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changing a skin questions

Elinah Iredell

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Hi everyone . I have been shopping for a new skin and found one I like but it needs changes. The face is pretty but its way too pale and freckled and has pale eyebrows . Is it possible to create a full body skin darkening tattoo with new eyebrows attached ? My computer can't see two tattoo layers at the same time so I can't add the eyebrows seperately. Is there any other way to add new eyebrows then with a tattoo ?





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Elinah Iredell wrote: 
[...] Is there any other way to add new eyebrows than with a tattoo?

No; tattoos are the only layer type that covers the face.



Elinah Iredell wrote: 
My computer can't see two tattoo layers at the same time [...]

Are you positive about this? A viewer that supports SSA (made mandatory some time ago in order to be able to see any layer at all, instead of just grey), but not multi-layers, wouldn't be quite common.

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Hi thanks for the reply. It's a shame they don't allow the ability to put makeup and eyebrows on the hair base creator. Is it hard to add eyebrows to a tattoo skin darkener ? I have never created a tattoo before and wonder if a full body tattoo with  new eyebrows added is too hard to pull off . The eyebrows are small compared to the rest of the full body tattoo texture.



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1) Almost all skin makers produce skins in a wide range of skin tones with or without freckles and with a variety of eyebrow options. The skin you saw will probably be available in another skin tone - you may have only seen one promotional offer but there may be a whole range in their store, or will be shortly.

2) What viewer are you using? I don't know of any viewers that support server-side appearance (in other words, that will allow you to see other avatars with skins and system clothing) that don't support multiple items (i.e. multiple tattoos) on a layer.

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I just edited my first answer asking for a clarification, hoping we might be able to suggest you a viewer suitable for your computer and multi-layer compatible.


As for your new question: that depends on your Photoshop skills. There are templates to ease the job, and with some tricks (such as using the local texture function, if your viewer supports it, and if you have the latest Photoshop, even using its new Generator automation), you may find it reasonably easy to superimpose eyebrows to that skin darkener.

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Hi thanks again. I just assume I can't have two tattoos on at once become whenever I try on a tattoo makeup demo and already have a head color tattoo under my hair  for instance it disappears . I cant wear two tattoos  at once unless there is a way to do it I don't know. I have the latest version of sl I downloaded from this website so I don't understand it, but if there are others on sl  that still can't see all the tattoo layers then maybe I should only wear one anyway?

I just read up a little on how to create a tattoo and  just created my first full body skin darkening tattoo. It was easier than I thought it would be . I think adding eyebrows won't be hard because you can add each texture for each parts of the body seperately . I had thought it was one texture for the whole body at once but since it's seperated into head, upper, and lower body its easier to customize each area. I can probaby make other small changes to any skin as well.  There are many pretty skins out there but I have yet to find one that has everything I like all at once. With a tattoo layer I can make a custom skin ( well my abillities only allow for minor changes ) as long as it's not too much work it might be fun .

I have also decided not to buy the pale freckled skin and so far pale is the only version it comes it they  do offer an open mouth version and a tattoo of slightly darker eyebrows but I still don't like them ... I found another skin I like even more. I was thinking though that new one I like needed more shading on the nose so I might try to make a tattoo for that and see how it goes.,


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Hi thanks for the reply. I didn't realize that there are two different ways to put on the makeup tattoos . I always just clicked on them. I tried what you said and chose add  and it worked ! I can wear two at once . Thank you so much .

I have read though that some on sl still can't see two tattoo layers at once so I wonder if everyone can see them? Isn't it true some computers can't see or use tattoos at all ?


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Elinah Iredell wrote: [...]
 Isn't it true some computers can't see or use tattoos at all?

I doubt so. Since SSA was enabled, all the baking process (regardless of the number and type of layers) is done on external servers which then return the final result of your appearance; all your computer has to do is tell those servers what are you wearing. Therefore, as long as your viewer knows how to tell them (in other words: is SSA-compatible), it needs relatively little processing power; in fact, that aspect can easily be handled even by average smartphones running specific viewers for those devices, such as Lumiya.... or, yes, text viewers for low-end computers.


