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Can someone tell me about the difference between all the different kinds of boobs for females in SL


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I know there have been similar questions like this asked before ( searched for questions about this specific topic, and came a link the forum). However, I liked to know more about the different kinds of boobs out there, the difference/ and/or similarities, and which is good to buy. I was doing a little exploring in SL, and came across this group called Big Boobie Babes while in a shop that had clothes for women, specifically made for lolas and some others, and decided to join the group. (Yes, I new..)

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I know there have been similar questions like this asked before ( searched for questions about this specific topic, and came a link the forum). However, I liked to know more about the different kinds of boobs out there, the difference/ and/or similarities, and which is good to buy. I was doing a little exploring in SL, and came across this group called Big Boobie Babes while in a shop that had clothes for women, specifically made for lolas and some others, and decided to join the group. (Yes, I new..)

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No such systems are free. I will recommend "Puffy" that has a demo. The appliers for clothes made for Lolas work on Puffy as well, and they only cost 500§L.

But the downside is that few create skin appliers for Puffy, and here you need the ones made for Puffy, Lolas will not work.

Brands I know that make skin appliers is Pink Fuel, Aeva/Heartsick and The Sugar Garden. You can try to get a good match by adjusting the colors on the default boobs, but that will not give such a good match. You will need to count the cost of the appliers into the boob purchase, I think Pink Fuel cost me 200§L. Prices will vary. Here you can compare with Aeva: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Aeva-Heartsick-Skins-Rosie-Tone-4-Natural/4931640 Aeva also participate in regular events where you can get a skin with appliers very cheap.

I recommend Puffy because I own them and Lolas, and Puffy is the cheapest ones to start with. You say in another thread that you are new.

A new and interesting thing is the WoWmeh mesh body. This is so new that I hadn't had a chance to try it myself, but that I will do as soon as I get some time to log in. Google WoWmeh and WoWmeh review and try a demo from the marketplace.

The benefit for you is that there will be no seam that you need to blend in at the chest area. That can be a pain sometimes, because seams on clothes and body will not be perfect and the boobs have to be moved up and down. This is common for all brands, cheap and expensive.  But as some reviews has mentioned, hands and feet can be harder to match seamless. SL avatars is hard to get perfect. You who are new will not have a big expensive inventory already, you can build an inventory to fit the new body. The price is also low* and it is free updates for life. I think this will be interesting.

*Edit: The price is rising from day to day, I hope it stops around 1000§L! :womanfrustrated:

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General statement:

They come in 4 basic types (they could come in 5, but its been years since anyone did the 5th).

Built in: what you get on the regular avatar - its kind of two scoops of icecream plopped onto your chest - that crude in shape. Avatar physics can make it better or much worse, but it has limits. Skin makers have hidden just how horribly bad it is for years by adding all kinds of shading and highlighting to the bosom area. Try removing your skin and looking at it (best way to do this is to make a custom skin, using a texture like the 'free builder grid' from NCI, so that you can see the lines trace around and over it).

Sculpty: These were crude pre-mesh 'super size' solutions. They often look pretty weird... and they always need their own custom texture, so you can almost never get a good skin match. They cannot handle avatar physics so its like wearing a 1980s boob-job where the surgeon injected you with solid plastic.

unrigged mesh: The most common thing now, thnks to lolas. These can have very detailed and elegant shapes, and can use the same texture as your skin for almost perfect matching (not perfect because they are so often much bigger so the texture stretches a bit even where it meets the body). They cannot handle avatar physics so its like wearing a 1980s boob-job where the surgeon injected you with solid plastic.


Fitted mesh: the new thing, just starting to take off. So far I know of 4 or 5 different shops selling them. These can be just as detailed as unrigged mesh, take your skin's texture but with the same stretch issues (except that one of the 5 makers uses a custom UV so cannot take skin textures - but this one is advertised as unscripted and appears to be almost only for furries so easy to avoid).

The first big benefit of fitted mesh is avatar physics - or... jiggle and shake... You can use that to get comicly animated, or to just have a natural level of movement so it doesn't seem like clamped on plastic.

The second benefit of fitted mesh is that it responds to the size, bouyancy, and cleavage shape dials - meaning everyone who wears them will have a different look even if using the same product. If you've ever seen the clone armies wearing lolas, you can appreciate that this changes things a lot.


Almost all of these are also in super sizes... but one came out over the weekend from vString that is designed to be the same size as the built in default ones, just better shaped.

(So far, Tiny Things, Brazillia, and vStrings are the options. Then there is the unscripted one I noted above, and I am sure I encountered another one but I am drawing a blank.)

Tiny Things, Brazillia, and vStrings all work with "Lolas compatable appliers".


