your Toyota to a customizer to get a ground effects kit and spoiler to try and look gangsta - the customizer will have to paint the new parts to match your car and that's what an applier does. For now you can probably ignore them.

"Standard sizes" are settings for certain shape sliders that mesh clothing traditionally couldn't adapt to - if you set your shape sliders to these settings and bought clothing labeled as having standard sizes, the clothing should basically fit. Bear in mind that in practice SL clothing sizes are no more consistent than RL sizes. If I were starting from scratch today I'd adjust my shape to match a standard size to make life easier.  Information about "standard sizes" (or at least the female ones - male ones are also available) can be found here:


As far as buying things in-world versus on the Marketplace the products should be the same but I prefer buying in-world because if someone takes the time to build a real-world store it's a better indication that they're reliable. This is not to say that all Marketplace-only stores are crooks by any means, but there have been scams of various types.

I'd advise you to start looking around the "world" and seeing what kind of avatar appeals to you - i.e. you could be a cell-animated pony if it strikes your fancy. Once you get an idea of what you want to be it will be easier to help you get there.

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I will IM you tomorrow since I will not be on today but to I'm someone click on search and then type in my name. It wil bring up my profile and you can IM from there. I am not sure where the search button is on the official viewer since I haven't used it much. That is my next suggestion, download a third party viewer from a reputable company. I know it sounds crazy but a lot of stuff didn't start clicking for me until I did. Firestorm and Singularity are two of the more popular ones. They are much more user friendly than the official viewers IMHO . Here is a list


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Thank you for being polite and curious and not yelling BAWWWW!!! THIZ IZ STUPID, YOU STUPIDHEADS! You are actually off to a good start.

As far as what kind of avatar I prefer, that depends on your goal. If you're portraying a reasonably fit adult human I'd prefer the traditional avatar as it has many more options available for it. The big problem is at extreme slider values it starts looking like a string bag full of onions.

There are many, many things other than a human that you can be in SL but you'll usually have to buy an appropriate avatar from a merchant and that can get technical and confusing (yes, it gets worse.)

I'd advise you to start looking around the "world" and seeing what kind of avatar appeals to you - i.e. you
be a cell-animated pony if it strikes your fancy. Once you get an idea of what you want to be it will be easier to help you get there.

Heh. I was expecting one-liners with links to Google and the wiki so I have to thank you for all the help. I'm not used to such great support.


Though I don't mind "silly" avatars my goal is definitely to be an adult female for now. I don't know whats extreme for you but I think that won't be that much of a problem for me. How much would it cost to have a decent avatar with everything approximately? And before I load myself with demos: I assume I can delete them once their purpose is done?


Tomorrow I'll take another look and maybe have some products that interest me to give a better idea what I'm looking for.


hollowgirl78 wrote:

I will IM you tomorrow since I will not be on today but to I'm someone click on search and then type in my name.

Here is a list


Are there any downsides when using a third party viewer? Some products say stuff like "must have second life viewer" or something like that. Either way I'll check them out since the original interface is one of the things that confuse me the most.

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First off I've been SL for a lot longer than my current profile says.  I've gone through a lot of different incarnations.  So here is my 2 cents worth:  personally, I don't care that much for mesh body parts.  In areas with a lot of activity and people the images can take a long time to rez and mesh will simply not appear where it is supposed to for quite a while.  I've seen many headless, handless or feetless avatars who have gone whole hog on mesh parts.  I do use mesh clothes, but not always.  Some just don't fit my body shape and ruin the purportions for me.

I started off just using the sliders in the editing mode for my avatars.  But I soon learned that if I wanted a really amazing look, I would have  to look for skins and shapes sold together.  I shopped around in marketplace in the complete avatars category and I also look in the avatar components category.  One reason I buy shapes and skins together is that it takes a lot less time than trying all sorts of demo skins (yes, you can delete them when done) and that method is very "hit and miss" anyway.  And I can so easily just find a complete avatar with skin and shape that I adore and get the look with the skin/shape combo, no tweaking needed.  I nevert ever buy any that are not modifiable though.  Because if you want to change your waist size or your height or the size of your hands or whatever, the non-modifiables make that impossible.  It always tells you in the description under the "visit our store" link if it's "copy" or "modify" or "transfer" or not.   So if you want to save time, check out the complete avatars on marketplace.  If it's no modify, don't buy it.  Then if you find some you like, you can go to their inworld stores to try on the demos and see for yourself before purchasing.  But some of the marketplace sets also give you the option to get a demo for L$0.

So as to cost it can range widely.  I usually won't buy a complete avatar under L$400 as the cheaper ones can wind up with flaws you don't want.  But these sets range from L$25 to several thousand lindens.  I usually ignore the really expensive ones.  They aren't that much better than the ones for several hundreds.  Anyway, then you have to purchase  the hairdo which will usually go for around L$200.  Eyes can cost around L$100 (amacci has great eyes) unless your complete avatar comes with them.  Then  you can make your lashes thicker and longer if you want to purchase eyelashes that attach to your avatar.  Those go for L$100 - L$200 a piece.  And there are nail sets that will add on manicured nails.  Noya sells some nice ones for around L$200 - 300.  And in order not to look so noobish, you should probably get an AO (animation overrider) that will give your avi natural movements instead of the stiff legged movements they come with.  Tuty's has some pretty good AOs for around L$300 or so which is cheap. So I'd say your initial investment would be around L$1000 and if you decide on some really exclusive type of avi, maybe L$2000.

