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Advice needed on how to price my 512

Elinah Iredell

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Hi I have decided to sell my beautiful 512 that I have had for many years here in sl  I left sl for a while and have now returned. I chose the land well it has water on 2 sides and  protected linden water all around . There are only two neighbors and they both own much more land that I do,they have done beautiful things with their land and the whole area looks very beach like and tropical and serene. I looked at many of  the 512 land currently available for sale and saw only one I thought was as nice as my own. It was going for a ridiculously high price. They wanted 1 million linden for it! Thats more than a private island used to cost ! I saw other 512 priced almost  that high as well. I couldnt believe it. I know its been a long time since I looked at land prices but are they really going for that high ? I dont know what price is reasonable currently . I have imed my neightbors as a courtesy to give them a chance to grab it before it officially goes up for sale . I believe they may make me offers and I dont know what price is fair. Advice would be welcome .Thanks


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Elinah Iredell wrote:

Hi I have decided to sell my beautiful 512 that I have had for many years here in sl  I left sl for a while and have now returned. I chose the land well it has water on 2 sides and  protected linden water all around . There are only two neighbors and they both own much more land that I do,they have done beautiful things with their land and the whole area looks very beach like and tropical and serene. I looked at many of  the 512 land currently available for sale and saw only one I thought was as nice as my own. It was going for a ridiculously high price. They wanted 1 million linden for it! Thats more than a private island used to cost ! I saw other 512 priced almost  that high prices  as well. I couldnt believe it. I know its been a long time since I looked at land prices but are they really going for that high ? I dont know what price is reasonable currently . I have imed my neightbors as a courtesty to give them a chance to grab it before it officially goes up for sale . I believe they may make me offers and I dont know what price is fair. Advice would be welcome .Thanks


The prices on some of those parcels almost amounts to extortion.

If your parcel is that prime you could get very well above average for it.

But you are going to need to decide for yourself what you consider reasonable. 


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Hi thanks for your reply. I feel torn and confused. I mean I could really use that money right now and if  the going rate for my land is that ridiculously high I would be stupid  not to sell it wouldnt I? And yet I dont want to take advantage of anyone.. I really don't entertain much actually not at all. And I prefer my low prim skybox for privacy when I want to change clothes or try on demos, or whatever. I have always felt uncomfortable with the knowledge that anyone nearby can focus their camera into my land and see me at any time so I  also have a skybox .

For most of my time in sl I have been a mermaid that gets legs when I want to , so I made my land  a  realistic underwater world and lived under the water  I think my neighbors like  living next to me because of it I wll miss my pretty land but I don't really need it. I guess I have a decision to make.

Here is a link to my land in sleepover anyone is welcome to tp over there and give me their opinion I need some advice please one of my neighbors has already shown an interest.

Protected water Elinah Iredell, Sleepover (238, 248, 13) - Moderate


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Elinah Iredell wrote:

Hi thanks for your reply. I feel torn and confused. I mean I could really use  that money right now and if  the going rate for my land is that ridiculously high I would be stupid  not to sell it/ wouldnt ? And yet I dont want to take advantage of anyone.. I really don't entertain much actually not at all. And I prefer my low prim skybox for privacy when I want to change clothes or try on demos, or whatever. I have always felt uncomfortable with the knowledge that anyone nearby can  focus their camera into my land and see me at any time so I  also have a skybox .

For most of my time in sl I have been a mermad that gets legs when I want to , so I made my land  a  realistic underwater world and lived under the water  I think my neighbots like  living next to me because of it I wll miss my pretty land but I don't really need it. I guess I have a decision to make.

Here is a lnk to my land in sleepover anyone is welcome to tp over there and give me their opinion I need some advice please one of my neighbors has already shown an interest.

Protected water Elinah Iredell, Sleepover (238, 248, 13) - Moderate


Some of those places will never sell.

Also there is one land company sets high prices but when you TP over there are rental boxes.  High rent but when soemone rents they remove it from sale.  I think they do that to get attention on the map.

