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looking for a decent prices mesh artist for dress

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doesnt need to be full perm.. just copyable incase i loose it. rigging and textured yes.. not quite sure what modeling or unwrapping is..... basicly just for me to wear in sl... and for 100usd you better be sending me a real frickin dress to wear irl as well lol... im not stupid and i refuse to be swindled. my rl bf does full sl mesh avatars on blender all the time. only reason im not going to him is cuz its a suprize to wear for him.. but i know for someone who knows how to use blender this dress is NOT that hard to make

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Lets say I work minimum wage (For US) and each part of the process only takes one hour

1 hour for modeling, 1 hour to unwrap, 1 hour to texture and do materials, 1 hour and rig

So that is $28

Now lets be more realistic and still charge minimum wage.

2-3 hours for modeling, 30-1hour for the unwrap, 2-3 hours for texturing and materials (I do not just slap a crappy photosource texture on, fixing seams etc is part of the process), Then lets say it takes 2 hours to rig. ALbeit it might be a little tricky with the open pieces and alphas etc. But we can just add some padding and hope it works out really well

Minimum amount being = $48.75 for about 6.5 hours of work

Maximum amount being =$ 67.50 for about 9 hours of work

And thats if everything runs smoothly.

Now lets think how many years and hours of practice I had to put in to be able to make things at the quality that I am, and as fast as I do..

So yes, I find $100 more than a reasonable price.


But since it doesn't need to be full perm, Feel free to talk to me in-world about it. We can work something else out if you'd like. Perhaps sponsor it to be made under Shimmer (For a lot less.) It is a very nice design, Ill be on later this evening


Sorry for the long post, but I just like to explain to people what they're paying for, and that no one does their job for pennies :)

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Racia Fiertze wrote:

actually nm.. i found someone who can make it and is willing to make it for 1000L.. ty tho

Please do post a picture when it's done.


Yes, I know there are hobbyists you can find who'll do this stuff for 'fun.'

Unless you are granting them licence to sell your design you are getting quite a steal for $1000L.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Racia Fiertze wrote:

actually nm.. i found someone who can make it and is willing to make it for 1000L.. ty tho

Please do post a picture when it's done.


Yes, I know there are hobbyists you can find who'll do this stuff for 'fun.'

Unless you are granting them licence to sell your design you are getting quite a steal for $1000L.

Well I hope it all goes well, and I would love to see the end product as well ^.^ 

Usually you get what you pay for, Hopefully they're fantastic though !

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I am anxiously awaiting the result of the custom 1000L dress order. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

Even notoriously low paying freelancer websites have overseas (as in, MUCH lower cost of living) amateurs who can barely communicate with the commissioner that charge more than minimum wage xD...

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This is where SL is so at odds.

On the one hand we have people spending very real time (hours of it) and yet some expect them to work for literally nothing.

Conversely, there ARE those who do it for a hobby and who will work for nothing ($4 IS nothing when it comes to mesh)

It's just unfortunate that many seem to feel that L$1000 is a lot in SL and that anyone who ask more is trying to rip them off yet by asking someone to make something for that same L$1000 is not abuse at all *shakes head*.

Not picking on anyone here, this comes up over and over but there are those who work for nothing and there are those who expect others to work for nothing.

Put those two camps together and everyone concerned is happy but to the OP, please don't get upset or assume that anyone is out to swindle you when SL is their income and they expect to pay their mortgage at the end of the month with more than L$4000 to show for the months work.

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on the other hand, its also a shame some people believe it is perfectly logcal to expect someone to pay half of a rl paycheck for a bunch of pixels in  a >>GAME<< .. especially a bunch of pixels that serve no other purpose outside of said game. and the swindeling i mentioned came from the fact that this guys started quoteing me for thing i never asked for.... i said i wanted a dress made, to wear in a game. i said nothing about wanting it to be full perm to sell myself. i am not about to pay someone elses morgage or home rent or electricity bill for 1 month so i can wear a green dress in >>1 VIDEO GAME<<. i hae my own bills to pay too. my next door neighbor isnt bill gates. anyways, dress is almost finished.. as for those trying to hint to me its gonna suck because of how much i payed, ive already seen it being built in screenshare and its exactly how i wanted it.. perfect. will post pics soon ^_^

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Everyone has their price points, and neither is right or wrong, as a whole.

