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Deploys for the week of 2014-04-21

Maestro Linden

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Second Life Server (main channel)

No rolls are scheduled for the main channel this week.


Second Life RC BlueSteel and RC LeTigre:

No rolls are scheduled for RC BlueSteel or RC LeTigre this week.  Both channels will remain on the inventory update project.  This project enables support for a new version of the inventory service, AISv3.  To make use of this new feature, login with the Sunshine RC Viewer.


Second Life RC Magnum:

Magnum is on the same maintenance project as last week, but will be updated with a new version.  The new version fixes a bug that was discovered with the initial iteration of this project, BUG-5763.

Scheduled Wednesday 2014-04-23 07:00-10:30 PDT



We will be monitoring this thread as the code gets released, so feel free to note any observations you have about the server updates.  If you have a specific bug you'd like to report, please file a Jira

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I hope next week there will be a roll on the secondlife server, it needs it badly, chat lag is the worse i have ever seen,up to 10 sec at times to show, freezing for about 10sec. at times also, my security has told me the sim has restarted ( or maybe its the freezing) numerous times this week.

I logged in one day and i had 2 restart messages from my security system

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nikita Jefferson wrote:

I hope next week there will be a roll on the secondlife server, it needs it badly, chat lag is the worse i have ever seen,up to 10 sec at times to show, freezing for about 10sec. at times also, my security has told me the sim has restarted ( or maybe its the freezing) numerous times this week.

I logged in one day and i had 2 restart messages from my security system

Is this an Estate or Mainland you are talking about and to your knowledge has it actually been restarted?

I'm not sure if this is the correct terminolgy but a while back my SIM kept going momentarily "offline."  A SIM status reporter will report a 'restart' after this.  I filed a support ticket with the times.  A Linden came and did some 'maintenance' is how they described it and problem was resolved.  

ETA, I 'm assuming this problem with the restarts was not on a day restarts were scheduled.  There were some double restarts recently.

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Time is just an illusion.

Itterations of the main loop are more telling but we shall express them as time accumulated as they represent not quite arbitrary length slices of time.

default{    state_entry()    {        llSetTimerEvent(1.0);    }    timer()    {        integer frames=(integer)llGetEnv("frame_number");        llSetText("Simulation has been running " +            (string)(llFloor(frames / 3888000)) + " days " +            (string)(llFloor(frames / 162000) % 24) + " hours " +            (string)(llFloor(frames / 2700) % 60) + " minutes and " +            (string)(llFloor(frames / 45) % 60) + " seconds.", <1,1,1> ,1);    }}


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It's a homestead, i have had it for a year now.

No i am aware of when rolling restarts are done so it's not related to those.

I have no idea whether they are actual restarts or going offline momentarily

When i logged in earlier this evening i got the message that scripts had stopped working and now while i typed this i logged in to see if it happened again and it had, this is the message

[19:27]  Security Panel FULL: The scripts in this panel stopped running 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 7 seconds ago, but are running again as of now. Possible causes: Sim was restarted, Scripts were turned off, or SL was down.

We were racing our cars on the track earlier, i went off into space and my security gave the message that who i was racing had left the sim, then a couple of secs said she had entered the sim, i call it going off into space when the car just keeps going straight through everything and there is no control, when the sim goes back to normal i'm back on the track 

My partner and i have been standing talking to each other and when it happens no chat comes through at all, i cannot move foward or back, all keys and actions do not work, except i can turn completely around but that is all.

( She also experiences it to so it has nothing to do with routers or internet connections, she is in the UK i am in Canada)

It.s like a complete freeze of the sim.

This has only happened during the time there has been no rolling restarts for the secondlife server, we were hoping there would be one this week as there were non last week, and again non for this week, so we will have to wait and put up with it till hopefully they do one next week then we will see..

I have shops so this could be very annoying to customers

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nikita Jefferson wrote:


This has only happened during the time there has been no rolling restarts for the secondlife server, we were hoping there would be one this week as there were non last week, and again non for this week, so we will have to wait and put up with it till hopefully they do one next week then we will see..


This is your privilege to do, to wait for the restart.

Now I mean this nicely, but I also think you are wrong because what you are saying does not sound like your average everday SIM snafu.

First of all you are assuming a SIM restart is going to fix the problem.  It may or may not.  And then what if a few days after this abnormal problem starts up again.

Secondly, I don't know how far back the server logs go but they don't go back for an eternity.  So if the problem starts up again the Linden's may not have all the information they need when they investigate.

What if it's a random user generated evented that is causing it?  A script misfiring?  Etc?  If this is the case the Linden investigating it will inform you of the problem.  But again, they won't be able to find it with out the time stamps you have.

Honestly, it doesn't take that long to file a Support Ticket.  Yes I know we hear all kinds of stories about tickets taking forever to get responded to.  But my personal experience is in the past three years I have filed four support tickets for four different SIMs I encountered having problems and all four were responded to and fixed within 24 hours.

We do need to exercise good sense so we don't overwhelm Support with your average every day I think my SIM is laggy type reports.  But your situation is different.  You are experiencing a specific event that is outside the norm.


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Perrie, and Nikita

One issue that I have seen on Main Server in the last week or two is occasional physics collapses...usually only for a few milliseconds, but Physics FPS drops to zero and then recovers.  Now whether that sort of event could trigger the scripts' "Restart" message or not I do not know, but I have seen several on my homestead in the last ten days or so.

Despite there being no numerical signs of the fabled server "Memory Leak", I do wonder if the increasing twitchiness of many sims is symptomatic of the long time between LL restarts that has occurred on Main Server.

Re-reading Nikita's post, I think the phenomena I have seen are the same thing, but what it is I have no idea.

For the information of others, I take part in a great many ponysport events and I notice sim hiccups quite easily.

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Ayesha Askham wrote:

Perrie, and Nikita

One issue that I have seen on Main Server in the last week or two is occasional physics collapses...usually only for a few milliseconds, but Physics FPS drops to zero and then recovers.  Now whether that sort of event could trigger the scripts' "Restart" message or not I do not know, but I have seen several on my homestead in the last ten days or so.

Despite there being no numerical signs of the fabled server "Memory Leak", I do wonder if the increasing twitchiness of many sims is symptomatic of the long time between LL restarts that has occurred on Main Server.

Re-reading Nikita's post, I think the phenomena I have seen are the same thing, but what it is I have no idea.

For the information of others, I take part in a great many ponysport events and I notice sim hiccups quite easily.

SIM Hiccups happen, there is no question about that.  And your analysis may be right.

There is also no question that restarts can clean up data debris, for lack of a better term, on a Server.

But like I said, while we certainly don't want to overload the Linden's with frivilous Bug Reports, If you keep having a repeated problem file one.  They have better diagnostic tools available to them than we do.  It's possible the answer will be, "We don't know what is causing this."  But it also is very possible that they will. 

Also like I said, I can see viable reasons for not doing weekly rolling restarts.  But the Linden's as far as I know are not against restarting an indidual SIM if needed.  All four of the Mainland SIMs that I reported got that as well as what ever else they did on them.

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I have noticed since the updates and the maintence, I have been having a harder time logging on and staying logged in. You could say it was my internet but I never had this problem before, and I've been playing for the past 8 months. I am hoping there will be some fixes soon. 

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