So after you have the basics, you could choose to have huge melons, lol, and buy some lolas but those are over L$1000 to add on.  Personally I tried them and didn't like the fact I had to match them to my skin color which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't.  And then you have to buy clothes that have lola appliers.  This means the clothing has an added feature so that the breast area is clothed seperately to fit the lolas.  I gave up after about 3 days on it, lol.

Now all you need once you have your avatar are some clothes.  I buy mine mostly from the marketplace.  I used to shop stores, but I was missing all the places I didn't know about until I went to the marketplace and saw how many options and choices there were.  Maitreya sells really quality stuff, but pricey.  By quality, I mean they fit, they look hot, and they don't distort when you move around.  Also Gizza sells nice stuff.  Of course it depends on what type of look you want.  If you want young and trendy, then try CK or Mon Cherie or for really funky urban stuff , check out Nytro.  For more avant guard fashion I like Jador and for everyday cute clothes, I like Stars Aichi. Fashionatic is also very good, they sell entire outfits with shoes and accessories.  But that's only a handfull out of thousands of items on the marketplace.

So enjoy yourself and check back with any questions.

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Arisuneko wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Thank you for being polite and curious and not yelling BAWWWW!!! THIZ IZ STUPID, YOU STUPIDHEADS! You are actually off to a good start.

As far as what kind of avatar I prefer, that depends on your goal. If you're portraying a reasonably fit adult human I'd prefer the traditional avatar as it has many more options available for it. The big problem is at extreme slider values it starts looking like a string bag full of onions.

There are many, many things other than a human that you can be in SL but you'll usually have to buy an appropriate avatar from a merchant and that can get technical and confusing (yes, it gets worse.)

I'd advise you to start looking around the "world" and seeing what kind of avatar appeals to you - i.e. you
be a cell-animated pony if it strikes your fancy. Once you get an idea of what you want to be it will be easier to help you get there.

Heh. I was expecting one-liners with links to Google and the wiki so I have to thank you for all the help. I'm not used to such great support.


Though I don't mind "silly" avatars my goal is definitely to be an adult female for now. I don't know whats extreme for you but I think that won't be
much of a problem for me. How much would it cost to have a decent avatar with everything approximately? And before I load myself with demos: I assume I can delete them once their purpose is done?


Tomorrow I'll take another look and maybe have some products that interest me to give a better idea what I'm looking for.


hollowgirl78 wrote:

I will IM you tomorrow since I will not be on today but to I'm someone click on search and then type in my name.

Here is a list


Are there any downsides when using a third party viewer? Some products say stuff like "must have second life viewer" or something like that. Either way I'll check them out since the original interface is one of the things that confuse me the most.

No, what some products state is what viewer version you must have. This information often got mentioned by creators when mesh was relativly new and some people still hadn't upgraded their viewer. Everyone with an outdated viewer wouldn't be able to see mesh proberly.

There is no general downside to using a third party viewer, because they are all based on the code of the official one, some even offer aditional options such as RLV for example, which the official viewer does not have. But most people chose a third party viewer because of interface preferences. The only imagineable downside to third party viewers is, that it can happen, that one stops to be supported by its creators, which would  result in a lack of updates for this viewer.

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For starters make sure you get a clasic style shape that is modifiable.

Below are pics that show 2 different shapes in comparrison with 2 different skins. The top pics have the same shape with 2 different skins. The bottom is a different shape with the same 2 skins. (Actually it's the same shape that was modified to change facial features)

Shape is basically the body/face form such as size of nose, height, size of muscles, length of arms etc...

Skin over lays the shape and provides definition to the shape.



You can get free shapes and skins at freebie places.

Some skin/shape stores will have free group gifts. You can search inworld for Skin and Shape stores. You can buy them seperate if you like. For instance, you may find a modifiable shape and make adjustments to the point where you like the way it looks with any skin you wear over it. So, you may want to just get a few different skins for the same shape. You can also buy a package where the skin and shape were made to suit eachother. There are tons of skins/shapes to choose from on Marketplace and inworld, just try demos first if you are going to spend alot.

Now, you can also buy body parts such as feet, hands, butt, boobs. You just wear them with the existing avatar shape and match the skin with appliers. However, you don't have to get these body parts, your pre-existing shape has all the body parts you need. The additonal body parts just look more realistic than the existing ones.

Note: If you buy the feet, make sure you get shoes that are compatiable with the feet.

Some hints about wearing clothes:

 When wearing any mesh clothes, objects, alphas, tattoo layers, etc…Always choose to ADD. The only time you choose WEAR is for shapes, skin, and eyes or see below.