I can understand not wanting to shell out a lot of money for something you intend to use in a virtual world.  I can also understand not wanting to work for mere peanuts.  Some are willing to do both, some are only willing to do one, some are willing to do neither. Again, no choice being right or wrong, as a whole. I am sure everyone would prefer the income they bring in, wherever it may come from(including virtual worlds), be equal to the work they put into the job. I do not think, however, people will ever agree on the monetary worth of said work :)

I wouldn't buy a lot of things I see out there, in sl, or even the real world, based entirely on my idea of a "good price point"...but I certainly cannot decide for others what is right or wrong, for them.  I'll let others pay the prices they see fit, and I pay the prices I see fit. I'll work for peanuts when I want to, but I certainly wouldn't do so if it were my main income, as that would just be silly, and selling myself short. 


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Racia Fiertze wrote:

doesnt need to be full perm.. just copyable incase i loose it. rigging and textured yes.. not quite sure what modeling or unwrapping is..... basicly just for me to wear in sl... and for 100usd you better be sending me a real frickin dress to wear irl as well lol... im not stupid and i refuse to be swindled. my rl bf does full sl mesh avatars on blender all the time. only reason im not going to him is cuz its a suprize to wear for him.. but i know for someone who knows how to use blender this dress is NOT that hard to make

Edited after I had posted, interesting.

I wasn't trying to swindle you, or call you stupid. No it is not difficult, but yes it DOES take time. You're paying for my time and expertise not the difficulty level of the dress.

Eh, I don't think you know all that goes into the process. I would love to take a look at your bfs stuff and see what he does ^.^

Making full avatars is a different skillset when it comes to rigging. Theres some things you have to consider more, and somethings you can completely ignore. IE Alpha maps and how something moves with the avatar isn't even necessary when making a full avatar ^.^


ETA: Not trying to stir anything


ETAx2: Okay now im going to stir something.

Your BF sells nothing but copyrighted goods. Doesn't appear to be ripped from the game because the quality level is so low. No wonder you think making things is easy when that level is what you're used to.

I'm glad he doesn't rip any of it, but selling copyrighted goods is not O.K. In my book :|

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*shrug* This is a tired argument that could go on forever. Just remember that people pay $60+ for 'just a video game' all the time, and game models like LoL are very popular right now (free to play, cosmetic items a few bucks a piece--sold thousands and thousands of times each). So, OP, as long as you know you're getting a crazy good deal.. The average US based 3D artist freelancer makes approx $35 an hour, I personally hope that the person willing to make a dress for $4 is no where near professional level (if so, raise your prices man! for everyone's sake, lol!), but to each their own. It's just like adding salt to a wound when we see you: 1. allowing someone to work for you for cents per hour, AND 2. you dismissing the work as easy and unimportant. I think that's why these things get so fiery so fast, but that's just me. Seems disrespectful to the craft, but I can see where you're coming from, and you certainly aren't alone.

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Well, you all should understand this girl, I think her want to explore far from the marketplace but still as a simple customer and go inside a place full of artist and modellers, that's the incompatibility here. Most of the people placing commissions here already knows that that's not about "just pixels". This is a commerce. She says she don't want to pay another's rent. Thats only means her ignorance about this market. Please, pardon her because she don't know what she says. She never had to go far from the marketplace and I'm sure she is just lying about someone is working for just 1000L$ on a custom. After all of this, she learns that she can purchase just a full perms items for 1000L$ without left the marketplace. So, just understand her mistake.

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", I think her want to explore far from the marketplace but still as a simple customer and go inside a place full of artist and modellers"

ok..... im going to assume that was supposed to mean im not shopping in the marketplace im shopping on the forum with artists. i know that. i was asking for someone that could do it for a reasonable price.. there the other issue. apparently this forum i full of trolls because i asked for one thing innocently and instead got a bunch of replys of what i wasnt looking for and insults from people who were butthurt because i turned thier offers down.. if you recall i stayed civil to begin with asking for a service. if i said no to your offer, it should have ended there. instead you flood me with insults because i disagreed with the price given. and try to humiliate me in public. this thread isnt even worth my time anymore because i already found what i was looking for. i got my dress and its being made for a price i agree with at a quality im fine with. your attempts to backlash at me just show the trolls i was warned about from the artist whos doing my commision now.  so seeya all! hope yr business does well.

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"ETAx2: Okay now im going to stir something.

Your BF sells nothing but copyrighted goods. Doesn't appear to be ripped from the game because the quality level is so low. No wonder you think making things is easy when that level is what you're used to.

