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Elinah Iredell

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Everything posted by Elinah Iredell

  1. Hi I think you should keep a female body like any Maitreya Lara and all the Maitreya Lara X bodies including the flat and petite. , and look for clothes made with a unisex style. Here is an example there are many others: Technofolk
  2. Thank you for your reply. Are you saying the creator of the mesh item actually did choose the modifiable permission, but a script somewhere inside of it changed that into showing up as no modify? That does make sense because a favorite mesh shoe creator often has a hud with 3 colors, but I can further change the colors in edit which I really love. Does this mean she actually chose a modifiable permission, but the texture script caused the permission to change and appear to be no modify when it actually is modifiable? And what I meant by calling a texture no modify, is that when I work on a texture or a photo in photoshop, it often starts out as being locked when I first open it up, but I change that, which I assume affects things, though I admit I do not know for sure.
  3. Why is it that some no modify mesh creations I have bought in stores still have the ability to be able to tint the texture color in edit, while other mesh creations that also say no modify do not have tinting ability anymore? How do I create a no modify full perm texture on a mesh dress that allows for tinting in edit? I consider tinting the color to be useful and would like to keep that ability, How do I do it?
  4. Hi I was wondering how to find out if stores that sell high quality clothes , animation overrides , or furnishings are having big sales right now? I belong to many store groups, but I just don't seem to find out they had a big sale until after it's over.. How do I find out about big storewide sales going on in second life?
  5. There are some mean people on these group chat message boards .They are fan boys or fan girls and hang around to say things like " hugs" to other group members and gush about how wonderful the store's items for sale are. They will not allow you to have a complaint or they will gang up on you like a mob and attack. Even group members who claim to be store owners themselves and who should behave professionally, will sometimes get into the act if they are .on there .l was surprised when you described how the moderator was behaving ,since that person is supposed to keep things friendly and polite. You have nothing to apologize for, if I was the store owner I would not appreciate a customer being treated rudely . Glad they made things right and stuck up for you I have been attacked by some people on those types of group boards before . It is things like that can make me consider taking a break from this game. And at times I have, but not everyone acts like those people in this game.This forum has nice people to discuss things with . In future you can send a notecard with your questions directly to the sales customer service of a store. Avoid the message boards.
  6. Thank you both again I do feel confused about the meaning of the phrase "BOM" and what it means. I thought baked on mesh was referring to the skin you wear on your classic avatar diirectly that shows up on the mesh avatar when baked on mesh is enabled, but baked on mesh can also include both the tattoo and clothing layers too? What layer is the alpha on?
  7. Thank you both for your answers. I usually just wear the alpha layer covering of private areas from the mesh body hud but wonder how quickly that will rez compared to the tattoo or clothing layers ? I also noticed how the new Lara x mesh body doesn't seem to need to use an alpha covering the classic avatar body anymore, so will that classic body underneath the mesh body show up naked in high lag areas before the mesh body goes on ? Do you think a combination of options will work better than just one? I do see how creating a skin with a baked on mesh bra and panties on it would be a good idea, of course it could get in the way of certain strapless dresses and tops so better to use pasties. I don\t see it done by skin makers very often, but I can create my own skin if i have to.
  8. I have been wondering, which option is going to rez more quickly for modesty on a mesh body, an alpha,, a tattoo layer bra and panties, or a clothing layer bra and panties in high lag areas ? Which is best to hide the private areas of a mesh body when going to places in second life where avatar's clothes are not rezzing quickly and many will appear naked for a long time ? How do I prevent that from happening to me?
  9. Please keep me updated on your progress. It sounds like fun.
  10. Hi Thank you for your answer. Why does trying on an older skin with an Evo x head cause the head of the skin to flip upside down? I also notice the chest shading on the Maitieya x mesh bodies seems a little off in some lighting with these older skins,. is there a reason for that? I will apply for the developer kits and try to make things look better. Should be interesting.
  11. Hi. I have some skins I created many years ago,, and I was wondering if it is possible to flip the head of the skin over to work with the evo x heads? Has anyone done this and is it hard ? Also how do you make the body of the skin compatible with maitreya lara x and other mesh body types ? I just want to do this for myself probably not going to sell any of them.