My best suggestion is pick a middle of the road price between what you think is fair and what is extortion.

Also what I did when I was selling my land is I put up a visitor tracker.

I asked folks who didn't buy what they thought was reasonable and one of them made an acceptable offer.

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You apparently don't know that you now have complete privacy on your land and no one can cam in on you if you set it up that way  Here is a link about how to do it.

Maybe you'll change your mind now, but if not....

Ignore the ridicules prices like a million for a 512sqm.  No one in their right mind is paying that.  People do that as a way to get their rentals in search without having to pay for an ad.  If they actually sell it to some clueless person, so much the better.

Linden sells abandoned land for 1L/sqm.  Most of it is interior land that isn't that desirable. Since your land is a corner lot on the Blake Sea it is probably as prime as you can get  .  I'd search for real ads for Blake Sea land of any size., TP there and if a rental is available ignore that price unless it appears to be in line with other ads you find.  Search here in the forum, on marketplace, classifieds and land search and figure out the amount per sqm they are asking.  For a quick sale at a fair price ask the average rate sqm times 512.  If you can hold out longer, charge a higher  ot the highes realistic rate because land on the Blake Sea sells pretty fast anyway.

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Thanks for the replies . A visitor tracker sounds like a good idea, When I asked my neighbor to make me an offer when he said he wanted to buy my land he wouldnt he wanted me to tell him a price. I was thinking of iming people on my friend's list and asking for advice ( some of whome I may have met only once and never spoke to again lol ) .Still if the price isnt high enough I might as well keep the land . I do like it.

How did you know my land was on the Blake Sea ? What is the Blake Sea lol ? I guess I should say that when I make my ad,.You also write that people cant watch others anymore ? They cant focus through a wall and watch you ? That would be great! Of course I always thought those yellow ban lines were ugly. I never used them. I wish they were more invisible .



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ps I just downloaded the new sl viewer to be able to set privacy controls , When I went online with it to my land for the first time I found a bunch of plants and other things rezzed on my land I couldn't see before ( I was using  the exodus viewer )and it looked awful.. I had tried to rez some plants and wondered why it didnt work and I couldnt see them and now with the sl viewer there they were ! I didnt even know they were there. Andsome of  my fish rezzers didnt work before either and now they do. I cant recommend the exodus viewer to anyone now because of this,


I am still trying to figure out the privacy controls thanks for the info and advice.



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Elinah Iredell wrote:

ps I just downloaded the new sl viewer to be able to set privacy controls , When I went online with it to my land for the first time I found a bunch of plants and other things rezzed on my land I couldnt see before ( I was using  the exodus viewer )and it looked awful.. I had tried to rez some plants and wondered why it didnt work and I couldnt see them and now with the sl viewer there they were, ! Ididnt even know they were there. Andsome of  my fish rezzers didnt work before either and now they do. I cant recomend the exosus viewwer to anyone now because of this,


I am still trying to figure out the privacy controls thanks for the info and advice.



In "About Land," Options tab, uncheck "see and chat with other residents on this parcel."


Please note, this does not hide your presence on the parcel, you will still show up as a dot on the map and a radar will see you are there.  Also, people will still be able to see what you have on the parcel.  It will only be your Avatar that will be invisible to any one outside your parcel and a side effect is that Avatars outside your parcel will be invisble to you.

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Thanks I think I have it now . i have made the privacy change to may land.This is wonderfu! A lot has changed in sl . I do wonder one thing though. Hypothetcally speaking if someone is in their house on their land and someone else nearby steps onto the same land they will regain the ability to look into the house and see the avatar in there ? And the person who owns the land may not even realize anyone is on their land and is watching them? I wonder if there is a way to alert you when someone steps onto your land.

I have been looking at the expensive 512 land for sale  and its confusing  . While a few are offered for rent many seem to genuinely want to sell, One seemed to be surrounded by stores so perhaps thought someone who wants to start a business in sl would have deep pockets, others dont seem to realize their land is overpriced is all I can think of. or maybe they added one zero too many by mistake because they dont seem very desirable for the price,.  Some are very nice but I dont know what to think of it. I just know I wouldnt pay it lol . I guess the question is at what price does desirable land start to sell  and not just sit there unwanted?


