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How to get rid of morons for good?

Nerxual Oh

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I check my other accounts, the griefer group I talked about on forum "Horror stories" still gettting harassed by these idiots on my other accounts as well. Not on Second Life cause I don't have any alts and don't plan to get any soon. I meant on other sites. I contacted one of the admins of that site, that troll of that group, just created his account not too long ago this month. No surprise these people want something from me, not sure what but I wish they die soon. Abuse reports obviously don't do anything, Lindens don't care cause I'm not someone who gives them a lot of money. Is there an easier way to rid of these people? I can't walk into a sim, looking for clothes or avatars without that griefer group harassing me. I can't even upload my images on other sites without that grifer group from Second Life, commenting on my stuff.

This group uses copybot tools, say they are hackers threating to do something to Lindens, harass anyone they see cause they are bored, they basically cause trouble. I want them gone. Lindens can check my chat logs if they want, from last year to this year, they will know some or everything about this group. But Noooo they are too busy with their conference they are setting up soon. Oh wait, my husband is invited to that thing by the Lindens, I can simply ask my husband not to go cause Lindens to me, don't even care for anyone but important people.

I know it's hard work being admins of huge popular virtual world but when I'm sending out A LOT of abuse reports against these low lives griefers, Lindens are ignoring the reports. I met many people this year and last year that have also sent out reports on this group and their dumb leader himself, but nothing is done. I'm mad that Lindens don't even care one bit.

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AR's DO work, and the Lindens DO listen. I'm "just somebody on the grid," and I've recently had a couple of AR's resolved within 24 hours. So it's possible that your AR's are working, but the "griefer group" is finding ways around it, like creating alts. And there's nothing Linden Labs can do to help you anywhere but in Second Life.

As someone else said, they continue to hassle you because they get a reaction from you. Ignore them. Mute is the best possible tool for this, and follow it up with not responding to them in any way, shape or form. Eventually they'll look for a more interesting target.

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So tell me, Loadza Kumsung.....did you sign on as a Premium Member your first day in SL, or did you start with a free account? I'm betting you are a hypocrite who started with a free account.


I started with a free account too, quite sensibly. It was about four months before I upgraded to a Premium account. If I had had to pay for it just to get in in the first place, I most likely never would have joined. I think most people who want to STAY in SL long-term should probably get a Premium account, for at least one of their IDs....but I wouldn't make it mandatory, and I especially wouldn't make it mandatory from the start, like you are suggesting. That will only prevent people from joining.

Don't forget, SL isn't like WoW (which, btw, is a household word, while SL most definitely is not). WoW provides a lot of content for its fee. SL does not; nearly all content inside, whether it be objects, scripts, sims, roleplay or social, is provided by the residents.....and usually at additional fees. So you certainly can't use analogy with other multiplayer online games to support your "pay to play" argument for SL.

Many (but not all) of the people I know in SL have a paid account. MOST of the people I know in SL have alts, none of which are paid accounts. Eliminating free accounts will not fix the problems of SL, but will certainly unjustly penalize lots of people. Identifying griefers and copybot users and going after the person behind the account, not just the free account, will fix most of those problems.

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I have muted them all 200 or more of them. I'm just mad the fact that this guy owner of this griefer group is still around and Lindens didn't IP ban him yet. I have not even looked at them or talk to them at all. Last time I did anything to do them was year ago, when they decided to use one of my friends as bait just to "spy" on my husband. I told the guy off (owner of this griefer group) and that was it. His only response was that he was older furry than me while he is walking around with dead fox fur on his back in a pose of jesus christ on a cross kind of dead. I just thought, wow some fur you are. Muted him and all of his dumb followers. Then again they decide to harass my friends in this one sim they live on. My friends did nothing but talk to others in friendly conversation, all of the sudden, this guy in that group, comes up to one of my friends, abuses his estate manager powers, calling a b*tch and starts ejecting her, freezing her and using a griefer tool to push her all over the sim. She didn't do a thing, she hanging out with a friend, just looking to relax cause she was pissed off that day. She gave me the chat logs to prove it and an eye witness. She left that sim for good cause it wasn't worth it. Those things happened last year.