The only viewers uncapable of it would be old ones predating the introduction of multi-layers in SL; and since that was well before SSA, any viewer not having multi-layers would lack SSA as well... and would therefore be incompatible with current SL at all, with the result that the whole avatar would look grey regardless of what layers it was wearing.

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UncommonTruth wrote:

The simplest answer to your tatoo layer problem is that you are probably choosing to 'wear' them, instead of 'add' .  Always right click and add the layer, or it will replace any you already have on.

Yes, this is exactly the issue. I would also like to add that when you wear tattoo layers in the same area, make sure you ADD them in a correct order, so the last layer is over the previous. For example: If you wear a lipstick color layer and you want to wear a glossy enhanced look over that lipstick, you need to wear them in that order. So, you ADD the lipstick color first then ADD the gloss layer second.


When it comes to alphas, tattoos, or objects such as rings, multiple necklaces, cuffs, shoes, or anything that may attach to the same spot, it's always wise to choose ADD and not choose WEAR. Good advice Uncommon:matte-motes-big-grin:

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Hi thanks everyone. I have in my storage area an old mac computer bought in 2007 or 2008 forgot which. I think it predates the tattoo feature in sl . I just didn't know if I could still use it for sl or not. I just remember trying it once and it didnt seem to see mesh very well .

I left sl for a while and so now need to catch up on things a bit. I used to create  textures and try them out on the beta grid first. Do people still use beta grid to test their textures before uploading it to the real sl?



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I have no idea about the beta grid, I never used it. On your upload menu inside of SL however, there is a temporary upload option. It is free, and the texture works just like an actual upload, except that nobody but you will be able to see it. To others it will just appear grey, and it only stays until you logout, then disappears from your inventory. 

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Elinah Iredell wrote: [...] 
Do people still use beta grid to test their textures before uploading it to the real SL?

Yes but, as the previous answer states, you have zero-cost options in the main grid; I didn't know that temporary textures as such were still available, but local ones (essentially the same, and in a few aspects even more convenient) surely are.


The thing with older, less powerful computers is that many people get discouraged when SL viewers by default run poorly on them; even though most try detecting the hardware capabilites and adjust accordingly, it's far from a smart adjustment, often lowering some settings too much and others too little -understandably enough, since a truly smart adjustment would have to include each user's personal preferences, which the program can't possibly know.

So I always recommend trying anyway, beginning with any given overall setting (the performance-quality global slider) that will let you in fact log in and do things, then start slowly and carefully changing specific settings, not only in the advanced graphic preferences section but even going deep into the Debug Settings if necessary, all the while observing the effects in framerate and rendering quality, until you strike the best possible balance. I found that many users who believed their equipment too old for any significant SL activity, changed their minds after seeing what some fiddling with settings can achieve :smileywink:

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Thanks everyone again. Can anyone tell me how to access the free option for uploadiing textures on the main grid? I went to the upload area and I could not figure it out.

It's nice to know there is still hope for. older computers to have value and usefullness. My old  mac is still probably better for graphic art then my newer  windows laptop, I had thought that was about all I could use it for.

You know the weirdist glitch happened to me on sl yesterday. I signed on and all of a sudden my eyebrows jumped up higher on my avatar's face and I had not touched it ! I could not get them to back to normal and even on the lowest setting they stayed higher than I wanted . In all the time I have been in sl that has never happened before I tried everything . I changed  body shape , changes skin, changed eyebrow shaper, cleared cache, cleared history , even tried to newbie myself and start over  , Nothing helped. I wonder if it had something to do with the fact that I had just gone back onto the beta grid for the first time that day  . Anyway I signed on today and the eyebrow settings are all back to normal.


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Elinah Iredell wrote:

Thanks everyone again. Can anyone tell me how to access the free option for uploadiing textures on the main grid? I went to the upload area and I could not figure it out.

Use local texture feature.




Please note that only the person applying the local texture will see it, others will not see the texture. Local textures are just meant to test the textures for free. In the end when the texture looks ok, you must upload the final one so that others will see it too.

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