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Grid Status Page updates

Ayesha Askham

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Once again we are left waiting for work to be signed off as either "Completed at this time" or some such.  Two entries on the GSP, both of which exhort users not to rez or buy items have been left hanging.

So, do we abide by the LL advice and refrain from rezzing "No Copy" items and transacting in SL this weekend or do we assume, as has happened so often of late, that the page has simply not been updated?

To those who seem to think I have nothing else to do other than to complain about the GSP I would simply say this;  I check the GSP everytime I log onto SL, as any sensible person would, just in case there are identified issues ongoing.  I DO expect the page to be competently updated.

The American Express and Inventory server work IS important and SHOULD be treated with more respect by the GSP staff.


ETA at 10:18 am SLT:  Well, well...so the inventory work was magically finished (until Monday) just after I mentioned it...fancy that!  As Malate notes below it looks like the AmEx work is still ongoing..

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you might want to re-look at the page.. 

Scheduled Inventory Database Maintenance

Posted by Status Desk on April 5th, 2014 at 07:18 am PDT

[postED 7:15 AM PDT, 05 April 2014] We will be performing scheduled inventory maintenance on Monday, April 7, 2014 at approximately 6:00 AM PDT. During this time, some residents may be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in, or experience inventory loading issues. This maintenance may also disrupt transactions. Please refrain from transacting with L$ or rezzing valuable (no-copy) items until the all-clear is given. Please check back here for updates.

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Yes, I saw it.  Your point is what?  My post was that two pieces of work were left hanging.  One was subsequently suspended for the weekend and will restart on Monday.

That does not change the fact that for a sustantial time, no update was posted on work that substantially affects users.

 You presumably do not find it significant the the update was posted a few minutes after my original question here.

[RESOLVED] Scheduled Inventory Database Maintenance

Posted by Status Desk on April 3rd, 2014 at 04:18 pm PDT

[RESOLVED 7:15 AM PDT, 05 April 2014] The scheduled inventory maintenance has been completed.

[postED 4:20 PM PDT, 03 April 2014] We will be performing scheduled inventory maintenance on Friday, April 4, 2014 at approximately 6:30 AM PDT. During this time, some residents may be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in, or experience inventory loading issues. This maintenance may also disrupt transactions. Please refrain from transacting with L$ or rezzing valuable (no-copy) items until the all-clear is given. Please check back here for updates.


To be plain, Drake, I do see LL working to improve our SL experience.  I do NOT see the Grid Status Page being updated in a timely matter.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

My point is if it isn't updated it is obviously still going on.

ETA.. Do you work 24/7? They don't, cut them some slack. At  7 am SLT I am stunned that anyone was at LL.

No, it's not obvious that the work is still going on.  That's an assumption.

The problem is that this is not a one off situation, it's a repetitive problem.  It happens over and over again.

Now, while how many people pay attention to Grid Status would be a separate issue, I was just told that beginning on Friday April 4th not to buy anything from you.  If people did pay attention to Grid Status, you would have gone for 24 hours with out sales.  And maybe after 24 hours I would have changed my mind and decided I don't need a kilt any ways.

Granted, the staff does not work 24/7/365.  But there is nothing to stop them from posting an update before they go home stating, "The Maintenance is still ongoing," and possibly including an estimated time of completion.

It's poor customer service.




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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


It's poor customer service.



Have they ever shown good customer service?

ETA. What you were actully told was to not use your Amex card. Not to stop buying things on the MP.

I was referring to the Status report quoted above in the thread as my example:

"[RESOLVED 7:15 AM PDT, 05 April 2014] The scheduled inventory maintenance has been completed.

[postED 4:20 PM PDT, 03 April 2014] We will be performing scheduled inventory maintenance on Friday, April 4, 2014 at approximately 6:30 AM PDT. During this time, some residents may be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in, or experience inventory loading issues. This maintenance may also disrupt transactions. Please refrain from transacting with L$ or rezzing valuable (no-copy) items until the all-clear is given."

Ayesha referenced in his OP more than just the AmEx maintenance.

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There are a few points there. 

One, Perrie answers as competently as I could and makes my point clearly.

