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What is going on with SL lately?

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This is still happening to me BTW. Things are loading just like in my original picture, it takes about 10+ restarts of firestorm, at least 1 clear cache to fix it. Its horrible. It makes the game annoying to play. I am also using the Verizon FiOS internet service, but I have a good plan. Not sure what it would be that would cause it as I am not really good with networking and crap like that but I have a 45mbps DL speed and 15 MBPS UL speed. I use Wifi, but the routers close and ive never had this problem.

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Jandid Harcourt wrote:

This is still happening to me BTW. Things are loading just like in my original picture, it takes about 10+ restarts of firestorm, at least 1 clear cache to fix it. Its horrible. It makes the game annoying to play. I am also using the Verizon FiOS internet service, but I have a good plan. Not sure what it would be that would cause it as I am not really good with networking and crap like that but I have a 45mbps DL speed and 15 MBPS UL speed. I use Wifi, but the routers close and ive never had this problem.

This is really nervewrecking. I wonder what the issue with Verizon is?

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Illuminatra wrote:

I honestly think that this is an issue with Firestorm. Second Life was working fine last week until Friday.

Did you try some other viewer when this problem occurred?


It's always good to have two or three different viewers installed. One TPV of your preference and latest Linden Lab viewer would be a good combination. Then it is easy and quick to test does the same problem happen also with Linden Lab viewer. If the same thing happens in both viewers then it is a strong indication that it is not an issue with viewers but a server issue. Then there is no reason to start re-installing a viewer multiple times and clearing cache multiple times in a futile effort to solve problems.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

If the Firestorm team "doesn't care", can you explain to me why they invest so much time in development and support, all without pay (and taking a lot of abuse from "customers")?  

No update since October. I hate to say it, but their TPV competition is way ahead of them. I don't care at all for the UI of SIngularity or Cool Viewer - but at least those two stay current. And they have much tougher jobs than Firestorm as they stay current while using a v1 like UI.

Other TPVs too... stay current.

So what's going on?

If they can't adapt to agile development and up the pace to at least the pace LLs sets - maybe they should retire the project and hand the TPV baton off to people who can.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

If the Firestorm team "doesn't care", can you explain to me why they invest so much time in development and support, all without pay (and taking a lot of abuse from "customers")?  

No update since October.
I hate to say it
, but their TPV competition is way ahead of them.

If they can't adapt to agile development and up the pace to at least the pace LLs sets - maybe they should retire the project and hand the TPV baton off to people who can.



Please. You've been knocking Firestorm for years; it's like a freaking moral campaign with you. That's fine, you have a right to your silly opinions. Just spare us the phony sympathy. "I hate to say it..". What a load of codswallop.

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I go back and forth on them. But if you have a skewed perception of me you won't see that. Right now - they are being very slow, and they need to be called out on it.

You can try to twist this around and make it your vendetta against me. But I'm not the one who's viewer hasn't been updated since October.


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I am very slow, and glad no one feels they are obliged or entitled to "call me out on it" -- and I get paid for my efforts, unlike the FS team.

I cant use FS any more with my configuration, but I know most do fine with it, so I am not going to abuse them for my inability to use the product. They get to decide what update schedule they want to have, and we get to decide whether to use FS or not. 


FS support has been incredibly helpful and patient -- and many times I have been disgusted and outraged by those who abuse them. Again, that sense of entitlement. 




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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Vendetta? What on earth are you talking about? Someone makes a surly post and it's a vendetta? Get over it.

Yes, I am tired of your yammering about Firestorm and finally blew up and said so. But no, I'm not going to be hunting you down and challenging your every post.

I wouldn't worry bout it.  She has said similar to me because I have disagreed with her on a topic a few times also.

But getting back on the (hijacked) topic, I run two viewers, the official SL and Firestorm.  The main reason I use the SL Viewer is to stay a little up to date for the purpose of helping people.  But performance wise, on MY computer, I see no difference.  So 90% of the time, because I prefer its GUI, I stick with FS.

Would I love to see an update?  Certainly.  Is it worth getting rankled about?  Well the Firestorm Team owes none of us anything.

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