 To remove something (let’s say you accidently have on 2 different pair of shoes), Right click on it and detach/remove. If that does not work, go into the inventory and open the CURRENT OUTFIT folder, right click and choose remove/detach.

* you can’t remove/detach eyes, shape and skin. You can only replace by choosing wear.

 Now...you can choose WEAR for everything but in certain cases it will replace one thing for another, if it is attached to the same area or if it is a layer such as an alpha. If you want to wear multiple things, always choose ADD.

For example: You are wearing a shoe Alpha and you also want to wear an Alpha for a mesh dress, you must ADD the alphas. If you don’t, then one Alpha will replace the other which will prevent you from wearing both.

Another example: You have 4 different rings and a set of nails. You want to wear all of them at the same time, You would then choose ADD for all of those items. Mainly because they all attach to the same default body part which is either right or left hand. If you choose WEAR, it will only let you attach one item on each hand at a given time. So to prevent that, just choose ADD.

 Another example: You have hair that attaches to your skull and you have a Hat that also attaches to your skull. You choose ADD so they both attach at the same time.

NEVER choose attach and then a body part, this will mess up the placement of objects that are meant to be worn on your avatar. You will end up with shoes that float in the air and not on the part of your body that they belong. So, avoid using the "ATTACH to body part option".


 ADD: hair, hats, jewelry, alphas, tattoo layers (tattoos, makeup, other stuff), prim attachments such as cuffs or collars, mesh clothes, hair, nails, collars, etc…

 WEAR: Shoes, system layer clothes, eyes, skin, & shapes


There are 2 types of clothes:

 1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these.

CORRECTION thanks to Coby: you can ADD mutiple clothing layers to the same layer (oops)

 2. Mesh clothes (usually come with an alpha and 5 different sizes-pick and ADD one of the sizes and ADD the alpha)

Hope this info helps

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LoriLexa wrote:


1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these.

Excellent instructions.

Only thing what I like to point out is that we can actually wear five system clothing on each clothing clothing layer. The same applies also to tattoo and alpha layers.




"Max. # of clothing layers per slot - 5 (this includes alpha and Tattoo Layers)"



Extra "clothing" word scratched over.  :matte-motes-little-laugh:


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Coby Foden wrote:

LoriLexa wrote:


1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these.

Excellent instructions.

Only thing what I like to point out is that we can actually wear
system clothing on each clothing clothing layer. The same applies also to tattoo and alpha layers.



Max. # of clothing layers per slot
- 5 (this includes alpha and Tattoo Layers)"


Ah!!! yes you are right. I learn something new everyday in SL :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Thanks everyone!

Yesterday someone showed me around a bit, taught me stuff and gathered free stuff so things are much clearer now.

I guess I slowly understand the basics now but anyone that is willing to answer some direct questions / give me their opinion on things: it's still appreciated to IM me.

If I urgently need help with something again I'll make another thread.

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LoriLexa wrote:

For starters make sure you get a clasic style shape that is modifiable.

Some hints about wearing clothes:

 When wearing any mesh clothes, objects, alphas, tattoo layers, etc…Always choose to ADD. The only time you choose WEAR is for shapes, skin, and eyes or see below.

 To remove something (let’s say you accidently have on 2 different pair of shoes), Right click on it and detach/remove. If that does not work, go into the inventory and open the CURRENT OUTFIT folder, right click and choose remove/detach.

* you can’t remove/detach eyes, shape and skin. You can only replace by choosing wear.

 Now...you can choose WEAR for everything
in certain cases it will replace one thing for another, if it is attached to the same area or if it is a layer such as an alpha. If you want to wear multiple things, always choose ADD.

For example: You are wearing a shoe Alpha and you also want to wear an Alpha for a mesh dress, you must ADD the alphas. If you don’t, then one Alpha will replace the other which will prevent you from wearing both.

Another example: You have 4 different rings and a set of nails. You want to wear all of them at the same time, You would then choose ADD for all of those items. Mainly because they all attach to the same default body part which is either right or left hand. If you choose WEAR, it will only let you attach one item on each hand at a given time. So to prevent that, just choose ADD.

 Another example: You have hair that attaches to your skull and you have a Hat that also attaches to your skull. You choose ADD so they both attach at the same time.

and then a body part, this will mess up the placement of objects that are meant to be worn on your avatar. You will end up with shoes that float in the air and not on the part of your body that they belong. So,
using the "ATTACH to body part option".


 ADD: hair, hats, jewelry, alphas, tattoo layers (tattoos, makeup, other stuff), prim attachments such as cuffs or collars, mesh clothes, hair, nails, collars, etc…

 WEAR: Shoes, system layer clothes, eyes, skin, & shapes


There are 2 types of clothes:

 1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these.

CORRECTION: you can ADD mutiple clothing layers to the same layer (oops)

 2. Mesh clothes (usually come with an alpha and 5 different sizes-pick and ADD
of the sizes and
ADD the alpha

Hope this info helps

 That sooo should be in a notecard at orientation island, way better information than the linden notecard on changing avatar appearence.

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