Two, actually people DO work 24 hours most days at LL, it is a 24hr global service and SL is a Global creation.  I know Support only works West Coast business hours but that is immaterial.

At the time the postings are made it is plain that they work longer than West Coast business hours.

Three, cut them slack? No.  End of.

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Ayesha Askham wrote:


There are a few points there. 

One, Perrie answers as competently as I could and makes my point clearly.

Two, actually people DO work 24 hours most days at LL, it is a 24hr global service and SL is a Global creation.  I know Support only works West Coast business hours but that is immaterial.

At the time the postings are made it is plain that they work longer than West Coast business hours.

Three, cut them slack? No.  End of.

Please show an example of proof that there are people working at LL 24/7. 

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Four, now five with me included, paying attention to this thread (and the vital service it duscusses). It's obviously of major national security interest! I can't believe we don't have CIA operatives on the ground in San Fran investigating and hiring hookers, and why isn't the NSA sending drones out to surveil "the usual suspects". Its a slow day in the forums so I thought I'd contribute to the internet rage and drama. :smileyvery-happy:


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Cincia Singh wrote:

Four, now five with me included,
  paying attention
  responding to this thread (and the vital service it duscusses). It's obviously of major national security interest! I can't believe we don't have CIA operatives on the ground in San Fran investigating and hiring hookers, and why isn't the NSA sending drones out to surveil "the usual suspects". Its a slow day in the forums so I thought I'd contribute to the internet rage and drama. :smileyvery-happy:


Fixed that for you. 


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The Amex business is intriguing.

Any card payment system has controls on how maintenance is carried out. You write and test new code off-line, and that includes testing the installation procedure. Because when you do deploy the new code, or the new hardware, you can't stop half-way through without messing up the transactions in progress.

If the Labs have stopped work for the weekend, Amex payments have to be halted. If you're not getting an error message telling you no payments can be made, and any Merketplace purchase isn't properly handled, they're doing something wrong.

It's a bit like double-entry bookkeeping: you don't stop until all the entries for a transaction are complete. It's why you should have a UPS on the computer that runs the bookkeeping software.

They could be doing all this right, but past performance leaves me thinking that I cannot trust the Grod Status page.




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In the past, I have wondered if the people with the permissions to change the Gris Status Page are working on normal office hours. It would explain the failure to announce the server roll-outs have actually started at the time the process starts. But then there are announcements made late at night. It might be two shifts out of three.

If that's the problem, there may be ways around it. Think sudo for an instance of the sorts of password-protected accesses that can be done in Unix-derived systems.

Can we trust Grid Status if there are times when nothing can be posted? And then some Linden will tell us that there is such a method. Well, does anybody use it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't generally post in this part of the forums, but I noticed this thread, and tonight's (4 16 2014) entry on the Grid Status really had me shaking my head:

Scheduled Billing Maintenance

Posted by Status Desk on April 16th, 2014 at 02:58 pm PDT

[Posted 6:50 AM PDT, 10 April 2014] We will be performing scheduled maintenance on our billing engine today, beginning at approximately 10:00 AM PDT. During this time our billing services, including LindeX and Marketplace, will not be available. Please continue to check this blog for updates.

So, other than the fact that at 6:52 pdt my transactions page doesn't refresh and takes me to grid status, I have no idea what that message is supposed to communicate...or rather when it is communicating work will be done/was done...

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

I don't generally post in this part of the forums, but I noticed this thread, and tonight's (4 16 2014) entry on the Grid Status really had me shaking my head:

Posted by Status Desk on April 16th, 2014 at 02:58 pm PDT

[Posted 6:50 AM PDT, 10 April 2014] We will be performing scheduled maintenance on our billing engine today, beginning at approximately 10:00 AM PDT. During this time our billing services, including LindeX and Marketplace, will not be available. Please continue to check this blog for updates.

So, other than the fact that at 6:52 pdt my transactions page doesn't refresh and takes me to grid status, I have no idea what that message is supposed to communicate...or rather when it is communicating work will be done/was done...

I just tried to buy L$ and it gave me an error message.. At a guess, Maintenance isn't done yet.

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