  12. I agree with what many are saying on here about this. Not only find a head shape that looks like you, but the skin is also very important too. A skin can completely change how you avatar head looks. Can you go back to your original skin maker and see if they have any evo x compatible skins for sale?
  13. Thank you for telling me I grabbed it I just abandoned my stilt home on the water. I told everyone in the Bellisaria citizen's group first as a courtesy though.They ask us to. I do not know if it is still there I just let it go.
  14. I would love to have that home.I have been considering abandoning my own linden home to start afresh too. It is a linden home?
  15. Okay I have to chime in here. The poster who critizied the mesh heads has a right to her opinion, and I have to say in all honestly, I have been in this game a very long time and I also have a lot of trouble getting certain features to look good on many of the heads, though a well made skin can help . You all sound like an angry mob . Worse than twitter.
  16. I do not understand , I would have thought that the lelutka evo head required an evo skin but you seem to be saying the opposite that I cannot wear an evo skin for an evo head? How do I choose a skin what should it say?
  17. Sounds confusing. How does the lelutka head compare with the hd pro in terms of high definition detailing?
  18. Thank you that is what turned out to be the problem the skin demos I had that claimed to be for evo x were not compatible with it , and so I felt there was something wrong with the head , but I did find a demo skin that worked , now I realize the problem was the demo skins and not the lelutka evo head.
  19. Thank you for your reply. I did not purchase the lelutka evo head , it was just a demo, but I did get some demo skins that were supposed to be made for the evo head try to use with it. I wanted to try the evo version not the older version, so I did click on the evo option on the hud and that is when it became upside down . I could not make it look normal at all. Update : I went back and tried again with the Lelutka Evo demo skins I had and I did find one that actually worked and made the Lelutka Evo head look normal, However the demo came with both a bom skin and a separate head overlay skin demo and only the overlay add on worked, but when wearing just the demo of the skin the head still was upside down. None of the other skins I had that were claiming to be for the evo head worked but I did find that one. I guess there is hope.
  20. Can anyone please explain to me how to use these new uv style Lelutka evo heads? The features are upside down no matter what I do . They say put everything on and it will look normal I tried it with the alpha and without, but it was still upside down, they also say put on an evo skin it will look normal, nope not then either. Their frequently asked questions do not include this issue they do not seem to think the features looking terrible is important I guess. The notecard mentions contacting the team if you have questions but I could not find out how to contac the team. Anyway life is too short I could not figure it out. It was frustrating I tried and tried and gave up. It is just a creepy looking upside down head to me.
  21. Reign is a good suggestion and you can find some gachas still for sale from Reign that have a hud with color options. They are a lot less than the ones in the store. I have a ballet flat style from Reign. The gacha offers versions of the shoe without ties or with ties in various heights. They come with a hud with different colors. They are called Reign ballet flats. Here is a photo of two of the styles. #7 and #8 ( shown in the opposite order ) . I personally like the ballet styles.
  22. Those are really pretty I love the style, but I went to the store to try them on I did have a problem with the kitten heel not fitting well when I moved . The back of the heel area poked through sometimes. I tried making my foot size smaller but did not help. I may buy them anyways though because they are so pretty.
  23. I play gachas because I can get high quality items I like at a good price, so getting the junk commons over and over is not a funny joke to me. I have to pay for that joke. I guess getting the "booby prize" may be funny once in while but certainly not all the time. That is why I prefer to get any gacha I want on the marketplace or at resale shops but again the price could be higher than if I got it directly from the gacha. Also I like to try a demo for clothing items and I have to find that at the gacha itself. Now that gachas have been outlawed how can we still sell and buy them ? I assume gacha resale will still be legal since it is not a game of chance anymore , you know exactly what you are buying. Will it just be in the used section on the marketplace again? That is where it used to be before they created the gacha section. I would think we could all still trade and sell our gachas under a different name after gachas go away . Is there a new name for them yet?
  24. I will check it out thank you. Update I checked it out really beautiful. I have a new fav environment. Thank you so much It would have been hard for me to create this myself.
  25. That is very interesting information I did not know that. Can you tell me how to identify the skins with the specular feature and which you consider dull? What type of skin do you recommend and can you create one yourself in photoshop?
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