I'm glad he doesn't rip any of it, but selling copyrighted goods is not O.K. In my book **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-indifferent.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyindifferent:" title="Smiley Indifferent" />"


Look, if your intent is to stir the pot, you're stirring one bigger than you have a stick for, as 80% of SL is copyrighted material. Yes, the difference is the fact that I make it from scratch. As for quality, criticism is welcome. Blatant insult is not. The audience I developed it for is perfectly happy with it, and I refuse to charge an arm and a leg for mesh work, simply because I have a full time job. The ONLY WAY I can justify making SL my life altogether for this business is if I had an actual business model, with a firm, and a license, and not out of my home. I still put the time in, and so it wasn't for you. Big deal. Don't make a flame war out of someone asking for help, and go digging where you obviously don't want to go. I've got the dress made in blender, I'm collaborating with a friend, and I'll make sure she has pics to post.

Long story short, don't stir a pot you don't have the right tools for. The content I created, I've contacted the owners about, and their take on it is a gray area. They can't say they support it, but they can't say they don't either. It's not a focus they pursued on this front, as we've contacted them many times, on many different occasions.

I won't post again after this, so interpret it as you will. If this thread becomes a flame war, your comment is the match, and my post is the end word in my defense. I refuse to be cut down by anyone in this forsaken game after the seven years I've been playing, and I refuse to be cut down to size in a hobby I still enjoy doing FOR FUN. Take your comments to some other struggling artist who actually makes this work their life.

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Just thinking of 1000$L or less that 5$ dollars per a custom, call them as a day of work is itself an insult. What if I think is reasonable to pay you for whatever you do as work just 5$ dollars per day just because its not relevant for most of the people of the society? This is the artist time. Think on it. I'm still don't believe someone is working for you just for that during all this days. Accept it, you're lying.

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Racia Fiertze wrote:

yes people do pay 60+ for a video game.... a WHOLE video game... not just 60$+ for one shirt in a game if he was selling me a whole line of clothing i could understand... but 100$ for 1 shirt is a little too much in my book

...And they sell millions of copies of that game to recoup costs.

You're asking for ONE and referring to your earlier answer to my post, yes it IS completely reasonable to ask that one person compensates another for their very real hours expended.

Please explain to me (us) very clearly why someone who creates an object should spend say 4 to 10 hours as an example and be paid say $5 for that just becase another person doesn't think anything more is worth it?

As Tari said, neither is right or wrong but just because you trivialise SL to the status of "game" doesn't mean that to the creator of an object for whom it's their livelihood, it should also be so.

If you don't like the price or can't afford it, don't pay, simple as that.  Find someone else or go without.  You've found someone apparently who will do it for next to nothing and that's great and that's how it should be but it's inappropriate just to go on the "rip off" attack just because someone else uses SL for a completely different purpose that's not aligned with yours.  You asked for a "decent price" and you got one, you just didn't like it, doesn't mean the price wasn't fair or decent.

By the way, it's "PAID" not "PAYED".  (Payed is what you do when letting out a rope - common mistake)

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Not to say, that its a model the OP designed and wanted in particular. Not just any model. Is not like the person had it premade. She want it custom to her. Seriously if you want a specific model be made for you, then you need to realize its going to take time and time needs to be paid.

And it doesnt matter if its just pixels. Can be pixels can be whatever. Can be done by a hobby st or by a pro.

On the back is a person work time.

You say 100U$S is half your paycheck or half your rent?, then you should understand that pay 4U$S for a day work is really not good.

So, dont get offended when people tell you their rates. They can be good or bad according to you, but think twice, how much would you pay yourself for the same ammount of time.


By the way, 100U$S on that dress is a bit less that I would rate it, because the shape of the skirt with the huge slit on it, makes me want to cry when i think of rig and alpha it.

So if you found a person that will be making it for 4$ please post his name. I would love to see what he does for that amount.

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Indeed, pass the name on. If someone wants to make excellent quality mesh for me for $4 per item, I and I dare say a few hundred others can keep them very utilised. It would save me spending hours making it, I would then only have to spend timesscripting. and marketing!

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Hahaha, I couldn't agree with the above posts more. <3

From the boyfriend's post: " I've got the dress made in blender, I'm collaborating with a friend, and I'll make sure she has pics to post."

Okay, so it's not a total stranger agreeing to make a custom dress for 1000L. That's a relief. It's her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friend. lol.

"I refuse to charge an arm and a leg for mesh work, simply because I have a full time job. The ONLY WAY I can justify making SL my life altogether for this business is if I had an actual business model, with a firm, and a license, and not out of my home."

...Quoted for the giggles.. What the.. xD

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