Because they're all so huge, I don't use one on my avatar - I have a faun alt I've been experimenting with. But I am now thinking of getting the 'petites' from vString as they're normal sized.


ps: anyone who has vString, look in your inventory for an updater, and put it on. Major update also just came out to ther prior fitted mesh. They now have 4 different fitted mesh sets, each of which has 3 different shapes - for 12 different shapes...


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Have you checked out this newcomer to the market,

Those don't seem to be fitted mesh by the text in the MP advert (browing with images off atm - if it says fitted in the image then I might be wrong).

If they're not fitted, they're basically obsolete.

For the bosom, fitted mesh is a game changer, due to avatar physics and being able to use your shape dials. Anything not fitted is really not worth considering. While there is a lot of room for discussion on the use of fitted mesh elsewhere - where it might still have some notable bugs, in this and in the 'butt props' - it works better than intended and changes so much that anything lacking it comes across as seeming broken...

Consider that without 'fitted', mesh boobs will be static, unmoving. Bounce scripts in them work by rotating the entire prop up and down on a cycle when walking... - and that looks funny, and can break when hitting a place without scripts or when removing and adding the prop when not in its default position... leaving your boobs looking like they've been half sliced off from the bottom up - kind of freaky the first time I saw that on my alt's old lolas.



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All I saw was the marketplace picture on the Perkies and as far as a 'natural look' (size & shape) goes they certainly do look good, actually very life like. 

You certainly would not mistake them for flotation devices.

(I know, it's personal preference, but oversized jigglies simply do not do it for me).


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I don't like the oversized either. I got them on my faun alt for a specific effect and because if you're going to be topless a lot, the default look of the SL avatar is horrid...

The vString petite is the first I've seen that was normal sized and fitted. I'll have to check out these perkies tonight.

Its the 'plastic rock' aspect of not having avatar physics that is a big motivator for me. You don't need to replace that with jello - but enough to show that this is a soft part of the body.


I can't imagine why someone would list a fitted mesh boob product and not say that in the description when its THE biggest selling point such a product has to offer.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:



I can't imagine why someone would list a fitted mesh boob product and not say that in the description when its THE biggest selling point such a product has to offer.


If her listing is to be believed this is something she made for herself and is marketing cause her friends have strongly suggested she do so.  It's her only product and she may not really understand all the foibles of listing on the Market.

The above is just a guess on my part.


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UncommonTruth wrote:

They are fitted mesh, I tried them and they look pretty good from what I could tell without appliers.

The perkies are NOT fitted mesh. The notecard with the demo for them even says they're unrigged.



Here's me on my alt editing them:


As you can see I've dragged them to the side - which is only possible in unrigged mesh.

The empty hole at chest level is my alpha that I wear with my current set, the petites - because the petites are only about 5-10% bigger than the default breasts, not wearing the alpha looks really weird... (the breasts undernear will randomly pop through). But because they're only 5-10% bigger, you can edit your breasts size down by 5-10% and get your normal size with them.

(5-10% because I'm guessing here).

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Oh wow, I just clicked the link, and those aren't even the same thing I demo'd O:  Now I have to log in to see what the fitted ones I tried were called. 


That was a pain in the you know what -.-   They only have the demo inworld, which I'd already deleted, so after combing through my tp history to find the store, I can give the LM, and the MP link for TaTas 

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Oh thanks for that. Demoing those now. They seem very well done.


The Tata's have a very natural shape to them. Probably the least fetishized of any I've seen so far. I'm testing them out with some very bouncy dances I have and nobody's smacking me in the face or sliding off over my elbows or anything which I -have- seen on one of the other models. They're bouncing more lifelike.

The developer notes that's working on an update with piercings and nipple variety - so these might very well end up the ideal choice for people looking for "normal and realisitc" breasts. These plus the vString Petites are the best for that I've seen so far, with the Tiny Things one very close behind (in my preference, the three are all good so others will have different preferences).




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Pussycat! I just wanted to thank you for your review of the Tatas :D. They have currently been updated to v1.2, which includes a new hud and yes, the piercings. v1.3 is in the works now as I keep getting requests for tweaks and changes. There are two major changes. One is the scripts, or shall I say, the lack thereof. The current Tatas have about 6 scripts. The new Tatas will only have Two, one for the appliers and one for the HUD, which after testing, averaged around .008ms script time. The other major change is going to be the 'sag factor'. After a variety of people have noted the breasts sit lower than they are used to, I've raised them slightly. The slight change has made a major impact. I've got a before an after, the only 'touchups' are the star coverage and cropping. Informationally: The sliders are at 40 breast size, 0 gravity, 20 cleavage and the windlight setting is "Nam's Beach Scene."





















To the left: The new WIP Tatas.

To the right: The current Tatas.

I'd love to hear comments!

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