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Yeah, if somebody is able to get on a "privacy" parcel, they can see the same as if the parcel wasn't private. If that's really a big deal, you'd need to restrict access (at ground level, or use scripted security at skybox altitudes). Restricted parcel access, however, is pretty unfriendly -- shows ugly banlines to neighbors and passersby -- thus greatly reducing the value of all land in the vicinity.

It's certainly possible to get a warning when anybody "intrudes" on the parcel, but this is basically the same functionality as a visitor counter, so it would be bad to do both separately.

Land prices are very difficult to interpret. You have to bear in mind that any price you see is for land that hasn't (yet) sold at that price. Some of it is set for sale only to make it appear yellow on the map, really just as advertising, with no intention of selling at any price.

[Edit: some kruft removed -- I hadn't seen that you'd already posted a link to the land location.]

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Hi thanks for the reply. I agree those yellow ban lines are ugly. With all the changes in sl since I joined you would think they could do something about it. Does linden  have a suggestion box lol ? And yes it is a big deal if someone can still find a way to watch you on your land. It  kind of defeats the whole purpose of the privacy controls. I honestly dont want someone watching me trying on a new skin or changing clothes .

Any advice on a price for my land? Someone who buys and sells land has now shown an interest in it and once again like my neighbor wont make me an offer of a price  ... I think maybe people are playing haggling games with me... it is a little frustrating.



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Elinah Iredell wrote:

Hi thanks for the reply. I agree those yellow ban lines are ugly. With all the changes in sl since I joined you would think they could do something about it. Does linden  have a suggestion box lol ? And yes it is a big deal if someone can still find a way to watch you on your land. It  kind of defeats the whole purpose of the privacy controls. I honestly dont want someone watching me trying on a new skin or changing clothes .

Any advice on a price for my land? Someone who buys and sells land has now shown an interest in it and once again like my neighbor wont make me an offer of a price  ... I think maybe people are playing haggling games with me... it is a little frustrating.



I'll throw out a number - L$10000. That would be about L$20 per square meter. It really is an exceptional location and it would be ideal for a sailor who wants a small lot to keep their boat and maybe a little beach shack.  I'm not saying it will sell instantly at that price; I'm not saying someone wouldn't pay more if you waited. If *I* saw that price before I got my current lot (which is in a really exceptional location) I would probably have bought it at that price though, just for the sea access.

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Well, it is a truly exceptional spot, all on its own, so I think it could fetch more than L$10K. Thing is, it may fetch more than L$100K if the neighbours could be tempted into a bidding war. One of them is encroaching nearly all the way across the parcel, above the surface (and the other is bigger and has banlines)... although both seem to be rentals, so while the owners may have deep pockets they may not be quite as motivated as somebody more personally invested in the spot.

Which is a long-winded way of saying that I really have no clue what price to put on this parcel.

So, a "suggestion box"... yeah, there's the jira, where you can file a bug report and mark it prominently as a "feature request"... but in this case, the current parcel privacy thing is the result of a lot of suggestions; it's not ideal, but it's an improvement. And believe it or not, the banlines are (a bit) less intrusive than they used to be, too, after numerous attempts and much complaining.

In this particular case, if I genuinely cared about pixel privacy for some activities, I'd just use that skybox and leave the ground level open. Others may feel differently, but a 512 right at the corner with three open-water Blake Sea sims? It's just way too cool to waste with banlines (and too small to get much advance warning of intrusion).