Only ARs that got answered was this 11 year old kid threaten to hack me, my friends and the lindens. Note the word about the age. And another AR that got answered about another kid trying to pass off as me with badly made freebie avatar. That was it and that was one AR for each I have ever made for those. Now any other underage kid I report don't go through cause they used their parents' IDs to get around the Lindens.


I been ignoring these idiots for long time now and all of the sudden they decide to harass me this month?

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You've muted 200 people!? WTF, wow!! I've muted maybe 8 people in 3 years and on the couple of occasions that I've been griefed, the Lindens have responded promptly and appropriately. Yours doesn't sound like the typical griefer situation. Sounds like you're involved in some kind of conflict between groups. Is it really fair or realistic to expect the Lindens to intervene in such skirmishes?

I don't want to be accused of blaming the victim, but if you're being griefed so often and have to mute so many people, you might want to consider whether your behavior is contributing to the problem.

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Nerxual.Oh wrote:

I can't walk into a sim, looking for clothes or avatars without that griefer group harassing me. I can't even upload my images on other sites without that grifer group from Second Life, commenting on my stuff.

How is it that these people are able to target you so easily? Are you saying you just visit a random place and they turn up? It sounds as if there's some key point missing in this story.

but when I'm sending out A LOT of abuse reports against these low lives griefers, Lindens are ignoring the reports.

Some folks do the griefer thing to scratch an itch, others fill a void in their lives by appointing themselves sheriff and set about 'policing' SL by way of endless abuse reports. The point is that LOTS of people are bombarding LL with these things and they obviously can't appoint a minor taskforce to investigate all of the 'he said/she said' stuff, so give it time. Just keep documenting your encounters or whatever is going on and it will surely be helpful when they finally get around to kicking these guys in the butt.

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Alec.Windlow wrote:


Nerxual.Oh wrote:

I can't walk into a sim, looking for clothes or avatars without that griefer group harassing me. I can't even upload my images on other sites without that grifer group from Second Life, commenting on my stuff.

How is it that these people are able to target you so easily? Are you saying you just visit a random place and they turn up? It sounds as if there's some key point missing in this story.

I'm targeted so easily cause I'm hanging out with one of my sisters and one of her friends is an EX stalker I got banned from Fur Affinity. So of course that guy is probably getting information from my sisters and giving it to people that want to pick a fight with me. Long story short. My husband and this group fought a lot, mostly the owner of that griefer group V.S my husband. And that was in 06. Last year they decide to "spy" on my husband by using one of my sisters as bait. The owner of the griefer group came to my home sim, my father's sim. I wanted to go up there and tell the guy to leave and ban him but I had my husband go up there. He was not happy. The guy got banned from the sim. Day later, my sister got her account suspended cause that whole griefer group send out false ARs on her. While after that, my other sister goes to the sim to calm down and hang out with her friend, one of guys from that griefer group went up to her, called her a b*tch, started freezing her, pushing her all over the sim, ejecting her and such, abusing his estate manager powers. She tried hard to fight back but she left the sim and log out of Second Life after I talked to her about it.


This year, this month. I start hanging out with same sister that got used as bait. Her dancing job at this club, is the sim next to the HQs of that griefer group. Of course I check the group some just to check what idiot to mute so I can stay away from those idiots ever contacting me. Walking to that club just to support my sister, one of those greifers circle around me, talking to me, being annoying and pushing me. I ignore him and contact an admin of the sim. I use my dash to get near the club, the guy uses his dash to push right into me. I leave the sim, tell one of my friends to tp me there directly, he does and I tell him to get rid of greifer. The griefer leaves the sim, probably banned. Few weeks later, I go to this furry fashion place, just to chat with another friend of mine. The greifer group shows up, they see me, get way too close to me, humping my leg or whatever they were doing near me. They were muted already. I told them to back off of me please and thanks. They got mad and started pushing me a little. I contact the owner there. showed her the IM chat between me and my friend, cause she said they copybot the products there. So the owner of the store bans them.