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Thanks everyone its really special to be told I have such a nice little piece of land. I wish it were that way in rl lol. I probably wouldnt sell for $10000 simply because my main reason for selling is just to make some rl money and that isnt enough to tempt me . The one thing about my land I wish were different is that I would love an above the water white sand beach . I think land that is both above and below the water is really pretty. I was shocked at how hard it is to replace this lot I own with another corner lot. I havent found any. Maybe linden needs to create more of them? Are land prices high right now like they are in rl or are they dropping? I have  gone to visit other land for sale at all sizes as was suggested, I dont want more then 512 ( well if they didnt charge extra for the larger parcels I would ) I dont really need more, but there was one lot that was so pretty I didnt want to leave.  I also noticed some land that seemed to be on the water was actually next to linden  abandoned land.Does abandoned land always get sold eventually or do some just stay that way ?      

Having both a skybox for privacy and the lower land to hang out in is the way I have always done it . I still have the skybox and go there a lot and you are right about my neighbors yellow ban lines they do look bad I wish he would get  rid of them.

 And while we are on the subject of new changes and suggestions I have another one. I first joined sl way back in 2006 I left for a couple of years and have come back. Even then linden offered those 1 prim trees and plants for landscaping and nobody knew how they did it.  They are 3 dimensional and only 1 prim! And they have improved them too. The trees used to sway back and forth, not just the leaves but the whole trunk ! Why doesnt linden share the technology of how they create them with the sl community ? Imagine what some of the talented residents of sl could create for only 1 prim?




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Elinah Iredell wrote:


 And while we are on the subject of new changes and suggestions I have another one. I first joined sl way back in 2006 I left for a couple of years and then came back. Even then linden offered those  1 prim trees and plants  for landscaping and nobody knew how they did it.  They are 3 dimensional and only 1 prim! And they have improved them too. The trees used to sway back and forth ,not just the leaves but the whole trunk ! Why doesnt linden share the  technology  of how they create them with the sl community ? Imagine what some of the talented residents of sl could create for only 1 prim?




Good (unanswered) question.



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Elinah Iredell wrote:


 And while we are on the subject of new changes and suggestions I have another one. I first joined sl way back in 2006 I left for a couple of years and have come back. Even then linden offered those 1 prim trees and plants for landscaping and nobody knew how they did it.  They are 3 dimensional and only 1 prim! And they have improved them too. The trees used to sway back and forth, not just the leaves but the whole trunk ! Why doesnt linden share the technology of how they create them with the sl community ? Imagine what some of the talented residents of sl could create for only 1 prim?





That's an easy one.  It would be to their disadvantage to have everything be one prim because people wouldn't buy as much land and LL wouldn't make as much money.

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About those Linden plants: they did have some very special attributes, but to be fair, there are some pretty amazing low-prim (low "land impact") plants from private parties, some made with Mesh and some still with sculpties. The land impact is trickier to manage with Mesh because it's so sensitive to scale, but it comes "Materials-ready" -- which is kind of a big deal.

One of those "special attributes" of Linden plants was that they never had the hideous "alpha sorting" problem, where partially transparent textures would flicker, "fighting" for which one rendered on top of the other. With modern viewers, that's now possible to fix with any (modifiable) texture, using "alpha-masking" (and some threshold tweaking) instead of "alpha-blending"... but it does trigger "mesh-based" land impact calculations, so optimizing for that can be quite tricky.

Moving in the wind, however, is largely lost. There are some plants that use texture animation to appear to move around a bit, but yeah, it's mostly just the leaves and it's not at all in response to the "wind" that's shared across the sim. For a while there was a debug setting to get the Linden trees to move in the wind again, but I think that may be gone for good now.

(The Linden plants, however, have a dark side, too. They can get caught-up in a coalesced object, making it hard to find a place to rez. They don't link with other objects, which is inconvenient. They're really difficult to select in the Build tool. The grasses insist on growing at ground level, so if you mistakenly "plant" them in a skybox, they'll end up in unexpected places.)

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 Well it appears that linden discussed a bit about those one prim plants and trees but didnt really explain more than that.The least they could do is to create more of them if they wont divulge the secret. I feel glad that the swaying is long gone. It made me a little uncomfortable to see an entire tree, trunk and all swaying in the breeze, if a tree did that in real life I would be running!