Today, this morning. I check my other accounts on other websites. See that one of the griefer groups messaged me, saying to not judge the griefer group and that I'm lying that this guy abused his estate powers. I told him, that chat logs don't lie and I blocked him along with reporting him to an admin. His account on that website he talked to me on, his account was brand new.

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Like sands through the hourglass..

Holy crap my eyes are bleeding after reading that tale. Husbands, fathers, sisters.. wtf? I really really hope you don't use these terms when filling in the abuse reports.

I mean, can you see how this might all be interpreted by a lowly LL employee who drew the short straw and was assigned to abuse report processing?

Here's a tip or three if you're really serious about leaving this all behind.

  • Disown any "sisters" that are talking out of school. Period. (I still can't believe you didn't figure this one out all by yourself).
  • Avoid the temptation to visit sims you know full well are owned/frequented by people who don't like you. That goes for their friends, colleagues, buddies, mothers, fathers, sisters, third cousins, neighbours etc.
  • If your "husband" is the cause of all this being visited on your furry lil head, consider disowning him too.

Yes your life will be sooo much more boring, but peaceful too. You did want that, right?

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I didn't use the term sisters and such, I gave names in ARs. On victims and enemies. And no my husband hasn't done anything to them in months, he made it clear to them that he will stop bothering them if they stop bothering them. I already disowned one of my sisters. And I haven't been to any of those sims the griefers will be at for while now after that furry fashion part. I'm just waiting for another sister of mine to learn the hard way yet again that being near those idiots is bad thing. I would stop saying sisters and etc but I can't name them in public forums. I'm just thinking of getting off the computer rest of the month. This month sucks cause family member of mine died and the moron griefer group ain't helping at all.

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erm...   ok...  going to bring this up one more time...  It's been implied before, but no one's come out and said it...


There is no easy answer to your problem, but as with some of the previous reports, stop setting yourself up as a victim.  Is it fair that you have to make changes?  No.  Is life fair?  No.  Decide what you want out of this GAME and act accordingly.

1) STOP sending in abuse reports - obviously they aren't working to your satisfaction.  If you're sending in that many, then I can see why.  Like it or not, as soon as you get a "reputation" for being "judgmental" (note the quotations before you flame please), your abuse reports may well be "de-prioritized".

2) LL gave you a mute button for a reason - use it.  Mute the ijits, have done.  Run a HUD or a viewer that lets you be no-push (ie - "phantom" in emerald) and ignore the buggers.  If they show up, put your avatar on no-push by whatever method you like and go make a pot of coffee, vacuum a room, take the dog for a walk, take yourself for a walk.  Better yet, make an alt, log your main into where-ever you don't want to be and go shop/visit/whatever on your alt LOL.

YOU are the only one who can choose to not be a victim in this situation.  They are the only ones who can choose to leave you alone.  The one advantage between SL and RL is that in SL you DO have some options - if this were happening to you RL, you'd have a much tougher time coping with it, as you'd have fewer options.

Lastly, remember that they're ijits, pure and simple, bullies who never grew up to be capable of accepting their responsibility as adults with the rights, privileges and duties incumbent thereto.  They are incapable of growing as the only way they see to make themselves feel big is to make someone else feel small.  Pity them, and most importantly, AVOID them.  They're probably not fixable, and if they are, they'll need to make that decision for themselves, should they ever be capable of doing so.  Until then, they'll drift from sim to sim and possible victim to possible victim, trying to find some sort of fulfillment for their small lives.

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Again, I said I stopped hanging out with my sister in that sim. My husband was online last night, my sister was in that sim, hanging with bunch of guys that seemed retarded. Now she is only one going to be harassed cause she chose to stay there and deal with them. I haven't been on SL, sticking to my word like always. I'll be back on SL until after my birthday is over.

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