Do you really think the knowledge of how to create the one prim objects that linden can would cause people not to buy the larger land?I know prims are important but I think that many people would still buy a lot of land they would just be able to fit more stuff. Imagine how much fun it would be not to worry so much about running out of prims?  I dont think they even cause that much lag like some other types of creations do.

There is another thing that bothers me too lol . Did I misunderstand the covenant rules and regulations attached to getting a free linden house? Did they really demand  that we not change our land or sell it?Does that mean I cant even edit my terrain on my land  if I get one of their houses? And if I want to sell my land thats too bad? I dont know about you but  I think they can keep their free house. You can get nice houses anywhere  and for a low price if you know where to look .Well did you know linden used to give away a cute free house to anyone when I first joined ? And then later on I think the others were only for premium members but they didnt seem to have any strings attached. You can still find them in freebie boxes online. I still have them in my inventory,





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Do you really think the knowledge of how to create the one prim objects that linden can would cause people not to buy the larger land?

Personally, I really don't think that; I've seen no indication that the Lab tries to inflate land impact to sell more land, but they do try for "fairness" to discourage over-use of features that lead to lag. The problem is that they have just the one lever, "land impact", but there's all different kinds of lag (viewer, network, sim, other servers) caused by a huge array of content factors.

And they have adjusted land impact calculation when it penalized content inappropriately. When Mesh was first on the main grid, a single script had a prohibitive impact on a multi-element linkset. We complained and they fixed it.

But they're also pretty locked-in to never increasing the land impact of anything already on the grid, lest stuff be spontaneously returned from over-full parcels. So, if Linden plants are actually laggier than they "should" be for their low land impact, there's not a lot the Lab can do about it -- just not introduce any new ones. (Well, that and reducing that excessive lag by removing the plants' wind response from the viewer.)

EDIT to add: Oh, you also asked about Linden Homes. Yeah, they're a quite different product from regular Mainland -- kind of land ownership on training wheels. They're certainly not for me, but some people prefer the simplicity. The thing is, a Linden Home isn't just a free house, it's also a hugely subsidized sim. The Linden Homes continents have a lot of landscaped space that's not assigned to the home parcels, and the houses themselves are rooted off the home parcels so the owner gets a full 117 prims to use for decorating, not having to spend any on a house.

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Wow you really know a lot about the issues of lag. I noticed when I came back to sl and started to build things, that a prim box can now become much larger then it used to. On some of the older things in my inventory I can now replace two prims with only one. Do you remember those big mega prims (also called huge prims)? I still have sets of them. Talk about lag creation, they were awful  and whenver I rezzed one people would freak out lol. Do they still use them anymore?


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Yeah, there are still some uses for the largest of the old megaprims. The current maximum dimension is 64m (used to be just 10m), but there are megaprims much larger than 64m, and so folks still use those. It's a bit of a lost art, however; in fact, prim-wrangling in general is a sport for us oldbies. (E.g., knowing two different ways to make a prim with five sides facing the same way is not so special when a perfect 8-sided Mesh is a minute's work.)

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the way to make new trees is public info. the big problem is that right now, it takes a viewer update to propagate a new species. for custom plant objects, LL would need to create a new asset type that contains the parameters now shipped with the viewer, and someone would have to write the viewer modifications to support them: at least the logic to read those new assets and run them through the LLVOTree stuff for display, and some kind of editor or uploader.

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When you say new trees do you mean mesh or the linden 1 prim? It would be nice if  the linden technology was an update or 2 away for all of us to share. I dont know much about mesh .  I came back to sl and it was everywhere. How long has it been around?  Can it be made as large as a megaprim? And the invisbility issue I assume is only for clothing right?  I havent bought too many prim clothes because I dont want to walk around looking like I have no legs or no torso like I see sometimes with others lol.



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yes, the kind of plant that would need a new asset type is the magic Linden type, not the new style meshes.

those are leftovers from primordial Linden World, before the company decided on the user generated content model. the missing editor probably has more to do with early excitement around "hey, we have parametric prims now!" than anything else.

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